Seventh Years: Lesson 3

Professor Killian Borisyuk knew that this lesson would be rather controversial, but he was a neutral party when it came down to the group. But the seventh years needed to know this stuff. After all, it would not be long until these students were out in the real world. Either they would succeed, fail, or just survive. Either way, it was no skin off his back nor did he hold any sort of attachments toward the students. Once the seventh years were in, he gestured at the door with his free hand to close the door. Killian did not know much about this topic, but he would not let it be known since he only heard about them when he moved to New Zealand. "Good morning, seventh years. I'm going over a rather controversial topic. But when you witnessed the Unforgivable curses in Defence Against the Dark Arts as fourth years, so let's get into it." To him, not much could compare to that.

He sat down behind his desk and leaned back in the chair, looking down at the students as he started, "You are all aware of who the Death Eaters were and what sort of things they had done under their leader, Voldemort. The followers of that snake-like man have either been imprisoned, retired, or just plain dead. Good riddance considering what they were responsible for. Anyway, there are others out there that seek chaos that aren't followers of a man that was obsessed with a teenager and scared of an old man, which will go to show that you may encounter these people as they are thriving to this day." Killian gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "The group I am referring to remains active to this day named the Scitorari. The Scitorari means 'those who seek knowledge', roughly translated from Latin. From my understanding, the Scitorari believe that the wizarding community is not using magic to its full potential overall."

Killian could not say right off the bat on their common beliefs or goals because the Scitorari were so much more complex than the simple-minded Death Eaters. "I didn't say immediately what they believe is hindering magic because the Scitorari have different groups that all believe something different, allegedly, from what I have heard. Maybe they are just one group, or hundreds of smaller groups united under one name. The best way to identify this group is a ring they all wear." Killian took out his wand and tapped the board for the the chalk to draw up a circle, but then finished off with an Ouroboros, which was a dragon in a circle swallowing its own tail. "This is their symbol. It is called an Ouroboros. Now, the Scitorari didn't come up with this symbol on their own as it has been seen in history. However, with how many groups there are, maybe they had. Maybe they have been around much longer than we know."

Killian let that sink in their heads before he tapped the board again to erase the drawing of the dragon to replace it with the homework. "This is the homework. Due by next lesson. Class dismissed." Killian motioned toward the door to let it open and free the seventh years. The Scitorari was such a complex group, and he had no idea that his brother was involved.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Extra credit: Write an essay over what you think the Scitorari's origin of magic might be. Opinion only, no research needed. Worth up to 5 EC points.
Emmanuel walked into the history of magic classroom and took his spot in the room. He had been enjoying this semester of the class, though he knew that they wouldn’t be doing too much more with it. The teen took his notes and quills out as the professor got started. He began writing down what the professor was saying, trying his best to get down what the professor was telling them about the death eaters and the scits. It was much more modern day, but the historical environments did still exist. The professor told them more about it and then the lesson was wrapped up and he was able to pack up his things and leave the room. .
Emery felt like everyone was looking at him all the time since the Valentine's Dance where Raawhiti had proposed to him publicly. He kept his head down as he took his seat in the classroom, not sure if he was imagining the whispers or not. He focused on the professor, who started the lesson by reminding them of Death Eaters and Voldemort. Emery grabbed his notes and started writing down what the professor said about the Scitorari, noting down the Scitorari were divided into different groups. He also took note of the ring the professor showed them and the symbol they used. He then noted down the homework before leaving the classroom once they were dismissed. This lesson had been interesting, but Emery had been too distracted to really absorb it all.

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