Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Elvera's house was not a normal house. It had been built by her grandmother as a way to hide near the institution her mother had been committed into. it had been built in such a way that it was built into a small hill, or maybe a hill had been built over it. either way. she had heard it described as a hobbit hole by a Selene who had been reading an old muggle book.
She had taken a week of work from the shop to spend with the girls whilst they were home from school. This evening there would be another occupant of the house. She had recently been in contact with her cousin and she was over for the evening. It had been ages since she had seen Maya and she had forgotten how easy it was to be around her. yes, she had Eden and Lilith. but they were both busy with their own lives. Eden always seemed to have secrets and even though she was elveras other half, her twin she had grown more and more unreadable over the years. as for Lilth. she was busy in France with her job in the ministry and family. they still got on well when they met but things were getting less and less common. Maya had always been similar to her. somewhere between the extremes of her sister's personalities. more laid back, conversation and laughter often flowed freely when they were together. tonight was no exception.
They had just had dinner and Elvera returned from the pantry with a summer pudding made with fresh berries that the girls had spent the previous morning picking and a dish of cream and another of ice cream. It had been a warm bay and the kitchen window was open to let in a cool evening breeze which was tinted with the smell of roses and honeysuckle. 'who wants pudding before bed" she said it was quite late and almost the girls bedtime a long day spent playing outside had made both of them tired. but she knew that they would not go to bed without having pudding.
Maya raised her hand, pretending to be a student back at Hogwarts. "Oh, I do, I do," Maya smiles softly, teasing her dear cousin and twin daughters. She imagined that's how they behave when they were younger, Maya hadn't a clue how witches their age behaved these days. From what she can tell, they seemed sweet and well mannered. Of course, this all could be a front since they had a visitor this evening. Maya still can't believe Elvera became a mother, she would've sworn Elvera would have ended up working in the ministry in one of their departments. If Maya had to guess, in the Unspeakable Division. That wasn't the case, and she was glad she had been wrong in predicting her future. For one, Maya didn't have the natural talent that as of seer, and her cousin seemed to be doing amazing raising the twins all by herself. She seemed to be a natural, born to have play the role of a mother to two young beauties. Except, she was no starlet and motherhood doesn't spring on someone overnight as Maya so like to assume. If she had learned anything from caring after Lucca, it was a lot of hard work and patience. With Lucca it was easy though, he just knew what he wanted and didn't make much of a fuss for Maya. It's not to say he wasn't trouble, he had his days. Maya sat quietly, fixing her sleeves up to not get them dirty after Elvera served her some summer pudding. "It looks great, I wouldn't even know how to fry an egg. Nevermind this," Maya went on commenting on her cousin's delicious looking dish. Lucca really should stop by if he could, he was missing out if he didn't.
it was the holidays. Selene was happy to be home. She had had a great day. this morning she had played outside in the meadow as Helianna had flown around on her broom. and she had played in the sun. after lunch, she had had a nap which was usual before helping prepare the vegetables for dinner. It was now it was dinner time and they had a guest. it wasn't often her mum had visitors for dinner. only those from her circle. but this wasn't any of those ladies. not Bridget from Scotland or Rosie and Siobhan from Ireland. not that she had seen Siobhan for years. apparently, she had moved away and changed her name again.
no, this was a different visitor, a better one. She could not remember meeting her mum's cousin, her aunty Mayer before. but apparently, she had done when she was very little. It hadn't taken long since she had arrived for her to trust her. she felt more like her mum than her mum's siblings aunty Eden and aunty Lilith. They had just had dinner of roast lamb and vegetables. they had finished and she knew what was coming next. at the mention of summer pudding a grin spread across her face she copied her aunt and put her hand in the air. "yes please." she said. she had picked some of the berries that had been in it the previous day when they had all gone to a berry farm. they had also eaten a lot of them. "I am sure you are exaggerating. It is not hard to make, probably easier than frying an egg" she said.
She went to get some bowls ready for the pudding. "oh mum. please, can we stay awake longer" she asked a slight wine in her voice? it was only just after midsummer. and it was still twilight outside even though it was almost nine. if she went to bed now she might get a few hours sleep before waking up. but she wanted to spend more time with her aunt.
