Rowan Baros

Rowan Baros

the reason and the blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core
R O W A N ✻ K Y L I E ✻ B A R O S

the truth is bulletproof, there's no fooling you I don't dress the same
me and who you say I was yesterday have gone our separate ways



Theme // Biography // Aesthetic // Relationships

Lyrics from we used to be young by Miley Cyrus
Dividers and bio coding by Clairey
Wand from
Last updated 27/07/24


left my living fast somewhere in the past 'cause that's for chasing cars
turns out open bars lead to broken hearts and going way too far

Rowan Kylie Baros
American English
Unable to produce
12th July, 2035
Pure Blood
Obsidian Harbour
Hogwarts New Zealand
Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand
Did not graduate
Azalea, Izaak, Lukas, Zennon, Elsie, Grace
Nadine and Wyatt Baros



Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core



September 4th, 2062

That's it then. All it took to destroy my life was just six words. I should have seen this coming honestly.

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B A S I C ✻ I N F O R M A T I O N ✻ E X P A N D E D
i know i used to be crazy i know i used to be fun
you say i used to be wild i say i used to be young


Name Details
Full Name
Rowan Kylie Baros

Name Etymology
Rowan: The name Rowan is derived from the Gaelic name "Ruadhán," which means "little red one." It can also refer to the rowan tree, known for its red berries and its association with protection and magic in Celtic mythology.
Kylie: Kylie is derived from the Gaelic word "caol," meaning "narrow" or "slender." It has become popular in English-speaking countries, often associated with the meaning "graceful" or "beautiful."
Baros: The surname Baros is of Greek origin. In Greek, "baros" (βάρος) means "weight" or "burden." It is often used metaphorically to denote significance or importance.

: ROH-an
- "ROH" rhymes with "go."
- "an" is pronounced like the "un" in "fun."

Kylie: KYE-lee
- "KYE" rhymes with "sky."
- "lee" is pronounced like the name "Lee."

Baros: BAH-ros
- "BAH" sounds like "ba" in "bark."
- "ros" sounds like "ross" (the "o" is pronounced like the "o" in "cost" and the "s" is pronounced as in "see").

So, "Rowan Kylie Baros" is pronounced: ROH-an KYE-lee BAH-ros.

Rowan has a couple of nicknames she has gone by in her life. Typically there are many people who simply call her
Ro, which is a simple name that is just a simple variation of her longer name. This is what most people call her. As a joke she also once went by Rrrrrrooowaaaaaan - but that was her nickname from Elio, and due to circumstances she no longer answers to this nickname. Additionally to this, she also once went by the nickname baby girl, but has not gone by this name for some time.

Legal Name Changes
Rowan has never legally changed her name, though she had considered doing so on multiple occasions to match Elio. Before they broke up, she'd had papers written up to legally add Zephyr to her name, but these papers have since been lost as she no longer requires them.

Birth & Residence
Date of Birth
12th July, 2035 - Rowan and her twin sister Elsie were born only minutes apart and as Elsie was the eldest, for a long time Rowan had never been without her sister. They were born just before the stroke of midnight which is said to be good luck, but Rowan has never felt particularly lucky, nor does she enjoy her birthdays anymore.

Obsidian Harbour, New Zealand. After Zennon, all subsequent Baros of this line were born at their New Zealand Manor home, it has since been sold after Zennon and Sam decided to live their own lives, the money was split between all of the siblings and they each received significant portions.

Kiwi-American - Whilst both of her parents are American born, Rowan herself was born in New Zealand, which makes her a New Zealand citizen, but due to the nature of her parents citizenship, and the fact she was raised mostly in America, this also makes her a citizen of the U, hence she is a Kiwi-American.

Blood Status
Pureblood - both of Rowan's parents Nadine and Wyatt had magical lineage on both sides of their families for as far back as anyone can count. This makes Rowan a pureblooded witch.

Area of Residence
Rowan is currently without residence for the moment.

Previous Areas of Residence
Baros Manor - aged 1 - 11
Hogwarts New Zealand aged 11-16
Obsidian Harbour aged 21-28

Due to her upbringing, Rowan speaks with a mid-western American influenced dialect, but will also use a more New Zealand, South Island, set of vocabulary rules as well due to her time at Hogwarts New Zealand. Her native language is English, but there is some variation in this.

