Kasey heard all the giggling and the three first years persuading each other to tell their crushes bust she coudl hera them.SHe thought she knew whose Zzazuka's crush was but didn't want to ask her about it infront of Ana-Cole because Kasey didn't know if Zazuka would like her secrets to be revealed ifront of Ana-Cole."So four tickets that is"she said as she took out four tickets and handed each to one of the girls."Its not only food and dance, there are competition an dprizes too"she reminded happily "and of course valantine day is for any kind of love not the like like love only"she said with a smile."You can come with friends or alone,which I would recommend.I wouldn't like seeing anyone alone in an event organized by the "Friend Finder Club"she said with a smirk."Thanks for the help and buying, are you going to stick aroudn for helping??"she asked.
(If anyone is from the FF club plz tell me so u get a free ticket, i can rememeber the list!By the way Mike's comin to help so do u think he'd ask you?Who likes him, Ellie or Harri, forgot,five pages to remember))