Revolution Part 2

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Hayley Elridge

🐍 Grad 49 | Snarky | Artist | Punk 🔥 Revolutionary
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
The next meeting of the revolution is up here!

This meeting is, as arranged (quite a while ago, sorry, thesis-writing ate all my time), meant for those who want to discuss Hayley's ideas, and bring ideas of their own. It's invite-only IC, but Hayley wouldn't turn anyone away who wasn't totally hostile. If you want in and you're not on the list below, please post in this topic.

This topic is explicitly intended for reasonable, peaceful discussion. Disagreements are encouraged, but I will NOT have literal violence again. Feel free to be mean to people, but be aware that Hayley will probably throw you out if you do. I'm open to the possibility of this going badly wrong, but if you have an idea in that direction communicate with me.

I intend for Hayley to act as chairperson for this meeting; she'll join in and facilitate the discussion, but she won't be controlling it. I live in New Zealand and need to sleep, so there will be times I can't post; this format is intended to allow things to keep going when I'm not around.

The original explanation of what this is about is available here. The original revolution thread is here.
The List said:
- Hayley Elridge
- Harley Tsuji
- Aurora Night
- Rose Holland
- Geovanna Volt
- Maggie Ryan Rosendale
- Lilyanna Hope
- Sara Benivieni
- Lavinia Benivieni
- Lenore Harvelle
- Camila Woods
- Kinsey Wilde*
- Felix Urie
- Aleksandra Kaster
- Zennon Baros
- Ainsley Lynch*
- Zoe Tsuji
- Godric Kingston
- Brooklyn Vacarius
- Maise Verdereau
- Alexis Sage Kramer*
- Asaiah Murphy
- Eamon Tulloch
- Frankie Tillington
- Corrine Lagos
- Camille Hall

(asterisks indicate conditional involvement with no aggression)
No worries :) I'm not really keeping track of who's not on the list any more, just as long as the people who do want to be involved let me know
Topic Closed and Archived
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~The HNZ Site Staff
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