Resolutions and Goals for the New Year?

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Happy New Year, everybody! :D

MESSI decided to kick off the new year we'd like to have a discussion topic for the community about New Year's resolutions and any goals you might have for the new year. Anything at all. :)

I'll start things off by admitting I never ever make resolutions. :tut: I think they're kind of pointless. Most people just break them within a month, anyway. xD
Before I made any resoultions for 2011 (or any New Year) I look at what my resolutions were for the year before. And from the New Year Resolutions topic from last year I'm happy to say that I did pretty much everything on my list. Of course I didn't do everything but most of the ones I didn't do were out of my hands and everything else I did during the year definitely made up for it.
[ul][li]Meeting Emmi, Stephy and Toneh. Meeting my first batch of HNZ peeps was pretty awesome ¢¾</LI>
[li]Getting to go out to the State for 2 weeks with my Youth Service. Absolutely loved it and I'm so happy that I finally fulfilled one of my dreams of finally going out to the States.
[li]Cheorgraphing and teaching a dance to a group of kids from my youth club and them coming 4th in the competition.
[li]Passing first year of Uni.
[li]Going out more with my Uni friends. One thing I definitely missed out on last year and so glad I've made up for it this year.
[li]Saw Jeff Waynes Musical Version of War of the Worlds ¢¾
[li]Saw my all time fav boyband, Westlife, in concert 3 times (2 was their own concert and the 3rd time had a lot of other groups - The Script ¢¾ Hayley Westenera, Wonderland, Twist and Pulse and so many others ¢¾ )
[li]And finally: Became a GM on HNZ and mah babbeh girl Pat became Head Girl :wub: :cry: [/li][/ul]
OK I'mma stop rambling now and move on to my resolutions for 2011. I don't make the typical resolutions, well I do a bit but I try to make other ones that are a mixture of goals but more realistic.
[ul][li]Have my first charrie graduate from HNZ :frantics:
[li]Pass 2nd year
[li]Coursework - get on the ball more
[li]Manage money better
[li]Try to loose weight :tut:
[li]Meet up with friends from home more
[li]Get accepted on to the Study USA programme :erm:
[li]Get rest of placement sorted
[li]If above falls through get placement somewhere in the States
[li]Go out to the States for a whole year :woot:
[li]Meet a sh!t load more peeps from HNZ - you know who you're arrrrrrrre :r :frantics:
[li]See Wicked on Broadway!
[li]Get to more line dancing :cry: :wub:
[li]See HP7 - part 2
[li]Do more spontanious stuff
[li]Finish my Wicked Years Series - Read more in general
<LI>[li]HAVE FUN!!!![/li][/ul]
I can't think of any more but that's about it off the top of my head xD
Lose 50 pounds. I'd like to lose more, but I need to be realistic. :lol:
Usually I never may Resolutions because I have issues keeping to them. But maybe now that I'm older I'll have less of an issue trying to stick with them. Overall this year has been crazy for me but I think I enjoyed a more crazy year compared to a quiet one anyways.

[li]Moving From New Hampshire all the Way to Michigan</LI>
[li]Skype Sessions With my Buddies
[li]Seeing HP7 - Part 1
[li]Meeting Jasper Sullivan (something that will come to haunt me in my life I'm sure)
[li]Theodore getting Head Boy
[li]Seeing Family I haven't seen in Year again
[li]Getting Accepted into Michiana Regional Show Choir
[li]Seeing Burlesque ♥
[li]Getting my Kitty Nicky
[li]Getting my Layout half-perfected (I don't think I'll ever fully get it)
[li]Turning 18, I feel so old.
[li]Getting into MESSI
[li]Learning how to use GIMP [/li][/ul]

There's plenty more where that came from but I wouldn't dare try to think of them all. Might as well name the few resolutions I will try to make.
[li]Lose some Weight
[li]Get a tattoo
[li]Get my lip pierced
[li]Go to Kaitlyn's
[li]Get better at making Graphics
[li]Meet some HNZ peeps
[li]Get High Honors this year
<LI>[li]Have a Charrie Graduate on HNZ[/li][/ul]
In real life: Most of my greatest memories from this year are from the new school year. Instead of being considered a nerd by everyone around me, I joke around in class (when my teachers allow it). I still manage to get great grades and participate. Art club is awesome. Me and my friends started to paint bubble wrap. We listen to music and dance around. Although some people tried to stop me being my awesome self, they failed and I was able to make them leave me alone.
On HNZ: I liked getting in to MESSI. I thought I wasn't going to when I applied, but decided to anyway. I made up a nickname for myself (Lanaphant) this year. And I got my first Ravenclaw character this year. I'm a Ravenclaw myself. It's what most online sorting quizzes say. I also created a lot more characters this year.
[li] Go to sleep earlier.</LI>
[li] Read more during the day.
[li] Thank people more often.
[li] Stop being so hard on myself.
[li] Remember I don't need all A's to be an awesome student.
[li] Make even more friends.
[li] Get a decent nickname that people will actually use when talking to me.
<LI>[li] Procrastinate less.[/li][/ul]
This year has been pretty great, but I hope that next year will be even greater! ^_^
Goals? To be a good librarian next year!

