
Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Kalif Styx could not believe his ears as the two students left the stage, after one was revived. The words coming from Misha's mouth were nothing more than a death warrant. Kalif was a prized duelist during his school, and rumored to be the best in the family of his. Kalif sighed, before he spoke to Misha in a cold tone, "Are you certain you want to show the kids how to duel, seeing as they are doing fine on their own." Kalif thought that they were, and that Ivaylo was doing all right teaching the students.
Misha had suggested it and there was no taking it back, he was no duellist and he certainly wasn't very good at that kind of magic but he would definitely give it his best shot, "Yeah, it'll be fun," he assured the sour man with a bright and friendly smile, knowing that in a duel Kalif would most certainly win and he'd come out of it not well at all, but where was the fun in that, "They are doing fine, but come on, any opportunity to show them how the adults do it," he felt like the other man probably didn't need more persuading than that, and Misha knew he might die, but it wasn't like he'd never done anything before that had p1ssed off the Defence against the dark arts teacher.
Current Points: 150

"Fine," Kalif said, as approached the stage. He stood at the north end of the stage, and took a bow. It wasn't something that he was fond of doing, but whatever it needed. He took out his secondary wand, the one that he used more or less around the school. His main wand, the darker wand, stayed within his robes until he was ready to take it out. Kalif held it at his side, and waited.
Action(s) Taken: None
Point Changes: 0
Points Remaining: 150

Current Points: 150

Misha was somewhat glad that the older man had accepted his offer to duel although he was now regretting his choice a little, specifically as the man took out his wand. Misha took off his suit jacket, and discarded it to the side, before rolling up his sleeves and joining the other man on the stage but on the south side of the stage. He bowed to Kalif as was proper technique and then took his wand out of his trouser pockets and then without hesitating much he decided to start the fight, sending a Instant Scalping hex with word-less magic.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145

Current Points: 150</COLOR>

Kalif saw the spell coming at him, and waving his wand, he cast a silent Protego. It protected him against whatever Misha threw at him. Kalif's lips remained stiff, much like his body. And this was only the beginning.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-5
Points Remaining: 145

Current Points: 145

The charms professor was hardly surprised when the man managed to protect himself from the spell that he'd sent but was more surprised when no spell seemed to be thrown back so Misha decided to just throw another spell, the man cast another spell, Deprimo, once again opting for wordless magic.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 145</COLOR>

As Misha continued to throw spells at him, Kalif continued to toss up a shield spell, without speaking a word. He had a strategy, and that was foolproof. While he was blocking spells, he was looking at Misha's form. Where the weak points are. What would be the best to hit.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-5
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 140

It was almost a little frustrating how easily the other man seemed to be blocking the spells but sending nothing back, and it was hardly fun for Misha, but he decided that perhaps it just required a little taunting, "Come on Professor Styx, it's no fun if I'm the only one trying," this probably really was the wrong thing to say and he followed it by casting a silent Aguamenti at him, and allowing the water to jet easily out of his wand, hoping to get a reaction from him.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 135

Current Points: 140</COLOR>

Kalif listened to Misha taunt, and then cast Aguamenti. True, it might not have been fun for Misha. Kalif swiftly put his wand into his right hand, which was foreign. He deflected the jet of water while his free hand dove into his robes and withdrew his main wand, one never before seen by the professors. This one was moderately stronger than the other one. Kalif aimed his new one toward Misha. "Indeed. And now I know how to strike." Kalif then cast a strong Reducto in the way of the professor, as a start.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 130

Current Points: 135

Misha was certain this duel would be a mistake, his counter part had likely been doing defensive magic when Misha was barely a twinkle in his parents eyes, but it was just boring if he didn't fight back, so he had egged him on, and was unsurprised when the man switched wand hands and brought out a second wand. Misha wasn't even sure this was allowed, but he decided to roll with it, barely managing to put up a shield in time but felt the clear strength in the spell as it hit. Misha knew then this probably hadn't been his brightest idea but he would have fun with it regardless, "Now we're talking!" he yelled out with a bright and overly energetic smile on his face. But wasted no time at throwing back a confringo at the man, sure that he would have no issue in blocking that
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell twice
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125

Current Points: 130</COLOR>

Kalif noticed that Misha seemed surprised. Not many people knew, other than family, that he dueled with two wands. He looked really excited, but once more, Kalif deflected the spell, while, waving his other wand to cast Expulso. When he cast this, it was never aimed at someone but rather their legs to blow them back. As much as he would love to kill the man, it was best not to do so in front of witnesses, or rather, students.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 120