Elvera laughed as her cousin acted the same as the girls when it came to pudding. "pudding it is." she said. She watched as mays watched the girls and she wondered what she was thinking. it had been a long time since she had seen maya. but she was glad that they were now back in touch even if the reason they had contacted each other had not been a pleasant one. she put the plate on the table as she pushed back a memory of the man in the shop threatening her. no. she was not going to think about that. today was a happy day. she used a serving spoon and added the pudding into a dish for each person. slightly relieved that it didn't collapse like it sometimes had a tendency to do. she then waved her wand and a bowl of cream and another of vanilla ice cream made its way to the table.
she was a little surprised as selenes outburst. It was usually her who wanted to go to bed early. and who was the less argumentative one. whilst helia and her had had some classes over the time Selene usually didn't argue. "yes. bed after pudding it is late and you need sleep. You hardly slept last night. and two hours this afternoon is not enough" she said. she hoped that the girls wouldn't argue and would go to bed. whilst this was true. selene really did need more sleep. she was only just starting to not look like a vampire with rings under her eyes. she also wanted some time to talk to her cousin without the girls aroud. to talk about things that she may not necessarily want them to know. "If you ask aunty Maya nicely she might be able to stay for breakfast tomorrow" she said. looking between the girls. she had already told maya she could stay and made up the spare room. she hoped the girls would want her here too. Helia was like her cousin and she hoped that she would be able to inspire her some way in a way that she didnt seem to be able to do. she was much more of a free spirit like her dad than Elvera and Selene ever were.
Maya laughed, Selene was a cheeky little thing. Maya could sense that she may be wise beyond her years. If they hadn't told her, she would assume Selene ended up in Ravenclaw, like Elvera and Maya did when they attended Hogwarts. Ravenclaws can detect when one of their own was amongst themselves, or so many of them like to believe when they're chatting away with their kind. Heliana seemed quiet, from what Maya could gather, Heliana liked flying. Maya wonders in silence if the girl will enjoy quidditch and be the very few in her family to take alike in the sport. Maya wasn't a fan of playing the sport, but she did attend American games with Lucca once in a while. It was their excuse to get themselves out of the shop back in Salem, now, she won't be having that much free time since she returned to her post as auror again. It's a miracle she was able to get down here to visit her cousin on such short notice. However, Maya didn't mind making the trip. Maya didn't mind at all after missing her cousin's stress signal on her ring. The stone had not been on her finger when Elvera sent them out. Guilt motivated the trip, but she would've come anyway. Maya loved Elvera liked the sister she wished she had, it was that kinda bond. The one even after so many years being away, they were like old friends again in each others company. Maya will do anything for her cousin, so yeah, the guilt was alive and present.

"Let's just say your aunty Maya can't cook for all the galleons in the world," Maya chuckles, winking playfully at both girls. "I think I may have inherited my mother's talent in cooking things until it's a lump of coal," Maya jest, laughing at her own failure in the kitchen. Lucca would've put his own two cents in if he was here, knowing his sarcastic butt. Maya smile dropped a little, concern lines were noted on her forehead. "Aw, someone not sleeping at night? I'm sure it's because of the break, Elvera. I know with Lucca he used to stay up all night until dawn when it was summer break for him. He wouldn't get out of bed before noon," Maya shares about her little brother. "Must be a teen thing," Maya smiles at them both. Maya grabbed the small bowl of summer pudding and dug in with the twins and her cousin. It was amazing and sweet. The hold didn't last and it was very fruity, but she enjoyed every bite. "Goodness, it's like a work of art for my tummy," Maya hums, taking another bite.
Selene shook her head when Maya said that she was a terrible cook. "I can't believe that. but if you are you should come to dinner whenever you can make it. mum is a fantastic cook" she said she hadn't had much experience of other peoples cooking but her mums and the house elves at Hogwarts. but she knew that there were some dishes that even they could not get as well as her mum.
She heard the conversation turn away from being with her to about her and listened to what her mum's response to the question would be. she knew that the lack of sleep was not because of her being a teenager as she had struggled to sleep as long as she could remember. or because she was excited o be home from school because she was just as bad at school, if not worse because she sometimes wouldn't even try to sleep because she knew she would wake her dormmates up. instead, she ate her summer pudding with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the top. the strong fresh berry flavour was delicious. she knew why it was called summer pudding. eating it always reminded her of summer, picking fruit and playing outside. she could almost picture it as she ate. she reached the end of her bowl. and took a small bit more from the main pudding. there was still plenty left and somehow her mouth was not satisfied with just one portion. "I am glad that you like it me and Heli picked the berries for it yesterday" she said. trying to decide if she should stay quiet or join the conversation in order to stay less noticeable. She decided that she would be better off quiet. because if shew as part of the conversation they would know she was there. but if she was quiet they may forget about her and heli. unfortunately, her plans were stifled by a large yawn that escaped her mouth. she glanced at her aunt before glancing at her mum to see if they noticed. not that there had been any mistaking the sound. she finally looked at heli an apology in her expression. it would be her fault that they would both be sent to bed.