Rowan's accent is influenced both by her mid-western upbringing and by her time spent in New Zealand. Her accent is still distinctly mid-western, but there is some variation and some words or pronunciations that exist mainly in a New Zealand set. Recently she had began to allow certain dutch vocabulary practices to enter her speech as well, as she was slowly learning the language in secret for some time.

Education & Occupation
Schools Attended
Hogwarts New Zealand - they decided to send her after some discussion. Her brother had already gone to New Zealand so she and her twin were sent to go, along with her younger sister Grace.

Hogwarts House
Rowan was sorted int Gryffindor.

Favourite Class
Astronomy - this was her favourite because it was the class that she and Elio had first started to grow close, they used to share a blanket and spend most of their time together. There was a period of time where they didn't sit together, but it was not a long period of time. At that moment the class was her least favourite.

Least Favourite Class
Divination - after her sister was killed, divination became something of a heated debate for her. She wanted nothing to do with anything based in the future.


Learned Credentials
Degree in photography - lifestyle and portraits

Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core

Suitability for Rowan Baros

  • Wood Type - Cherry: Rowan's personality is deeply rooted in authenticity and bravery, which aligns well with the characteristics of cherry wood. The wood's balance of strength and flexibility complements Rowan’s fierce determination and unwavering commitment to her goals. Cherry wood’s warmth and strength reflect Rowan’s passion and intensity, resonating with her ability to pursue her objectives with relentless energy.
  • Core - Vampire Blood: The rare and potent vampire blood core adds a layer of depth to the wand’s character, reflecting Rowan’s complex nature and her affinity for powerful, possibly dark magic. Given Rowan’s fiery temperament and intense emotional depth, the core’s association with strength and intensity suits her well. It highlights her willingness to embrace challenging and ambitious aspects of magic, matching her pursuit of goals with determination.
  • Flexibility - Rigid: Rowan’s rigid wand fits her personality traits of pride and fierce determination. The wand’s rigidity suggests precision and control, aligning with Rowan’s desire for order and her often unyielding approach to her ambitions. This aspect of the wand suits her well as it matches her strong will and focus, providing her with the stability and force needed for complex and impactful spells.
  • Overall Suitability: The Straight 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core complements Rowan Baros’s powerful and expressive nature. The wand’s attributes align with her core values of courage, wisdom, and determination, while its dark and rare core matches her affinity for intense and ambitious magic. The wand’s characteristics provide Rowan with the precision and strength necessary to channel her considerable magical abilities effectively.
Photography previously, but currently unemployed

Health & Physical
Physical Condition
Rowan appears slightly skinny, though it's clear she's fit. Her skin is a warm, olive tone, hinting at a diverse heritage. Rowan's hair is dark and wavy, often cascading down her back in a way that gives her a carefree, adventurous charm. Her eyes are a deep, piercing blue, filled with curiosity and a hint of mischief, often giving the impression that she is constantly analysing and absorbing the world around her. Rowan's facial features are sharp and defined, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline softened by her expressive eyes and warm smile. Despite her generally casual demeanor, she carries herself with a certain confidence and poise, indicative of someone who has traveled extensively and faced numerous challenges.

Her attire is often practical yet stylish, favouring comfortable, well-worn clothes that are suitable for travel and exploration. She has a penchant for earthy tones and natural fabrics, which complement her adventurous lifestyle. Rowan's hands are calloused and strong, evidence of her hands-on approach to life and her work as an explorer and caretaker. She is known for her warm and engaging personality. She is approachable and friendly, with a knack for making those around her feel at ease. Her conversations are often filled with fascinating anecdotes from her travels, and she has an innate ability to listen and understand, making her a cherished friend and confidant. Despite the hardships she may have faced, Rowan remains optimistic and resilient, always ready to embrace the next adventure with a smile.

None that she is aware of.

Rowan has good vision, though she sometimes wears glasses when she's reading.

