Resting under the trees

Kailey blinked she knew people hated their fathers...She knew a guy who hated his father for very good reasons and could only wonder what her father could have done to her. "You think so? I suppose I'll have to take your word for it seeing as I've never met your mother."
Hadan grinned, "I don't mind people asking me about my father really. I do mind people asking me about my sister. And my mother, well, I wouldn't want you or anyone else to meet her. She can be a bit...shrill and cold. Also unfeeling..." Hadan remembered a time where her mother was warm. However, nowadays, she doesn't even hear from her. "Let's hear about your family." Hadan quickly changed the topic, to make sure Kailey wouldn't ask about her sister.
Feeling that Hadan didn't want to talk about her family with the sudden change of subject Kailey just went along with it. She peered over Hadans shoulder to make sure she could still see light. Once assured that it was still light outside she lookeed back at Hadan. "There's not really a whole lot to say about my family. There's my father, Then my mom. I have three sisters, My twin Trista, then Luna who may be coming here next year, Then Briana." Kailey replied not wanting to go into details about her family because in all honesty she didn't have that many besides Trista. The only person she kept in frequent contact with.
Hadan stared at Kailey and finally smiling at her answer. She is a twin as well. She wished that she could tell more about her family, but she doesn't exactly know all of them, besides her cousin with whom she stays with. Hadan finally spoke, "You know, I like the fact that you don't ask questions about my sister and my father. Most people would, if they had an idea on what all went on."
"Well, I think that if someone doesn't want to talk about somethign that you really shouldn't ask questions. As that would probably just piss them off. Also, I just met you...what business do I ahve prying into things you don't want to speak of?"Kailey explained her reasoning behind it. It was really simple reasoning that noone seemed to follow.
Hadan laughed, "Yeah, you have a point there. You seem like a trustworthy person." Hadan then glanced at her bag. She saw that her journal was also in there. Shrugging, she smiled, "I would have never guessed that you were a twin. Some usually stuck together, unlike those triplets around here, and you obviously."
"Thanks." Kailey replied she tried to be a trustworthy person. After all, where would you go in life if people never trusted you? "Most people are surprised to hear that I have a twin. She doesn't even attend hogwarts. Decided to be homeschooled instead. So sticking together would be kind of hard. Not that we would much anyways. We're close but we'eve never been attached at the hip or anything." Kailey replied "Wait...what triplets?"
Hadan grinned, "I feel you on that note. I, myself, am also a twin. Like I said about my sister, well, let's just say that I am learning to live without someone as close. We weren't attached at the hip either." Hadan paused. "They are in Slytherin. I haven't seen much from them, but they argued a lot. They seemed to hate each other really." Hadan paused again. "To be honest, if one died, the other two would regret everything bad that they have said to her." Hadan knew that from experience.
"Your a twin too? Wow...Your about the 4th twin, including myself. That I know of." Kailey replied before going on to say "They probably would. You don't know what you have till it's gone." Kailey thought, her thoughts reflecting to Travis.
Hadan nodded, "Exactly. Especially if that person is the only one you can trust." Hadan remembered her memories, however she quickly dismissed them. Hadan dared to ask, "Have you ever lost someone, due to your carelessness?" Then she regretted asking that question. She thought that it crossed the boundary.
Kailey shook her head. She felt bad for Hadan, surely it couldn't have been her fault. "I'm sure you had nothing to do with their death. It was just her time to go." Kailey said wishing she hadn't. Her father was a devout christian and Kailey had some christian beliefs. But seeing as she practiced magic she wasn't christian. Her father didn't like this at all and kept trying to get her to come home and forget about the 'magic nonsense' as he put it. "Sorry." she added sure Hadan hadn't wanted to hear that.
Hadan looked down. It was her fault. She finally murmured, "Actually, it was. If I didn't get mad and mix in some wrong ingredients for a potion, and ask her to stir it, it never would have happened. It's not a big deal anymore. It was last semester, but I am over it." Hadan remembered every little detail of what happened.
"Ahhh..." Kailey replied still not thinking it 100% Hadans fault. Someone had gotten her angry which caused the whole thing. Hadan didn't seem over it, But she didn't push the subject any farther.
Hadan switched the subject, "So, are you gifted with anything cool?"
Should I tell her? I mean I just met her. But she doesn't seem the type to tell. I guess one more person couldn't hurt. Kailey thought as she scrunched up her face with concentration and changed into a mirror image of Hadan. "Well, I can do that." she said simply hoping Hadan wasn't freaked out.
Hadan smiled. She looked directly at Kailey. Hadan shook her head, "That is...quite the gift." Hadan couldn't help but laugh. "I won't tell anyone, if that is what you want. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want anyone to know. Too much attention drawn to you."
Kailey laughed along with her, happy she had gotten the desired reaction. "That would be appreciated. I find this could come in handy if it wasn't public." Kailey replied
Hadan smirked, "Hm, if I had that gift, which I doubt that I ever would, I would go after the Death Eaters looking like Mad Eye Moody. Just...don't go looking like the Dark Lord. It might be kinda...bad." Hadan couldn't help but snicker at the idea of Mad Eye Moody limping after a group of Death Eaters. "Are you ever going to change back into your own person? It feels weird talking to myself."
Kailey changed back "I bet it would be weird...But isn't Mad-Eye Moody dead?" Kailey asked "I'd say that would be kinda bad."
Hadan watched Kailey change back into herself. Hadan laughed, "I think so. It would be hilarious, actually. See some dead Auror coming after them. Don't get any ideas though." Hadan then added, "Be looking like the Dark Lord... It would get Professor King after you. I mean, he is an Auror, to my speculations."
"I wouldn't do that and risk getting killed for a laugh." Kailey replied "I think I read a Daily prophet article on that."
Hadan snickered, "Getting killed for a laugh? Someone was stupid enough to do that?"
"Probably, This world is full of dumbasses who take things too far." Kailey replied
Hadan wasn't surprised, "Why doesn't that surprise me. There is a small line there. I wonder who all actually see it."
"It doesn't surprise me either...I wonder the same thing at times." Kailey replied

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