Elvera took her own portion of summer pudding and added a dollop of cream. you could not go wrong with a good dollop of thickened cream on the dessert. "I am sure that you can cook better than you let on" she aaid in respon to the she ate it slowly her mind wandering aimlessly thinking about how nice it was to have maya here. and how glad she was that she got on well with the girls. She had missed her cousin. and she hoped that they would not lose contact for so long again. she got that her life was busy just like elveras had been but tonight was a reminder of how important it was to make time for family. as maya tried to explain away Selenes sleep patterns as just being a teenage thing she absentmindedly shook her head. glancing at her oldest daughter to see if she was going to say something but her attention seemed ot be very much focused on the pudding. "if only it was that simple." she said. "Lena has had problems sleeping ever since she was small" she said. " she would wake up from them screaming. she still does, but she is betting better at controling it when she waked up, even my quiet night tea doesn't. help." she said a slight tone in her voice she wished her daughter didnt have nightmares. ot that she could take them from her. it hurt to see her daughter suffer from something she didn't have to. but there would be no way to test them unless she encouraged it and he had tried her hardest to direct Selene away from all things related and into herbology instead. b"I think you need to go to bed soon before you end face first in your pudding" she said. looking at the two girls. heli looked tired, but the kind of tired you should expect to see from children who had to spend the day playing outside in the summer sunshine. Lena, on the other hand, looked almost ill although the lighting certainly seemed to contribute to the bags under her eyes.
Maya chuckles, nodding over at Selene and Elvera. She tells the small Ravenclaw that she will consider coming more often. Not promised her, but that she will try to make the trip whenever deem possible. Everything needed some second considerations, she really wanted to move up ranks in the auror department. She may have been one before, but she was starting at square one at this point. Maya listen intensively to Elvera, she had been joking about the teenage part, but she became gravely concern hearing the real truth. "Night terrors? Sleep paralysis?" Maya said the first thing that popped in mind. "That sounds horrible, everyone deserves a good night sleep," Maya sympathize with Selene. She peered over at Heliana and wonder if the girl went through the same struggle. It didn't seem like it as Maya silently observed the blonde where she sat, they were both lovely girls, but she could recognize the difference now between them. "It's great, thank you for all your hard work girls but I think your mom is right. Time for bed, especially you," Maya tiled her head sideways, gently reaching across the table to squeeze Selene's hand. "Maybe I'll bring some tea from Salem to help the next time, a natural sleep sedative tea. I could bring some?" Maya glance over at her cousin, offering the tea from her mother's shop. She'll make the trip if it meant helping Selene or anyone else in her family.
Selene was actually becomingtired. a full stomach all finished off with sweet pudding and she was feeling like she would fall asleep soon. when her mum said it was time to sleep she was not going to argue. Heli was grummbling enough. she stood up the legs of the chair scraping against the stone floor. and she made her way out of the room. Heli begrudgingly coming with her.
she went to the bathroom and changed into her pyjamas before heading back through the kitchen and got two glasses of water. "Goodnight. it was great to meet you aunty maya" she said. She gave her aunt a hug before heading to the bathroom before heading back the other way out of the room and up the stairs to where their bedroom had been added to the house down a short corridor. she climbed into bed and her eyes were shut before her head hit the pillow.
It was dark. and she was walking through a woodland. except it wasn't a normal forest. these trees were brambles. with thick sharp barbs. it was a maze. to add to the problems there was fog everywhere and the sound of monsters or was it people crying. it was like in sleeping beauty where the prince had to save the princess from the castle. she rounded a corner and there was a figure there a monster maybe but with a sing song voice but she couldn't catch what it was saying. she was just getting close enough when she woke.
she mustn't have been asleep long. she could hear hell's breathing no far away. and she could tell that her sister was awake. "helli what time is it" she whispered. "you have not even been asleep five minutes" came the response. "I was in the forest in sleeping beauty where the prince is trying to find the princess but it was all foggy and there were monsters and brambles in the trees" she whispered. "do you want to go and listen to mum and Maya? it sounded like they wanted to get rid of us" came the response. do you think they will be talking about something interesting" she whispered. "remember last semester when the stones spoke. mum was asking Maya for help. do you want to know what happened. I am sure mum is keeping secrets from us" heli replied. Selene rolled over and sat up. "she probably just needed help moving something, but okay, I am not tired any more" she whispered. she didn't believe her own argument. but she didn't want to think that her mum was keeping secrets. She got up and the two of them snuck across the room and opened the door quietly. slipping out onto the landing. there was a short wall blocking the line of sight from the kitchen if they crouched. but the sound of voices was crystal clear over the top.