Rowan is not aware of any allergies though dust and smoke trigger her asthma.
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A P P E A R A N C E ✻ A N D ✻ P E R S O N A L I T Y
you tell me time has done changed me that's fine, i've had a good run
i know i used to be crazy that's 'cause i used to be young


Appearance Details

Basic Appearance
Rowan Baros is slightly smaller than average in both height and general body size, giving her a petite frame. Standing at 5'2" at her tallest, she embraces her small stature and doesn't try to enhance her height. Naturally a brunette, Rowan often dyes her hair blonde to distinguish herself from her sister Elsie, as they look quite similar despite not being identical. She has crystal blue eyes, which she finds "common" and wishes she had her sister's brown eyes instead. Rowan is physically fit, and her body bears several tattoos: a Capricorn symbol on her right wrist, a semicolon behind her ear, an "xoxo" on her index finger, and a tattoo dedicated to her father on her right shoulder. For several years she has slowly been adding to an intricate sleeve design on her right arm that unfolds the story of her life. Recently she has added both a bee and a camera to the patterning, but they are clumped away from the rowan branch she also has as a self representation.

Resemblance to Parents
Rowan has inherited a unique blend of features from her parents, and thinks she won't eh generic lottery for the most part. From her father, Wyatt, she has inherited a strong jaw line and well-defined facial features. Her petite stature and athletic build are reminiscent of her father's fit and sturdy frame. Her blue eyes, although she finds them common are striking and add to the intensity of her gaze, of which she shares with her father.

From her mother, Rowan has inherited a sense of individuality and flair. Her naturally brunette hair, which she often dyes blonde, hints at her mother's influence, as Nadine is known for her iconic and ever-changing hairstyles. Rowan's vibrant personality and expressive facial features, including her warm smile, are also a reflection of her mother's lively and charismatic nature.

Despite her smaller stature, Rowan's presence is commanding, much like her parents. Her tattoos add to her unique look, blending the influences of both her parents into a style that is entirely her own. Her Capricorn tattoo, semicolon tattoo, "xoxo" tattoo, and the one dedicated to her father are all expressions of her personal journey and the love and connections she holds dear.

Hairstyle and Type
These days, Rowan's hair is often either left loose down her back, or it's pulled back into a small bun at the back of her head. This is often pulled tightly to disallow stray hairs to get in the way. When she wants a change, she occasionally styles it into loose curls or braids, maintaining a balance between casual and put-together. Though she feels this is often a lie.

Rowan had striking blue eye that are vivid and expressive, it's hard for her to truly deceive someone when they are looking her in the eye. Despite her personal dislike for their commonality, these eyes are a standout feature, giving her a captivating and intense gaze. They reflect a sense of depth and curiosity, often betraying her keen observations and emotional undercurrents. The bright blue of her eyes contrasts with her petite stature, adding a unique aspect to her overall appearance.

Rowan has a warm and engaging smile that lights up her face. Her smile is both genuine and inviting, often reflecting her friendly and approachable personality. It has a way of putting those around her at ease, showcasing her warmth and openness. Her smile can range from a subtle, knowing grin to a broad, radiant expression that enhances her already striking features. It is a key aspect of her charm, complementing her expressive eyes and making her presence memorable.

Personality Details

Describe your character in five words
Stubborn, Violent-Prone, Protective, Caring, Resistant

Rowan has a very intense and passionate view of life, often seeing it as a whirlwind of chaos around her. This perspective can lead her into trouble when she becomes overwhelmed or reckless. She is highly expressive and gets deeply absorbed in her emotions, which she feels profoundly and struggles to keep under control. Her brutal honesty, while often refreshing, can sometimes come across as harsh and hurtful to others. Rowan is relentless in her pursuits, displaying a predatory determination when she desires something, which can make her appear uncompromising and stubborn—a trait her family affectionately acknowledges.

Despite her intense nature, Rowan knows how to ground herself with a variety of calming hobbies such as photography and poetry. These activities provide her with a sense of balance and relaxation. She tends to resist change and prefers to micromanage her surroundings, as she often feels unable to control the aspects of her own life. This need for control can strain her relationships, as she tries to manage others to compensate for the lack of control in her own life.

