Open Searching for Dance Partners

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Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (18)
Emmanuel arrived at the great hall for the valentines day dance excited. He still hadn't asked anyone to these dances, though he had really considered asking Penelope. But he hadn't, and Emmanuel was at the dance alone. The ravenclaw had dressed well. He was never one to not do so for these dances. He just liked coming to them, spending time with a friend if he could, dancing and having a blast that way. Emmanuel was just wandering around the hall, just looking for something that he could do at this dance, or someone that he might be able to spend time with.
Rion peeked at the couples from behind a stone planter, where she had spent the last ten minutes trying and failing to work up the courage to join them. Her sudden and crippling attack of shyness frustrated her. She'd thought she was over all this. But it turned out that, without Ruby there to defend her, she was still the shy little girl she'd always been.


She had spotted the leader of the history club. Ducking under an errant vine, she shuffled up to him, her cheeks reddening. "Hi," she said. Was it obvious she had been lurking? Before Emmanuel could think too hard about where she'd sprung from, she said, "I'm Rion. You know that. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry I haven't been at the club much this year. I really, really like it, and I've learned so much, and it's so cool, but..." Merlin, why was she telling him all of this now? Luckily, she'd stopped herself before she'd told him the whole truth. That certainly would have lowered the mood.
"Sorry. Bad time?"
Emmanuel immediately turned when he heard someone say his name. He was surprised to see it was a young girl from his club. "Hi Rion," he said in greeting after she had re-introduced herself to him. He wouldn't say anything about whether or not he did know that. "Of course not!" he said. He was always happy and eager to talk about the club. "Would you like to sit and talk?" he offering, motioning to a spot a little away from where he was stood where it might be a little easier to chat.
Rion followed Emmanuel's gaze, picking at her fingers. "It's OK," she said, with some effort. "You must be waiting for someone..."
Emmanuel shook his head. "I'm really not, I'm just, watching," Emmanuel said. He always wanted to talk about the club and was always keen to speak with people. So he wouldn't mind taking time out of his dance to speak to her.
"Oh." Me too, Rion thought, but she would sooner have died than admitted it. Especially to Emmanuel. "Well, I was going to ask if there'll be another meeting soon? I'll be there this time, I swear. I got an A in History last semester, and I know that's not great but I would never have even got that if it hadn't been for your club."
Emmanuel was glad that he had managed to get her to talk about what she wanted to talk about, and he smiled when it was really about how the club had helped her. ”An A is amazing! I'm very glad the club could help.” He praised happily. ”And I'm planning the next meeting to be very soon.” he replied, he had been thinking about though not set any specific date yet. ”But if you need any extra history help, I'd be happy to give you some tutoring?” Emmanuel loved history, and he loved helping others with history.
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