Elvera watched as the girls went to bed. they left the kitchen going into the bathroom to get ready. "did you want some tea" she asked waving her wand and bringing a teapot across the room. the girls returned and gave Maya a hug before heading upstairs. She was a little worried about the girls. Selene with her nightmares and Elvera hoped that they were not the kind she thought they were and going to bring her a lifetime's worth of sleepless nights. Heliana always seemed to rebel against her and was one for pushing boundaries. at home it was safe but she hoped that the girl wasn't going to push the wrong person too far. she was glad that they both liked Maya. she had always gotten on well with Maya. probably better than with her sisters. while she and Eden had been close at school after she had married they had settled into very different lives, lives that didn't necessarily work well together. at least she hadn't fallen out with either of them the way they had with each other. as for Lil, they got on well, but she was busy with her work in France and Praneil's work in India so they never really get to see each other. as she was thinking about this she poured the tea into the cups.
once she had heard the bedroom door close she turned to her cousin. "how is everything going on in your life?" she asked. they really hadn't done this in a long while. I see you are back working at the ministry" she said. She had seen a snapshot of that one day but had not managed to tell what department she had been in or what she was doing.
Maya smiles fondly over the girls as they headed off to bed. Maya hugged Selene and Helianna when they came back to say goodnight, "It was nice meeting you both. Wish we had met sooner," Maya embraced them a little tighter then let go. She promises they will be seeing more of her, not all the time but she will definitely keep in touch with the girls. She had to be, Elvera didn't say much about the stress signal that was sent out but Maya felt there was more to be said about the situation. She didn't make it on time to help, but she would like to know what happened. Maya rejected the tea, "If you have some caffeine that would be great, otherwise I'll be knocked out before you tell me anything." Maya's Americaness coming out with her cousin. Maya likes tea, but it's not something she drank all the time. "Life is life, I can't complain. We have a roof over our heads and food to eat. Lucca finishing his last years of school," Maya shares with her cousin. "You saw that?" Maya nods, proud she was able to return to something she always loved doing. She knew after Haden Cullen's death and her father's troubles with the law she wanted to be something Haden would've been proud of and someone her muggel father would never get along with. It worked out perfect, becoming an auror was exactly she wanted, she is exactly where she wants to be. "We can talk about me some other time, what happened Elvera? It's driving me insane not knowing, cousin...."
Elvera chuckled as mays asked for something with caffeine. "I think i have some coffee here somehwere" she said opening the cupboard and looking inside. "hmm" she hummed. "Accio coffee" sometimes a little magic made life so much easier. one of the other cupboard doors opened and a pot of coffee came flying out. "I knew we had some somewhere" she said. as she poured two cups of drink, one coffee and one tea. the difference between the two's upbringing clear in that small difference. being brought up in the UK vs the USA. She listened as Maya encountered the goings on of the rest of the DeNiro's "seventeen years on and I am still surprised that Gwen had Lucca so late" she said. "does he know what he wants to do after he leaves school" she asked. Elvera nodded as maya asked if she saw her in the ministry. "only very briefly. as quick as blinking. just a snapshot. I didn't get to see where in the ministry you were working. just you there with a tag on, ate you back at tthe auror department?" she said.
it didn't take much thought to figure out what Maya was referring to when she asked what had happened. "it probably wasn't anything too exciting" she said. feeling a little guilty that this was what she wanted to talk about. it was not as epic a story that she knew some of hers were. "A man came in threatening me and asking where to track down an old friend of mine. and he didn't believe me when i said that i was unable to find him" she said. "I was very grateful when a lady walked in she caught the man by surprise and then walked off. she took a sip from her tea as she could see Maya digesting some of that information.
