Closed Reunions and News

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (27)
Ava had just finished unpacking the final box. Upon learning of her pregnancy, she and Vader had wrapped up their trip and returned to New Zealand. He was out and about right now, she wasn't sure exactly where. But she had taken the time to stay at home to unpack their things. She had also taken the liberty to invite an old friend over. Ava had made a pot of stew. Alice should be here soon; she could hear the bubbling of the stew on the stove and the aroma wafting through the apartment made her hungry. She hoped Alice got here soon, or Ava might just dig into the food without her. She hummed softly, hanging the last of the pictures on the wall.
Alice had been thrilled to learn that Ava had returned to New Zealand. She had wanted her friend to have a good time on her trip, but she was happy that she was close again now. Alice had started working at the Ministry and it was a lot of fun, though it was also a lot of work. After double-checking the address, Alice knocked on the door to Ava´s apartment. There was a delicious smell coming from there, so she really hoped she was at the right place.
Ava's eyes lit up when she heard the door knocking. She hurried down the stairs to the bookstore, darting to the front door and throwing it open. "Allie!!" Ava squealed, jumping out for a hug. She turned almost immediately after, and hurried back up the stairs. "Come on, I just finished unpacking, and I made some stew, are you hungry? I'm starving," she chattered, hardly looking as she hurried back into the flat and went about setting the table.
Alice laughed as Ava practically jumped her to hug her, quickly wrapping her arms around her friend. But Ava was off again soon, and Alice had to follow her quickly to keep up. It seemed like traveling hadn't made her friend any less energetic. "Sure, I'm hungry. It smells amazing." Alice said with a smile. "I suppose you're going to tell me about all your amazing travels while we eat?"
Ava moved the stew to the table, serving up two bowls before sitting down. She gave Alice an uncharacteristically shy smile as she sat down. She motioned for Alice to take the other seat. "Well, um, yes, but actually, there's um... an even bigger adventure now, here," Ava blushed and looked down. "I um... well, some things happened, while we were out, and um.." Ava let out a shaky sigh and peeked up to Alice.

"Allie, I'm pregnant. I have an appointment next week to find out the gender. I'm fourteen weeks," Ava sighed, looking away, a little afraid to see Alice's reaction. "When I told my dad and his wife, I found out that they're expecting as well." Ava sighed, before looking to her friend again with a wobbly smile.
heck I forgot about this thread, sorry!

Alice settled at the table and watched Ava for a moment, noticing something was off about her. Had something happened? Alice frowned slightly when it became clear Ava had something important to say. But she was still shocked when she actually heard the news. "What?" She said, blinking. "But we're so young, are you- I mean." She flushed. "Is this something you want?" She asked delicately. She winced slightly when she heard Ava's dad was also expecting a baby. That had to be awkward at the same time. "I didn't know you were... seeing anyone." She added.
Ava smiled shyly, rubbing the back of her neck. "I, ah, I'm not," she admitted slowly. "I mean, I am sure. Vader and I had a long talk about it when I found out." She folded her hands on the table. "I, ah, I'm having twins. I've- well, I've already chosen names. At least, one of each," she laughed lightly. "I was thinking, ah.... Nico Timothy for a boy," Ava blushed then and looked away. "A-and, um... and Aurora Alice for a girl," she admitted, her tone softer. "I was hoping, maybe, um... maybe you would be their godmother?"

She asked, peeking at Alice, a hint of sadness creeping into her voice. "I... I messed up, I... I was lonely, and Vader was working, so I- I went out to a bar, and started drinking, and- well, I... I woke up alone in a strangers bed. I was embarrassed so I didn't- I didn't stay, or find out who- or what I- but... but we- Vader and I- we think- I think that- that maybe this- this could be good," she admitted nervously, rubbing the back of her neck and lowering her eyes back to the table.
Alice was slightly overwhelmed by everything Ava was saying to her. She felt worried. Was Ava really sure this was what she wanted? As she started talking about names, Alice wanted to tell her to slow down. She needed to process this. "Wait, Alice?" She said, then flushed as the other girl asked her to be godmother. "I- " She hesitated. "Ava, if you're absolutely sure, then yes. I'm honored you're asking me, I am. But it feels like you're not really considering just how tough this will be." She said softly.