My Year

Despite some things, 2010 has been an awesome year for me. And I have loved every minute (or almost) every minute of it.
[li] Made some new friends</LI>
[li] Revisited Old friendships
[li] Became a senior
[li] Found new interests
[li] Realised what I wanted to do with my life
[li] Did fairly well in my exams, finishing with grades I was proud of
[li] Went on numerous day trips with friends.
[li] Have lots of new memories to forever cherish


What I want from 2011 and what I am looking forward to
[li] Get into University.
[li] Graduate
[li] Turn 18
[li] Move out
[li] Have more awesome fun.
[li] Go cycling around Scotland.
[li] Get sunburnt in Scotland.
[li] Make new friends.
<LI>[li] Lose a little weight
Memories of 2010?

- Watching my very drunk bestie set of a burglary alarm by popping a balloon.
- Attempting to skate in blades instead of quads.
- Passing all but one of my GCSE's
- Being allowed to get rid of Further Maths and take Art instead
- Watching the guys dance at skating
- HARRY POTTER (As Always)
- Getting Poppy's drugs right!! She now has fur almost everywhere!!

Resolutions for 2011?

- Go to gym more
- Actually do my coursework for deadlines
- Driving Lessons!
- Go and see MCR live!!!!!!!!!! (Already set in motion)
- Save Money ( :/ )
- Survive to 2012!!
I found HNZ :hug:
Became a senior in High School :)
Topped my record of cities I've visited in one year=Tampa, FL. NYC, NY Rochester,NY(which actually isn't so far away but it is a city so it counts!) Old Saybrook,CT Boston,Mass. Westbrook, CT and more
Swam in the Ocean in Janurary! That was lots of fun hehe!
Visited alot of colleges and found the prefect one which contains my best friends already :D
Made an awesome friend out of a girl from Thailand, she's one of my best friends :)
Became really good friends with two girls from school that i knew but didn't really know, and now it's great knowing them :wub:
Became friends with two freshmen at school and they both make me laugh so much :D
Passed all my regents exams and don't have to ever take another one of those darn tests! :woot:
Went sledding like a little kid with my best friend, we wanted to do so tomorrrow as well but the
snow has melted :(
Accidently washed my phone with my pants and had to get a new one :( I miss that good ole phone
Fell in love :wub: with music :r
Got accepted to my number one college :D
Got through Driver's Ed and got my Lisence, yah D lisence!
Bought a Hollister shirt and entered the store for the first time!
Saw HP 7 Part 1!!!
Saw Chronicles of Narnia:VoD!! :wub:
Saw Tangled!! (Just today too)
Washed my dog multiple times, she likes dirt...
Made so many Happy Memories I can't even explain them all in one post.
Posted this on my notes on Facebook, hahaha