Maya put a hand up, telling her cousin she didn't need to go through all that trouble for her. She has done enough with dinner and dessert, Elvera had made her feel quite welcome. Elvera did so anyway, and Maya thanked her cousin. "I know, I guess it's not the same with muggles and witches women, huh? Like, they age differently," Maya made that observation. Maya cupped the mug and took a sip of coffee, she had it straight black. No cream, no sugar. It kept her a bit more alert if she drunk it this way. Though it was bitter in taste, and it took a bit of time as her tastebuds become acquainted with the taste. "I left him the shop if he wants it, but for now he around here, probably. He likes his motherland than Salem, it seems," Maya smiles, that reminded her to check on their mother and see how she was doing with the healer aid looking after her. The older witch wouldn't move from her home, so Maya arranged the help to assist her mother with daily living. "I am, it was time I return. No better time like right now," Maya said with concern hinted in her voice, drawing her attention back to Elvera. "Exciting, more like frightening," Maya corrected her, she became much more concern now as her cousin did not see it that way. "An old friend? That's horrible, did you get a good look of his face?" Maya is pulled in with dozens of questions now bouncing around her mind. It's frightening, it's horrible but she will not let Elvera live in fear. "Are you okay, are you alright?"
Elvera nodded as maya speculated that some things were different between muggle and magical women. "I had never thought about it that way. Magical medicine is also far superior to the muggle counterpart" she said. there was a potion for everything. and broken limbs and injuries could often be healed in seconds. she took a sip of her tea as Maya said that the shop had been left to Lucca as he liked being around home. she nodded she didn't really know Lucca well at all, the had hardly met the boy, and only briefly when he was very young. "It is always a good time to return. I have also put in an application to return to the school but I haven't heard back yet" she said. it had been her conversation with Stefan in the eye that had seeded the idea of returning to the school. she had considered applying for the arithmancy post when that had been advertised. but when she had seen divination come up she had no reasons not to apply.
as the conversation moved on to the events that had resulted in her sending out an alarm. "yes. he was demanding I told him where he was, even though I said he had just been someone i had met at the school, but who I hadn't seen in over a decade. he threatened me and then" she paused and glanced at the landing upstairs she could see the top of the girls' bedroom door. it was shut and she hoped they were asleep on the other side of it. "then he threatened the girls. I don't know how or even if he was bluffing. but he shouldn't have known. I have never told anyone." she said. the memory of the event tangling her thoughts up a little but she didn't even notice if they made sense or not. she took another sip of her tea to calm her thoughts back into some semblance of order. "the man, I had never seen before. he was tall and had long dark hair, and was some kind of ethnicity i couldn't place. but he had an American accent" she said. "I am okay. I was shaken for a few days, but feeling a lot better now." she said. in response to the last question. it was different saying things out loud. she had told morgan the basics but not that much detail. it felt like a weight had been lifted from her.
up on the landing, the twins were sitting listening with bated breath. talk about the family that they had never met didn't interest them at all. The first thing that caught their attention was their mum saying that she had applied to return to the school this resulted in a scowl from heliana who which Selene just shook her head slightly in response through the meaning of the shake was unclear. The next part of the discussion was what heliana had been hoping for. news on what had caused the alarm signal. someone threatening their mum asking about someone she had been to school with but not seen for years. that was weird. the sound of the voices dropped slightly and they both had to strain to hear. heliana wished she had some extendable ears but also knew she wouldn't be able to use them without being seen. they almost missed the next bit. them being part of the conversation. THEY had been threatened. Selene looked to heliana worry across her face. heli had picked up on something else. a secret. her grey eyes gleamed with excitement wondering what it was.
Maya smirks, "Good news for us, maybe more to you than me. Although, I haven't seen much of my father in the mirror," Maya shrugs. Her cousin can interpret that whichever way she wanted. She got the blonde hair from her mom and maybe the hazel eyes from her dad after a few decades past, otherwise, she could pass for a young thirty. Or someone in their late twenty, give or take. Maya didn't bother with mundane stuff, wizarding world was more busy and chaotic for her to care about wrinkles and crow feet forming on her skin. Her vanity was never a thing she worried herself over. "That's great, Elvera, it's good that you're not letting whatever that's troubling you stop you from getting out there," Maya tries to be supportive, but she dreadfully worried for her cousin. The concern grew greater as Elvera kept informing her of that day. Maya tightens her grip over the cup, steadying her nerves from getting to her. "I knew there was a reason I came back, I just had this feeling. Something was telling me to go back to New Zealand, I was trying to ignore it and I j-just..." Maya took a much needed breath, she needed to calm down. She hadn't been the witch of the past, the way she used to be when dealing with issues at hand. Maya from the past would've blamed Elvera somehow, someway from getting attacked. Although she never been awful to Elvera, it was the men in her past that she had been terrible. And this man, whoever he was wouldn't see the light of the day had Maya gotten over to the shop. Maya from the past would've behaved irrational, no, she can't be this way. Maya lowered her voice, "Well, it's good that you're alright and the girls are safe. I promise I will be around more often, you have my word. Okay?" Maya outstretched her hand to squeeze Elvera's, to bring out a sense of solace when her cousin needed it the most. "I'm just wondering how did he know about the girls....and they know nothing?"