Rowan is complex and hard to get to know because she is reluctant to open up about herself and her experiences. While she enjoys the company of others and is affectionate with those she loves, she finds forming and maintaining relationships challenging. She values simplicity and strives to keep her life manageable by limiting her close connections, though she fights fiercely to maintain those relationships she does value. Her trust is difficult to earn and even harder to break. Despite her fears of rejection and public humiliation, which she goes to great lengths to avoid, she believes strongly in giving multiple chances and is fiercely loyal to the people she allows into her inner circle.

Interests or Hobbies

  • Poetry: Rowan has a deep passion for poetry, using it as a way to express her complex emotions and thoughts. She finds solace and meaning in crafting and reading poetry, which helps her navigate her intense feelings and provides a creative outlet.
  • Photography: Photography is another hobby Rowan cherishes. It allows her to capture the world through her own lens, preserving moments and emotions in a tangible form. This hobby complements her love for expressing herself and observing the world around her.
  • Honesty: Rowan takes pride in her commitment to truthfulness and authenticity. She values presenting herself genuinely and acting without pretense, ensuring that her interactions are sincere and straightforward.
  • Love: Rowan deeply values close relationships and cherishes connections where care and sharing are reciprocated. Her affection for others is heartfelt, and she finds great importance in maintaining meaningful bonds.
  • Perspective: Rowan possesses a unique ability to provide wise and insightful counsel. Her perspective on life is grounded in her own experiences and understanding, allowing her to offer valuable guidance and make sense of complex situations.
  • Humour: Rowan enjoys bringing joy to those around her through laughter and playful teasing. Her sense of humor helps her see the lighter side of life and brings smiles to others, enhancing her social interactions and making her a delightful companion.
  • Fatal Flaw: Rowan’s wrath is her fatal flaw. When angered, she becomes incredibly difficult to calm down and pursues her objectives with relentless intensity, often to the point of being unforgiving and unyielding.
Major Flaws:
  • Pride: Rowan’s strong sense of pride can sometimes lead to arrogance or dismissiveness of others. Her self-assured nature may come off as overly confident or presumptuous.
  • Fierce: Her fierce demeanor can make her confrontational and challenging to deal with, particularly when she is passionate about something. This intensity can strain her relationships and interactions.
  • Cruel: At times, Rowan’s blunt honesty can be perceived as cruelty, especially when she is highly invested in her views. Her directness might hurt others despite her intentions to be honest.
Minor Flaws:
  • Dependent: Rowan may sometimes rely on others for emotional support or validation, potentially leading to a sense of dependency.
  • Flirty: Her flirtatious behavior can complicate her relationships and interactions, sometimes creating misunderstandings or conflicts.
  • Overprotective: Rowan’s tendency to be overprotective can stifle those she cares about, reflecting her fear of losing them and possibly impacting her relationships negatively
Values and Driving Force
  • Courage: Rowan highly values bravery and the ability to face challenges head-on. Her courage drives her to confront difficulties and stand up for what she believes in, even when it’s not easy.
  • Humanity: She cherishes compassion and understanding towards others. Rowan is deeply committed to empathy and kindness, striving to make a positive impact on the lives of those around her.
  • Wisdom: Rowan respects the pursuit of knowledge and insight. She values the ability to provide thoughtful advice and guidance, both to herself and to others, using her wisdom to navigate complex situations.
  • Transcendence: She is driven by a desire for personal growth and self-improvement. Rowan seeks to understand herself and the world around her on a deeper level, striving to achieve a higher state of understanding and fulfillment.
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L I F E ✻ A N D ✻ F A M I L Y
take one, pour it out it's not worth crying 'bout the things you can't erase
like tattoos and regrets words i never meant and ones that got away


Family and Relationships

Relationship Status
Currently, Rowan considers herself divorced, though she has never been legally married. For a period of time over a decade from 2050 to 2062, she was in a very complicated and intense emotional relationship with Elio Zephyr, but the pair finally had a fight that seems insurmountable, and Rowan took it upon herself to end the relationship and to take the blame. She feels this is her fault and that she can't ever really give Elio what he needs. On September 4th, 2062, Elio Zephyr and Rowan Baros ended their twelve year relationship and Rowan decided to take it upon herself to leave completely.

