Seventh Years: Lesson 2

Professor Killian Borisyuk was behind the desk, with his arms crossed over his chest, as he looked down at the seventh years as they entered the classroom. His expression was like it always was - stern and cold. He was always so serious and rarely cracked a smile. Even with a lesson like the one he was about to teach them, there would not be a smile out of the part-giant. Once they were settled, the door closed with a gesture and Killian could start the lesson. After all, this would be going over not just one conflict but two, as well as the effects that it had across the centuries. "Greetings. Today, I will be going over the Goblin Rebellion and the Giant Wars. You will need to take notes because this will be on your NEWT. Unless you want to gamble just remembering it, then it is up to you." Killian made a small, careless gesture with his hand.

"The Goblin Rebellions in history refers to a series of rebellions where the goblin population revolted against wizards and witches because of discrimination and prejudice toward their kind. Most of these have occurred in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. All of the rebellions are described as bloody and vicious, as there were heavy casualties from both sides. There was one instance in 1612, where a rebellion took place around Hogsmeade Village and the Three Broomsticks Inn was used as a wizard headquarters for the rebellion. Unfortunately, this was not the first or the last of the goblin rebellions. Another occurred in 1752. The aftermath of this rebellion left a Minister for Magic to retire named Albert Boot, and then another one to leave when the goblins allied themselves with werewolves. Couldn't imagine why goblins would do that since it wasn't like they had a lot in common." The last part, Killian was obviously being sarcastic due to how the wizards and witches ostracized the werewolves as well as the goblins.

Killian folded his arms across his chest and continued, "There have been a number of attributes to why the goblins rebelled, and I'll list them. Perhaps it was because of the lack of wand privileges; maybe a lack of goblin representation on the Wizengamot, and even trying to enslave them like house-elves. When you look at all of these factors, who wouldn't want to rebel against the discrimination and prejudice that existed? Before I ask you to use your heads, I'll move on to the next conflict: the Giant wars." This subject was one that was a little touchy for him because this involved his own ancestors and kind, but it had to be said. And, Killian would not sugar coat it in either direction. "Now, the Giant Wars took place in the nineteenth century that involved heavy casualties as well. While the wars have ended now for the giants and the wizards, there was some benefit to the wars as the results have informed the wizards and witches on how to stun a giant. After all, if a lot of magic doesn't work on me, imagine a full-blooded giant. That is useful information."

Killian paused for a moment, as he put his arms behind his head to continue with the lesson.
"As you may recall, giants were involved in the wizarding wars, causing devastation wherever they went when they allied with Voldemort. They are dangerously violent, but that has not stopped others from reaching out to try to strengthen the relationship between wizards and giants. The inter-species relationships between giants, goblins, and wizards have been strained at best, and historically terrible. Now, I want you to think about today's age and look around. Have things improved? Will there be another goblin rebellion or a giants war? Goblins are still unable to have wands, but they have representation at the ministry. Those with lineage that come from both might still face scrutiny for being part-giant or part-goblin. Yet, a werewolf ran for Minister not long ago here in New Zealand, and I had no issues becoming your professor. As long as things continue going in the right direction, perhaps there won't be senseless wars."

The part-giant gave a shrug of his shoulders and added, "Can't say that about full-blooded giants though, since if they are confined, they will fight and kill each other. At least, that is what it is said in the textbooks since I haven't seen it myself." Killian took out his wand and tapped the board for the homework to write itself for the seventh years. "That is the homework, due next time we meet. Class dismissed." Killian snapped his other hand for the door to pop open for the seventh years to leave.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Extra credit: Write a short essay over your opinion on what contributed most to the goblin rebellion, and how things are better today. If you think they are not, tell me why. Worth 5 EC points.
Emmanuel had been pretty grateful that the yuleball had gone as well as it had, and was determined to make sure that the valentines day stuff did too. He just wanted to get this right, wanted to do right by Kyon in all of the ways that he just hadn’t been able to yet. The ravenclaw was getting himself together for the day, putting aside some of his thoughts on the valentines stuff and focused more on getting his notes and books together, making sure that he grabbed his homework and everything else and then headed out of the dorm and to class.

Emmanuel walked into the history of magic classroom, sitting eagerly at the front and with his books and notes in front of him. He glanced at the professor and then took his quill as the professor told them to. He began writing down what the professor was saying about the goblin rebellions, he knew a little about these, but admittedly not much, they were much later than his typical view of history. He then got down what the professor said about the giant wars, which he knew even less about and wondered what this man would personally think of them, but he stayed pretty objective in them. With that the lesson was wrapped up and he was able to pack up his things and leave the room.
With the Valentine's Dance coming up, Emery felt a little distracted. He hoped it would be a fun time with Raawhiti, but he was increasingly worried about him. After the way the match had gone, he wondered if Raawhiti was going to be okay. He was consdidering going to the counsellor, but he wasn't sure if it would do any good.

The boy headed into the History of Magic classroom and sat down. Professor Borisyuk started his lesson on Goblin Rebellions and Giant Wars and Emery quickly started taking notes. The rebellions were fairly interesting, and Emery couldn't help thinking the goblins had a point. He noted down the one rebellion got the minister of magic to retire and that in another rebellion they allied with the werewolves. The Ravenclaw took more notes, dipping his quill in the ink to keep going as the professor moved on tothe giant wars. It was a lot of information, but thankfully it all made sense to him. When the lesson was over, Emery blew rolled up his parchment and put it in his bag, then he left the classroom once they were dismissed.

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