Elvera smiled. good news for both of us i think"[/b] she said. the comment about not seeing her dad in the mirror confused her a little. sue guessed her cousin meant that she had more traits from gwen than from her dad. she certainly had more from morgan. not that hse knew who her dad was only a name. She smiled as Maya complnented her on her application. "I hope i get the job. I really do enjoy teaching" she said. the job had been to take the third and fourht years in divination they were her favorite years to teach. where they were doing the course for enjoyment not because they needed to have a particular grade for their future job. also the years with her favourite curriculums.
she could see Maya tense as she talked about the events in the shop she put her hand on her cousins. "you don't need to worry about me. I am okay, i wasn't hurt." she said. she had got out of there alive. a few minor injuries maybe, but noting a couple of simple charms and potions couldn't fix. but mainly she had just been shaken. she put her arms around her cousin and held her in a hug not realising that there were tears on her cheeks. She nodded as Maya said that it was good that they were all okay. and that she would come and visit more. She wasn't sure if it was the warm feeling of someone beside her or the comforting squeeze of her hand but, the tears began to flow silently down her face as if they had just been airing for permission before. "you don't have to visit us as an obligation to look after us. but you should visit because you are family and it has been far too long since we last saw each other" she said. wiping her face with her sleeves. the next question made her think for a moment. she had put a lot of thought into the subject when she had been alone in the shop. she had two main possibilities. "the main reason i think was that he thought that the girls were my biggest weakness. that threatening them would be the best way to get me to talk." she said. if that was the case he would have been right. "the other thought was the reason we promised never to speak of it. protection. not just form his fiance but from the people who were after him" she said. she had a sudden flashback to that night. She had been in this very house. in the next room across as morgause passed on leaving her to carry the family. the night they had been attacked outside the tower and she had half carried the man she had loved up to the top and healed him. the only time she had ever. she cut her thoughts of there. this was not helping. "They know nothing. as far as they are concerned it was beltine when i met their dad, and by the time I learned I was pregnant, there was no way to track him down. and I want to keep it that way. it won't do them any good in knowing anything else" She said totally unaware that the girls upstairs were listening to every word she was saying.
Maya's heart breaks for her cousin, she was just grateful to be here to support her. To be here when she needed her the most, Maya embraced her tightly. Fresh tears streamed down her cousin's face, Maya can only imagine what she was going through. Maya wasn't bothered at all feeling the tears wet the blouse she wore, she rubbed Elvera's back and continues to soothe her. "Nonsense, it's my job and as your cousin, I will always be here for you," Maya reassured the witch. Maya wanted her to trust and believe that she will always have her cousin's back. That her words weren't empty promises, and she would take action of any kind to keep them all safe. Maya wiped some tears away with a soft napkin she retrieves from the kitchen counter. Maya handed it over and smiles weakly at the woman as she continues to explain it more in depth to her. "Do you have any photos of them around the shop by any chance? I'm wondering if he was keeping tabs on you or something," Maya pressed on, Elvera didn't make it clear enough for her to understand. It didn't make sense. Maya is left out from the backstory, she still unclear how this man came into Elvera's life, to begin with, and disappear? Sort of like how Elvera came to be, both the twins and Elvera shares that in common. Seems like the men who meet a Ley Fey woman end up leaving them pregnant and alone at the end. "Right, okay. But you know they'll ask about him one prepared when they do."
Elvera sat up and felt Maya drying her face. it wasn't a large gesture but the sentiment behind it and the comfort of not having to hold things up made her want to cry again. but she managed to stop herself. She loved her cousin. She was always there when she needed her. and there was no tension like there was between the le fey sisters at times. "Thank you, Maya. and you know I am always here if you need me. being a cousin isn't just a one-way relationship" she said. She may not be as strong, or as much of a fighter as the rest of the people in her family. but she would always do anything she could for them and in many ways, Maya was closer to her than Eden or Lilith. after all, she had been Mayas cousin before she had been Edens twin after all.