Current Points: 125

Misha figured if he was going to lose this, and very possibly die in front of an audience of students that he might as well just have a bit of fun. If he didn't die then that would be the silver lining. The charms professor was unable to stop the sheer force of Kalif's spell, sending him flying backwards and while his body ached a little from it, his pride hurt more, he pretended to flex as he got back to his feet and then hid all of his emotions in an energetic smile, "Oft that hits as hard as the whiskey I got you for your 20 year celebration of teaching," the man commented shaking his arms before firing back, a silent diffindo at him.
Action(s) Taken: Got hit by spell, Cast spell
Point Changes: +15, -5
Points Remaining: 135

Current Points: 120</COLOR>

This man was hit by the sheer force of his spell, and Kalif was holding back for his sake. The last thing that people needed was a dead Charm professor laying at his feet. Then again... Kalif shielded himself from the spell, before casting a powerful Reducto in the professor's direction. Perhaps he shouldn't even hold back. Perhaps Kalif should really teach the man where he stood.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells, Spell successful
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-30
Points Remaining: 90

Current Points: 135

Definitely a mistake, it seemed like whatever spells he threw this man was just so much stronger than he was, far far better at this. Misha didn't particularly want to die in front of many of his students but he would be too dead to really care. Misha barely managed the protective shield to block the mans spell, and he could feel the force of that, "My god man, do you have an eight pack under all those robes," Misha was visibly sweating and weaker by far, continuing the humor to make himself feel better about how terribly he was losing this. However the fight was not lost yet and he cast a quick, Levicorpus at the clearly better dueller.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spells
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125

Current Points: 90</COLOR>

The sheer fact that this man was still standing was due to the fact that Kalif had been holding back. He did for a good reason. Kalif waved his right wand and the spell Misha cast didn't even come close to him. Kalif decided to cast a confringo. It was getting difficult not to use sectusempra on the man. Kalif was fond of that spell, and it would end the duel. But that was dark magic. For now, Kalif decided to inch more and more punch behind his spells. Sooner or later, Misha would give in.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 80

Current Points: 125

There was nothing he could do to stop the spell which the other man hurtled at him, he was sent flying back, and landed on the ground hard. He could feel bruises forming already on his body as he slowly pushed himself up off the ground and stood. He swayed slightly and let out a long breath, "Tell us how you really feel about me," he muttered to himself, this was pointless he was never going to win, "Stupefy," he muttered, albeit pretty tired now, and definitely sure he wasn't going to last much longer
Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, Cast spell, pride hurt
Point Changes: +10
Points Remaining: 135

Current Points: 80</COLOR>

Kalif noticed that Misha was still getting up and trying to fight back. Kalif narrowed his eyes. 'What the hell is this guy, a cockroach?' thought the professor as he debated over the spells. Based on the one that Misha sent at him, he was getting tired. With a wave of his arm, the spell was deflected. "I am not going to hold back anymore, Haden. I'm done playing around." Kalif wasn't known for playing around to begin with, but he was not going to hold back anymore. Kalif sent a deprimo toward him.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-20, -10
Points Remaining: 50

Current Points: 135

Misha couldn't quite believe how much stronger Kalif was than him, Misha had never been a dueller admittedly but he'd never thought of himself as this bad. He was worn out and exhausted and he was barely able to conjure a shield to deflect the spell cast his way, and it was then he bent forward slightly and took a moment to gather back his breath, ignoring how vulnerable this made him.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 130

Current Points: 50</COLOR>

That was the end of the duel, but Kalif didn't think that it would be over until he saw Misha laying on the floor. Kalif decided that he should just end this with a powerful spell. Kalif lowered his secondary wand, not needing it for now. He pointed the other one and sent a silent Reducto toward him. If things worked out in his favor, Misha would be blasted into the wall behind him. A little far behind him.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-5
Points Remaining: 45

Current Points: 130

Misha knew the battle was lost as he just felt like the fight had been torn out from him, usually quite cocky he tried his best to play things off but he couldn't with this. He stood up as straight as he could, just as the spell hit him square in the chest, sending him flying back and hitting the wall, and promptly passing out as his head hit the wall.
Action(s) Taken: Hit By Spell, Pride severely wounded
Point Changes:+15
Points Remaining: 145

Kalif put his main wand back into his robes, as with his secondary wand. He scoffed as the professor was passed out. Tempting to leave him there though. Kalif debated over what he was going to do. Kalif shrugged his shoulders and decided to leave the stage for now. He left Misha Haden on the floor to tend to his own wounds. It was as of no burden to him.

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