Rowan believes herself to be demisexual. She has so far not found herself to develop any kind of intense feelings for anyone without first having a pre-established relationship with them. She does not believe this affects her choice in gender, but as her only official relationship was twelve years strong and with a male partner, and she has not tried with another, she can't say that for certain and has instead, for the moment, sworn off of all relationships at all.

Immediate Family
Parents: Nadine and Wyatt Baros - Rowan shared a close and loving relationship with both of her parents. Her father, Wyatt, was a significant figure in her life, and despite their occasional disagreements and Rowan's assertiveness, their bond was strong. After Wyatt's death, Rowan found herself reflecting on their relationship with regret, wishing she had spent more time with him. On the other hand, Rowan’s relationship with her mother, Nadine, was equally deep and affectionate. They enjoyed numerous activities together, such as shopping and discussing life, which fostered a close friendship-like connection. Nadine played a crucial role in Rowan's upbringing, including teaching her to use makeup. Their shared understanding and similar traits further solidified their bond, making Rowan’s relationship with her mother one of her most cherished connections.

Eldest Brother: Lukas Baros - Rowan and Lukas do not communicate frequently. They exchange letters occasionally but have different interests that make it challenging to connect. When they do spend time together, they generally talk about their current activities and family matters. Rowan tends not to share her photography interests with Lukas, as he finds them frivolous.

Older Brother: Isaak Baros - Isaak and Rowan have more in common than they initially realise. They keep in touch via owl, sharing updates about their respective interests—Isaak with Quidditch and Rowan with Divination and Photography. Their interactions are filled with humor, and they enjoy each other's company when they are together.

Slightly Older Brother: Zennon Baros - Rowan is closest to Zennon among her brothers. They share secrets and have a deep understanding of each other. Their close bond allows them to confide in one another, though their differing interests mean they spend less time together outside of school.

Eldest Sister: Azelea Baros - Rowan and Azelea maintain some contact, but their relationship is not very close. Azelea’s single-mindedness and strong opinions can frustrate Rowan. Their interactions are limited to occasional letters, and Rowan does not actively seek to deepen their relationship.

Twin Sister: Elsie Baros - As twins, Rowan and Elsie had an exceptionally close relationship. They were inseparable and supported each other through various life experiences. Rowan was fiercely protective of Elsie. The loss of her twin was a profound blow to Rowan, and she struggles with the grief and self-blame associated with the incident.

Younger Sister: Grace Baros - Rowan has a loving relationship with her younger sister, Grace. Although they have different interests, Rowan enjoys being a big sister and is protective of Grace. She tries to shield Grace from the harsher realities of life, aiming to be a supportive and caring presence.

Priscilla Ducklington - she is a bespeckled duck, granddaughter of Matilda Ducklington Rowan's Transfiguration class rescue. She loves Priscilla with everything she has, and that's not much anymore. But she tries.


Life Details

Rowan attended Hogwarts New Zealand from her first to her sixth year when she dropped out due to stress.

Best school subjects
Astronomy (until her sixth year) and Care of Magical Creatures. Rowan paid a lot of attention in these subjects, finding them particularly engaging.

Worst school subjects
Subjects that don’t engage her interests, such as Potions or subjects requiring extensive theoretical work that she finds less stimulating.

Current Job
Rowan is, as of this moment, unemployed. Up until recently she ran a photography business with her best friend, but since they broke up so spectacularly she has wiped her name off of everything and left it all to him.

Plans for the future
Rowan currently has no plans for the future. She simply intends to focus on existing.

Rowan's Patronus was once a lion, but she no longer knows as she is no longer able to produce a corporeal Patronus and believes it to have changed.

Patronus memory
When Rowan was still able to produce a Patronus, her memory was a cherished one of rescuing Matilda the duck and the joy of having her as a companion. The act of caring for and bonding with Matilda represents a time of warmth and fulfillment in Rowan’s life.

Losing everything.

She doesn't know.

She's not registered as an animagus, but if she was, she thinks it would have been a wolf.
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left my living fast somewhere in the past and took another road
turns out crowded rooms empty out as soon there's somewhere else to go, oh


Start of school year 20XX - 20XX



text - place and who

End of school year 20XX - 20XX


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