Elvera smiled wetly as maya moved from sister mode to work mode almost like a switch flicked in her head. "there are a couple of small ones near the register. but they are not large or really on display" she said. upstairs Elvera didn't hear the girls pull faces at each other. the picture that she had in the shop was one that neither of them liked. it had been taken a couple of years ago just as they left for Hogwarts all dressed up in their uniforms looking excited. it was a cute picture but not one that gave the impression of them being cool. Elvera smiled when Maya said that the girls would ask about their dad one day. "they already have, and I always tell them I don't know who he is, he was a one night fling and by the time I found out I was pregnant I had no way of contacting him" she said. she was not usually a fan of lies but it had been to protect them. It had gone along so far that she could not change it without being suspicious. She did find herself tripping up. just the other day heliana had been playing on her broom and she had said that she must have clearly inherited her dads flying ability only realising a moment later what it implied and quickly adding on that there was no way it had been inherited from her as she had less grace on a broomstick as an elephant. having kids was something she had never expected to happen. but when she had her two daughters she just wanted them to be happy and safe and she had done what she had felt necessary for that to be the case.
Maya smiles, though it's force on her lips. Maya had not intended to come on too strong and overly protective. It's how Elvera describe the confrontation, Maya couldn't help but be overprotective with her cousin and her two daughters. And it was her job after all, Maya was suppose to keep those in New Zealand safe, and that included her cousin and the twins. If she was failing to protect them, then she was failing at her job. "I know, but it's my job, and you deserve to feel safe at your shop. You and your employees, and if the girls had been there," Maya stood up and started to pace back and forth, that had cross her mind again. Maya wanted to apparate the hell out of there at the very moment and go hunt down the a*shole who dares threaten the life of another. Maya's hands were shaking, she had to claps them together and then ball them in a fists to keep them from shaking. "He should be praying to the heavens......if they had been there," Maya fumes over the ordeal. "Let me catch my breath, I think I down too much of that coffee," Maya laughs, sitting back down next to her cousin. Maya shook her head, "I don't understand this family sometimes, so you lied to them or told them the truth?" Maya didn't want to judge her cousin's methods, but lying just means more lying. And telling the truth can be discouraging to those of young minds. It's a complicated situation. "I trust that you know what you're doing, Elvera. I know you do," Maya quickly apologized by squeezing her cousin's hand again. She can be so stubborn and naive, it's probably why she never had children of her own. Maya wouldn't be half the mother her cousin was, though, she had been caring for Lucca ever since their mother became a little ill. Their father had passed away five years ago, good riddance. Lucca was self sufficient for the most part, but there were times when Maya had to put him in his place. "Otherwise, everything fine right? You're running a shop, might become a professor again, and the girls are healthy and safe. I'd say that you're good."
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Elvera could sence an energy coming off maya. a tension around her. "Don't stress Maya. you do a fantastic job." she said. "the girls were not in trouble I would have seen it coming if they were" she said. that was an interesting thing the sight. people she was close to she found it hard to see intentionally. however when things important came to their future they would jump into her head no matter how well her walls were held up. where as strangers she could focus on easily but they hardly ever came in uninvited when she had her walls up.
Elvera felt mayas next words sting. "I told them what they needed to know. what would keep them safe" she said. "It may not have always been the truth. but it may well have been" she added. feeling slightly defensive. she was the only one who knew who the girl's dad was. It was a secret she had held inside her heart for years, the only man she had ever loved. the man she had thought loved her back. but the ,man who had left her for Edens perfect best friend. the truth wouldn't do them any good now. if he was still alive how could she tell him that he actually had two girls. and how could she tell the girls that actually she knew their dad all along but he had died. maybe it wasn't the real truth but it was a truth she had constructed and believed in so much in order to protect herself. not physically but her heart.
When she had been younger Morgaus and Morgan had hidden things from her, not told her about her twin and sister. had tried to suppress her powers. she ad not done anyhting like that to the girls. she didn't ever want them to be apart. different houses were good for them to let them grow but they were still together a lot of the time. She didn't want them to take up divination but she was not going to stop them if they did. even as the teacher she couldn't stop them. especially as the teacher she wouldn't be able to stop them. mayas words were making her try and rationalise her decisions which was something she hadn't done before. which made her doubt what she had done. but there was no way she could tell them the truth straight out now. it was far to late and she had already spread out a web to protect herself but she was starting to get a feeling that she was going to soon get caught in it. she squeezed her cousins hand back. a sort of pensive melancholy squeeze if that was such a thing. she wanted to take her mind of what a bad mother she was becoming. "Other than that we are all good. how have you been, and I mean really been?" she said. even though Maya ahdnt had children she knew she had practically been the mother for her bother Lucca. and she was looking after Gwen too.