Her doubts were worsened when Ava admitted she had slept with some stranger and didn't seem to have any contact with him. "Are you going to find him? Tell him?" Alice asked her. "He should be helping you, paying at least. You can't do this all on your own." She said, frowning. She sighed when Ava said she thought it could be good. "I... just worry you're throwing away opportunities. You're- we're so young, Ava. If I were pregnant now I don't know if I could go through with it." She admitted. "It's not going to be easy, Ava."
Ava sighed, looking away. "Alice, I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine," she insisted, sipping her drink. "I have been over this every which way. It's going to be hard. Very hard. But I'm going to do it. Vader is going to help me." She sighed, rubbing her hand over her eyes. "I was drunk, Alice. I don't know who the father is. I woke up in a hotel room alone. I don't remember him. Honestly all I remember is going out, drinking, a blur of dancing, and waking up alone." She shook her head. "I know we're young. I never wanted a family. But this- it happened, and I want to make the best of it. I can't- I can't get rid of these babies, just pretend nothing happened." Ava took a large sip of her water.
Alice sighed when Ava insisted she was fine. She felt like the other girl wasn't listening to her properly, but she also understood she had been struggling with this situation for a while now. Alice had only just heard of it. She nodded as she said Vader was going to help, but then frowned slightly as she said she didn't remember the guy. "Was it... alright?" She asked hesitantly, trying to carefully figure out if Ava was upset about what happened. Alice shrugged. "You could... give them up for adoption too." She said, then winced at her own words. "That sounded harsh, I just mean, there are options." She said. "I know Vader will help, and I'll definitely help where I can. But... you're still going to do a lot of this on your own." She said softly. "Vader will probably want to move in with Goku at some point, and you'll have to be responsible for these children for the rest of your life." She sighed. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound negative or critical, I'm just worried..."
Ava blushed, shifting in her seat. "I mean... gosh, this might sound silly, but... I only remember pieces of it. Whoever it was... he was... sweet? No one has ever been that gentle with me. I don't think so, anyway." She sighed, tucking her hair back. "I don't regret what happened, I suppose, I just regret being so drunk I don't remember him." She would like to, she knew that much. The logical reason was that her twins would probably want to know him. The not logical one was that she wanted to know him, too. What did it say of her life that her love life was so messed up she'd rather know flashes of a drunk one nighter than the guy that still thought he had a claim on her?

Ava shifted, reaching over to place a hand on Alice's. "Alice, I love you, and I understand your concern. But I'm keeping my twins and my mind is made up. I want to do this." She reassured her friend. "Now, can we move on to the excited for babies bit? Please?" She pleaded gently, giving Alice her biggest eyes. After being so scared herself, and after her dad's reaction, Ava just wanted someone to help her shop for baby things and get excited or be happy for her twins. Was that really so much to ask?
Alice nodded as Ava explained, glad at least that it had been a good experience for her. She still wondered if it was morally right not to at least attempt to find the guy, as he probably should know he had two children running around, but Alice knew she had been fairly critical already. She didn't want to say anything else that might upset Ava. Besides, if she truly didn't remember him, there wasn't much to go on.

Ava's tone changed, and Alice could tell she didn't want to have a serious conversation anymore. She nodded hesitantly. "I'll... stop then." She said softly. "I'm sorry, I'm just concerned. This is all so much and it's happening so fast." She said softly. Alice nodded and smiled, trying her best to push her worries aside so she could be happy for her friend. "I'm honored you'll want to name the baby after me. But what will you do if you have two girls or two boys?" She asked curiously, wondering if Ava had any backup names. She wasn't sure she could go into full excitement mode quite yet, but baby names seemed like a safe enough topic.
Ava smiled, relieved when Alice agreed to drop it for now. She settled in her seat and picked up her drink. She considered Alice's question then. "Oh, well... I was thinking perhaps Esmerelda Elsie? Or Zephyr Corbett?" She gave Alice a shy smile at that, her heart twinging at the thought of Elio and Elsie. She hadn't seen, or heard from, Elio in years. And the memory of Elsie always made her heart hurt. She looked down to her glass. "I know it might be a bit silly..." she bit her lip, running her finger over the rim of her glass.

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