
"No!" she snapped defensively. Then suddenly letting her shield drop. "Maybe..."
"Thats why..maybe he feels that...'crush' in return..." she babbled, really not sure of she made any bit of sense anymore.
So Bella was jealous.. Kiera thought to herself. "Bella I dont want to do that. Besides that would leave you alone. Now I know you might want to get rid of me but you just arent that lucky." she said with a smile.
Kiera smiled, pleased that Bella didnt want to get rid of her. "Good Im glad. So we are in agreement. Im not telling Bruin anything and you are my best friend who is not stay alone." she said simply.
"I will not tell Bruin to be honest I like someone else too and I am not sure who I actually like." Kiera said. She had been confused about this for a while. "As your best friend I must insist you arent alone all that time."
Bellatrix scoffed, slightly annoyed. How come she wasin't normal, she never had problems with guys and what to do over the summer? She only worried about not getting introuble, and her new worry, staying alive.
"Look at you Kiera! You worry about going to a ball and what to wear, and what type of boys you are interested in. Your probably care about hair and make-up and all that stuff! Your happy and free..." Bellatrix said passionately.
"Sure Im happy in a relative sort of way. No one is always happy. Some of us are just better at pretending." Kiera said with a smile. "I dont wear makeup and I dont care about my hair. I care about my friends and I worry about my family." she said looking at Bella.

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