Relationships for a Workaholic

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Nadia Kaster

finding talent; hidden; retired journalist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core

So I have been that person and had Nadia mostly living in the background of my HNZ plotting. She's had things happen through other people rps and hasn't really been in the forefront for a long time. That's going to change right now!

So in my head, Nadia is a bit of a workaholic and it's been established that she did quite a bit of travelling when she was still an intern at the prophet. Now, she's back and she has a more stable life. I want her to hit up some old friends she went to school with, maybe make new relationships and such. (She graduated in 2032 if that helps and she was really friendly, so she probably knew everyone) I want to get out and rp her more, so really, every little bit helps!

I also want to see if I can coax her into a relationship. I still haven't worked out the kind of person she would like, but I'm definitely willing to give it a go and see what takes.

I'm open to all manner of ideas, so feel free to hit me up wherever!

I have Jeremy who graduated the year before her. I think I recall us having had them RP once or twice when they were in school? So maybe they run into each other and go for coffee to catch up?
Oh yeah, for sure. If I remember rightly she had a small crush on him! I'd love for them to catch up!
I've got a couple of options.
Damian Metzger, a guitarist who is a sweet and laid back guy.
Then I have Alec Thoreau, the father of Addison, who is a chef that didn't want to be a dad but makes a great one. He's more of a serious guy but also generous and loving.
They both sound great. I'll have to talk to you more, though I'll be honest, Nadia LOVES tattoos on guys. Jus' saying.
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