Go to college
Go to Prom
Kept giving my dog baths even though I'll be given a bath by her at the same time.
Send in an Audition tape of my Glee club to America's Got Talent!!!
GO TO FRANCE!!!!!!!! (for the second time) :abby:
Find someone worth my love, hopefully
Enjoy Life More :shifty:
Take my dogs for more walks.... :erm:
Learn to play my Duduk! which i got in the mail today hehe
..okaay, so 2010 wasn't the best year for me, but my favourite parts would have to be.. watching my cousin-three-times-removed chase my brother around the living room with a sparkling lemon bottle while I was squeezed on the couch with my other two cousins laughing, spanish classes with my amazing spanish family (well we're like a family, we're a small enough class), Taekwon Do, Auckland, Choir, all the little things like the pictures my cousins have drawn me and lying in bed late at night with my music and texting or facebook messaging or tweeting Missy and Tin-Tin and Zachson. ♥ I don't know how I could have survived 2010 without these things.
despite breaking my only planned resolution before the first hour into 2011, I've come up with a few little things I want to do but I'm not resolving to do exactly.. like get down to 50kg's, write more music, get to Nationals in Christchurch for Choir, improve my photography, get my blackbelt in April, begin my pilot's license. There're also a few things I'm looking forward to, like Ceara's return to NZ and the possibility of actually widening my social life, Monday afternoons after school with Anna, the new house which our offer was accepted on yesterday (!), the trips to Brisbane to stay with Dad, and the Choir Trip to Brisbane.
[spoiler='10]This year ends with a lot of mixed feelings for me. It was an end of a few eras for me. End of youth group, end of band, last time being a student, last graduation, last year of being a teen. But I met some amazing people this year that I know I will never forget, and I hope that they will continue to stay in my life. I have learnt so much more about God, and I am ready to get a job, and take on the world. 2010 has also ended on a sour note for me as my Uncle just passed away from cancer, and my mom is pretty torn up about it.
My favorite times of the year would be any times spending with the whole family - when my Aunty came to visit it one of the top tens. I loved when I met a friend of mine, and we bonded by playing 'Scum'-the card game; and continued to be pen pals when he moved back to England. I love that out of everything bad this year, I met my best friend.
A huge highlight was finding HNZ. It has definitely helped me out with my creativeness and confidence. I love the community, and having met everyone here.
[spoiler='11]I have one major goal for this year, and that is to always go for the healthier option. No more fast foods, whole grain sandwiches here I come! :erm:
My other ones include:
+To save a ton of money for England
+To work hard no matter what
+To try new things that I haven't done before
+Get over a few fears
+Move on from the past.
Looking forward to this year ^_^
28th December - This was my two year HNZ anniversary. No regrets. Well, I do wish I had joined sooner :p

