Open Reckless

Blake van Houten

⚡competitive⚡finally free⚡ ⚡macaws seeker⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lars) (Gay
Laurel Wand 12 1/2" with Phoenix Tail Feather
8/2036 (27)
Blake hadn't let on to anyone else, but he was angry. Once again the Quidditch captain had failed to see his talent, and he was stuck playing second string to some girl. It was hard, going from the star of his hockey team back home to a nobody on his new team. Blake was determined to make his mark on this school somehow, show people what he'd got, and hopefully gain a few admirers among his peers. So after getting in some practice on the pitch, Blake decided to take his broom out for a real spin, see if he could catch some attention. It was a pleasant day for September, winter's chill beginning to relinquish its hold on the castle, and there were enough people out on the grounds that Blake knew he'd have a decent sized audience for his antics.

Soaring out of the Quidditch pitch, Blake headed for the more popular lawn area. There were a few people littered about, enjoying the warmer afternoon, and this was more what Blake was looking for. He flew a slightly clumsy loop-de-loop and headed towards the ground, near-skimming the grass as he zipped past a couple of girls, calling out, "HI!" as he passed. He weaved back and forth around a few people, laughing as he went. This was more like it, doing stunts, causing a ruckus. Blake finally felt like himself, the self everyone at his old school had loved and looked up to as a prankster genius. He might not be the star of the Quidditch team yet, but he was gonna be the star of something at least.
Sully loved the spring time right now, there was a slight breeze and it was perfect for just running around in shorts and a t-shirt. Originally the robes and wizard uniform stuff had seemed fun, but Sully quickly found out a magical uniform was pretty much exactly like his primary school uniform - very boring. He'd come out to the lawn again looking for something fun to avoid doing his homework and was thrilled when he spotted some kid zipping past on a broom. Flying lessons had been fun so far, but they hadn't actually gotten to real flying, and Sully was starting to wonder if they ever would. "Hey! You!" He shouted, trying to keep up with the kid. "That looks awesome, can I have a go?"
Blake was distracted from his joyful streak across the lawn by a voice, looking down to see a boy running after him. Blake slowed down slightly, grinning at the attention. This looked to be a younger student, and Blake quite liked the idea of impressing some of the younger kids. "Have you flown before?" He called out, not slowing down enough for the boy to make a move for his broom. Blake didn't really want to give his glory to some first year who was gonna spin out of control, but he definitely wanted to make a new friend.
Sully was a little frustrated when the boy slowed down to talk to him, but not enough to actually stop, stilling having to jog to keep up. He couldn't deny he'd totally have done the same thing though, and had to smile at the spur of competitiveness it sparked. "Psh, yeah, totally," Sully said dismissively. It was half true. They've hovered already in flying class, and really, how hard could it be? Besides, the last thing he wanted was the guy thinking he was some lame kid who didn't know anything about brooms. "Wait, can you do like a flip or something? That'd be so sweet." He knew the first thing he wanted to try was a flip or spin or something cool, but maybe a demonstration would go a long way first.
Blake considered himself relatively decent at reading other people, and he liked to think he was good enough to know when someone was lying. And this kid was definitely lying about his flying experience. Blake was relieved that he didn't have to call the guy on it, laughing as he nodded at his next question. "Hell yeah bro!" Blake laughed and sped up, flying a quick loop-de-loop to show off. "I'm gonna be Hogwarts' next Quidditch star, gotta be an awesome flyer to be that."

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