Selene had been listening as the adults talked. She didnt knows what to do. She didn't want to hear what she was hearing. but didn't want to move. she curled herself up in a ball and wrapped her arms around them and rested her chin on her knees. her head was spinning with the information as if trying to compartmentalise all all of it into their proper places. she didnt want to think that her mum had known who their dad was all along but had never said anything. She hadn't thought about finding her dad, she had never missed out on someone who was as much some distant concept than an actual person. she had always taken for granted that he was long gone and there was no way of tracking him. now she suddenly felt like she had missed out she could have had a dad. she wondered what that was like. she tried to picture him flying with heli or reading them a bedtime story when they were little but it was hard to picture when she didnt know what he looked like. she looked at Heliannna. she too looked shocked but more in a slightly smug way. she could almost hear her gloating that she had told her so. and there was no truth to it when Elvera had said she didn't know who their dad was. she felt her head start to throb. a headache starting. she knew she would not get much more sleep tonight now. not between the headache and the inevitable bad dreams. she looked at heli and shook he said and pointed to the door behind them her silent message clear. I cant listen to this any more I want to go to bed she didn't dare move. she didn't want to attract the adults' attention she would stay where she was if heli still wanted to listen.
Maya fell silent, it was all too much to take in and consider. It didn't matter, no amount of trouble will stop her from caring about Elvera and the twins. She had the same stubborn loyalty her mother seemed to possess with her father. The man could do no wrong in the witch's eyes, that's why they've lasted for so long until he passed away. Maya didn't understand that loyalty back then, but she was slowly understanding it now. Maya needed to understand that not everything was perfect, as adults things were a lot more complicated. More complexed. Maya gave an exhausted sigh, leaning over onto her cousin's shoulder. She would shut her eyes and rest them for a little while. "I think I'll be spending the night," the witch spoke lowly, she was tired and exhausted. The food was filling but the attack and the depth of their conversation wiped her out. Maya hugged onto her cousin, a sad wary smile found her lips. "We can talk about me some other time, I rather relax and eat more of that yummy summer pudding," Maya nonverbally charmed the rest of the summer pudding in front of her with two spoons for them to use. Maya handed a spoon over to Elvera as Maya sat up and dug into the pudding like a kid ready to eat a pile of sweets, Maya enjoyed the summery scrumptious treat.
Elvera smiled as her cousin said that she would be staying the night. "I thought you might, the spare room is all made up for you" she said. That had not required any kind of special abilities. only the knowledge that she and Maya got on well and conversations between them often only stopped when one of them was about to fall asleep or there was some other distraction. she smiled when Maya summoned the pudding and some spoons across the table. she smiled. the girls would miss out on pudding for breakfast but she would make another tomorrow for the next day and she was sure that that would more than make up for it. She dug in and took a spoon full of fruit. it almost felt like they were teenagers again. she put her arm around her cousin and rested her head on her shoulder chewing as she rested there. after the emotional turmoil of the conversation, it felt good to just be normal and she felt like she could breathe a little easier after sharing some of her worries and some secrets that had been weighing over her for years even if she didn't really share the details.
as the conversation that had been listening to seemed to digress into something else she looked at heli and nodded before crawling back towards their room silently slipping in through the door. her twin followed her they were silent as they slipped into the room. she stopped by the door and slowly shut. she held the handle back to stop the latch clicking but somehow it still did. the sound echoing around the silent room. she hoped that the conversation was still running downstairs and the sound didn't draw attention to them. She scurried back to her bed and curled up under the duvet her mind still spinning. with what she had heard and threatening to give her a headache. she lay there for a few minutes staring at the ceiling before turning over for a few minutes and gazing out of the window. before rolling back, and then turning again. she could hear from the bed beside her heli also tossing caught in her own thoughts. After a few minutes tossing and turning she felt movement beside her. and she shuffled over to let heli in. "Rule one, sisters are always first" came the whisper in her ear as she felt her sister beside her. heli always seemed to know when she needed her. eventually, she felt the warmth of her sisters embrace draw her into sleep. not the most restful sleep but better than she had thought she would.

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