These are IRL memories. I've divided them into chapters. If you just want the more brief memories, just view those sections titled 'Calendar Dates':
I lift my 2010 calendar from the wall and stare at it for some clue as to how I have spent the previous year. But before I have had the chance to properly look through it, I remember something important- approximately half way through the year, I was diagnosed with BPD. Some people may have been bothered by it, but in many ways, I was relieved, knowing that I wasn't going to locked up as a social outcast, and that I wasn't alone in my condition. No, it's not been the easiest thing to live with, and, yes, I was diagnosed with depression and sleep paralysis several years back, so it all adds up. I've often asked myself if I would change ever suffering with any of these problems, but then I can satisfy myself with a 'no, I wouldn't.' Of course I want to get better from these things, but I don't want to give up having experienced them (I thrive on knowledge and experience).
Finally, I peer into my calendar. I scarcely use calendars, and so I raise my eyebrows as I find myself looking at february, only two words and on separate days. The first is 'VAMPIRE', the second is the name of an ex-partner. I flick through to June and find the 7th bearing the name 'Adler' with an arrow to the tenth, at which I find the nickname 'Michi'. I ignore the other dates, and the random words 'Lime green, lime green and tangerine...' scrawled at the bottom of the page, and move on.
Unsurprisingly, I stop at August. However, I find myself remembering a few days prior: My uncle's family barbeque.
What a night that was..
I actually don't remember a great deal of it, just arriving, talking to people who claimed to be relatives of mine, sitting down with the few young people attending, talking for a moment and then my grandmother beckoning me over and teaching me how to make a white wine spritzer. Well, that was me set for the night. As the night wore on, it became less spritzer and more just wine. When I had polished off several bottles (how am I not dead yet?) I went in search of more alcohol. Typically, I just drank what I could get, and I ended up outside on a plastic chair in a circle with the other who were staying the night (about ten or twelve of us) and I suddenly became aware that I was alive- when what felt like a crack over the head with a stone, suddenly hit me. It was the worst hangover I had ever had, and it was only 1am! (most memories of this night were pieced together by slightly more sober people) One drink that I definitely do remember, was the gin and tonic my uncle made me. He was making the drink for many people, so I thought I'd have one (my hangover had just started and for some reason I thought that if I drank more, it would go away. It didn't). My uncle, who was drunker than I, but not as badly as Ruth, made the drink with nearly only gin or tonic. I can't remember. Anyway, I nearly threw up after a couple of sips, and my brother was moaning that he didn't get a drink, so I gave him mine and everyone was happy.
I got tired and cold, my hangover was overwhelming. At first, I wore my sleeping bag, but then [insert memory here] and I found it confusing, so I wore the only thing I had: My mum's blue snuggie. Not only was it difficult to put on in that state, but it was also hilarious when I entered the X room (nobody knows what this room is for, other than storing the drinks for the party. Well, there and the massive bucket of ice which nearly drowned me in my such for booze) Ruth was stood in there with my uncle, his wife, my cousins, my brother and some others (this was the second smallest room in the house, the first being the downstairs loo) and she noticed what I was wearing. Immediately, this intimidating drunken woman was asking me if I went to Stonehenge and if I was 'one of those'. My aunt tried to explain that I was just wearing a snuggie, and not some weird robe, but Ruth wouldn't believe it. I gave up arguing and just replied "Yeah, I am, but shh." ( xD ) I would never have said that normally, but I was dying from a hangover, in search of booze and wearing a snuggie. A SNUGGIE, for crying out loud!
All through the night, Ruth kept shouting at us all to help her find her drink. This is only a short part of the story, because I can't be bothered to go into detail. Anyhow, the drink was not a lie.
Come the morning, when I was woken by a magpie standing on my feet and screaming at me (any other morning, this would have been something wonderful, but I was busy dying from a massive hangover) I unzipped by tent (I couldn't zip it properly when I had gone to bed, hence the magpie) in just under ten minutes, and stepped outside into the startling sunlight. And what, do you think, was the first thing I saw? That's right, the legendary drink, sitting on a table. The table that had been behind Ruth.
I find myself staring at August, smiling at the first week, the final week my brother would be living at home. I knew I was going to miss him, so we spent several days, enjoying each other's company. We went bowling as an early birthday present, and we also went to pizza hut. We then both attended a second barbeque at my uncle's, which was my immediate family, only (this was a barbeque for my birthday) and the next day, mum and I went to a theme park. The week got worse from there. Oh dear.. I flick onwards to find something more cheerful, and I find it: November 28th- Motorhead.
I'm not going to write too much on this (thank goodness) because I was hardly sober xD. On the upside, I found some videos of the concert which reminded me of a few things. I'll leave a link to one of the many songs I was 'rocking out' (drunken headbanging) to. I was at the very front, under the right speaker.
I find myself back at December. A knowing smile inhabits my face. I know that this year, 2011, will be much better than the last year, even if there are just as many, if not more, ups and downs, because I will add a little more to my jar of knowledge, and if I do nothing else, then that will at least be something. Still, this does mean I'm going to have to stop accepting every serious proposal I get.
.. I'll just accept one or two. ;)
One. I will be happy for at least one day.
Two. I will smile for a total of one month without help from KR or anyone else.
Three. I will experience at least one sunny day, laying beneath a tree and reading a book.
Four. I will start driving lessons, even if I don't take my test this year.
Five. I will sing out loud when mum is not only in the house, but when she is in the same room.
Six. I will go to another concert with Chris.
Seven. I will get a partner with more than half a brain.
Eight. I will wear a skirt/dress in public, in my own town.
Nine. I will continue with the gym for as long as I am allowed.
Ten. I will find a partner for Larissa who is greatly suited to her.
2010 was actually a really good year for me. I honestly can't complain ^_^
[ul][li]Earning my M.A. :woot:</LI> [li]A few students that I have been tutoring since they were freshmen graduated. I felt like a proud teacher, watching them earn their Bachelor's and Associate degrees :) [li] Going to my first Jonas Brothers concert :D
It was pouring rain and the concert was outside but it was such an awesome night with my sisters.
[li] Becoming a GM!!! :cool: [li] Getting msn and skype, which has helped me to become better acquainted with some of you HNZers. I've loved getting to know you guys more.
- I also got to try out my mic and voiced with an HNZer :cyndi: [li] Comic Con- I met Stan Lee, saw Walking Dead before it premiered and met some amazing people[/li][/ul]
[ul][li] Turning 25!!![li] I'd like to keep on being healthy by exercising more often than not and making better food choices (bye McDonalds...I'll miss you :( ) [li] Going to more concerts [li] I'd like to be more outgoing, make new friends and become better friends with other people :) <LI>[li]Saving up enough to go on a proper vacation with my bestie[/li][/ul]
Might as well. Though no resolutions, just things to look forward to.
[ul][li]Becoming GM! :kaitlyn:</LI>
[li]Becoming Slytherin HoH
[li]Graduating from high school.
[li]Getting a class ring
[li]Jessye and I getting closer
[li]Pat and I getting closer
[li]Getting to know other peeps
[li]Drama that is hilarious to recall
[li]Passing AP Calculus family
[li]Moving back in with mom
[li]Driver's license
[li]Plans on Jessye moving down here[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Hopefully, the truth
[li]Meeting Jessye
[li]Other HNZ peeps
[li]Getting a new car ♥
[li]New clothing
<LI>[li]Plots, RPs, etc.[/li][/ul]
I usually don't make new years resolutions either but the this year and last, I have. This year I want to be in control of my emotions more and not pop off at folks so much. So that's what I'm going to try and hopefully do for this year. ;)
In the next two year get my license :huh: and a car. Everything else will fall in place :D

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