Seventh Years: Lesson Five

Professor Kalif Styx leaned against the desk once more, with a new stack of parchments next to him, as well as the previous week's. It was the same layout as the previous week. One side with desks, and the other side was open with just a table for practice. Once the seventh years were in and settled, Styx waved his hand over the stack of parchment and sent them out to the rightful students. "Your study guides are returned to you with the correct answers, if any of you got them wrong to review for the NEWT." Once the students looked over their sheets, he repeated the wave on the stack of other parchment sheets.

Again, the students received another review sheet. "This one should be easier for you to recall as it covers your third and fourth year. Like last lesson, fill out the review sheet, and then practice any practical portion over at the other side of the classroom. You may only practice the spells you learned from your third and fourth year. If you need something conjured from me, you may ask for it. Otherwise, when you are done with your review, turn it in, and leave if you wish to not practice. Utilize your time wisely. Your NEWT is practical and theoretical." Styx folded his arms across his chest to oversee his students.
Assignment: RP the lesson. Study Guide is worth 5 EC points.

Year 3 & 4 Study Guide said:
1. Explain the limits of Transfiguration. Include at least two examples.
2. What spell turns a frog into a grasshopper (and back again)?
3. How would you turn a rat into a rabbit (and back again)?
4. Explain 'Clashing Magic'.
5. What is an animagus? What is required to register with the Ministry? What punishments are there if you do not register?
6. What is the incantation for switching spells?
7. What does a switching spell do?
Lennox had lost all hope that Transfiguration would be exciting for the rest of the year. The review portion had started. Of course, the Slytherin girl was reviewing. She understood the importance. Even though she was sure her perfect self would do wonderful on her NEWTs. Lennox still knew she needed to revise. But she would have preferred to do that one her own time. Attending a class just to go over past material was a complete waste of time in her mind. Something she would refuse to do if she hadn't been so worried about grades. So that was that. Lennox had to attend.

With a slight scowl she entered the Transfiguration classroom. To her even more annoyance, she was the first to arrive. She hated that. Now she was wasting more of her precious time. The Slytherin girl walked to the front room and sat down in her seat with a dramatic groan. She placed her note taking items on her desk, a little more loudly than necessary before crossing her arms impatiently. The rest of the class soon filed it, but it felt like it too forever for the lesson to begin.

Finally, the professor began. It really wasn't too long in retrospect, but Lennox didn't feel that way in the moment. She accepted the study guide and got right to work. She wished she could have already done this while she was waiting. Grumbling slightly to herself, she filled out the study guide. This information was easy enough. Stuff Lennox had gone over in her free time. She completed quickly before turning it into the professor. She headed back to her desk to pack up and leave the classroom. She could practice outside of the room and benefit herself more.
Rory couldn’t believe how much of the semester was already behind him and how soon he would be heading into the final Christmas break of his school life. It was a lot to think about and he tried not to dwell on it too much, there would be time for that later. He headed into his grandfather’s classroom for the penultimate Transfiguration lesson and took his seat. Professor Styx handed them back the previous lessons study guide with correct answers along with the new one. Rory got to work filling it out and when he was done he handed it in on his way out of the classroom.
Emmanuel walked into the transfiguration classroom and took his usual spot in the room. His gaze moved to the professor at the front of the class as the professor got started, going over what they would be doing within this lesson. Another study guide. He didn't mind this much, since it meant he was usually able to get an idea of what he needed to work on. The teen took the study guide as it was handed to him and went through it. It wasn't too hard and he didn't struggle too much with what the questions were asking. Eventually he got an answer down for everything, handed it in and then headed out of the room.
Chaos Zhefarovich the Second entered the Transfiguration classroom with a purposeful stride, taking in the familiar layout. The desks remained on one side, a clear space on the other for practical work. The seventh-year Slytherin's face remained impassive, though his mind was already anticipating the challenge of the day's review sheet. He took his seat near the front, eyes briefly scanning the room as Professor Styx waved his hand, sending the graded study guides flying back to their respective owners. Chaos caught his parchment effortlessly, glancing down to see his marks. As expected, he had done well, with only a few minor mistakes that he quickly noted to revise later. Another review sheet fluttered through the air, landing in front of him. This one would cover the material from their third and fourth years. It was a little fresher in his mind. Chaos set to work immediately, his quill scratching quickly but neatly across the parchment. The questions seemed straightforward, but he knew better than to rush. Once he was finished, he turned it in, and left the classroom.

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