Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y48

Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy was surprised to have chosen to be quidditch co-captain. She'd joined the team on a whim, not really expecting anything much out of it, but ended up having a really good time. She hoped she could inspire a similar feeling amongst those in the team – and of course, win some games along the way. Michael had been great, and Lucy was a little nervous to be following as one of the captains after him but at least she had Lucy by her side.

Lucy smiled at Lucy, then turned to address all those who had assembled on the pitch. “Nau mai, haere mai*, everyone!” Lucy said cheerfully. “My name’s Lucy, and this is Lucy and we’re the captains for this year.” Lucy paused, looking around at the new and familiar faces. “I’m sure all of us here know how much fun quidditch is, but it’s a big commitment too, so please bear that in mind. Our goal this year is to win, win, win! But also to have fun, fun, fun!” Lucy gave a playful fist pump. She withdrew it and continued her speech. “So, welcome to those returning players, thanks for sticking with the team. Hang around to help out with tryouts, please! Best of luck everyone, and to those previous alternates and those new players wanting to try out, it’s over to Lucy! Not me, but, uh, the other Lucy.” Lucy stumbled with her words slightly, gesturing for Lucy to have her turn. This wasn't going to get confusing at all, nope.

OOCOut of Character:
Returning team members must post to keep their spot on the team. Alternates must try out again!

First years are not allowed to try out unless there are still spaces that need to be filled. If you have a first year that's interested shoot us a PM.
Lucy felt electric, unstoppable, brimming over with excitement for the year to come. She had always known her crush on Michael wasn't going anywhere, but she had still been upset at the idea of Quidditch without him. Something about it just didn't feel right - of course Michael should be there! Who was going to call her MVP now? But then she had gotten the news about getting to be co-captains with Lucy, and all the excitement for Quidditch had flooded back and brought friends. She was going to be the best co-captain this team had ever seen, guaranteed, no doubt about it.

The jittery thrill of excitement only grew as they waited for people to begin, and by the time tryouts started Lucy was practically bouncing with the thrill of getting to be captain. This was going to be the best year of Quidditch ever. "This is going to be the best year of Quidditch ever!" Lucy added, once her co-captain was finished speaking. "Quidditch is all about fun, so we want to see you playing your best, but we also want to see you have fun! Show us how much you love playing, this is gonna be the best team ever, but we can only really be the best if we're playing because we love it, not just because we want lots of trophies." She paused. "I mean, obviously we want lots of trophies, but we want to get them doing something we love! So show us your best, but have lots of fun doing it! Don't be shy, when it's your turn just step forward and tell us your name and what position you're trying for, then show us what you've got!" She gave a big grin before blowing her whistle as loud as she could, ready to see who would be joining them on the best team ever.

SeekerSavannah Walters
BeaterLucy Holland (Co-Captain)
BeaterAudrey Beauchamp
ChaserLucy Montague (Co-Captain)
ChaserAmbrose Webb
Was Audrey a little bitter about being passed up for captain? Of course she was, she was only human. There was obvious favouritism, but it was whatever, she thought. People just didn't understand her. It wasn't like she was actually going to professionally play Quidditch anyway, as much as her parents would have wanted her to. She had a million other things she wanted to do, she just liked to balance her time out with hitting bludgers really hard at people. Work out some of the bitterness that her friends all seemed to have all kinds of authority to wave around and yet she didn't get noticed no matter what she did.

She didn't even blame either of the Lucys, sure, she was swallowing down that nasty sense of envy but it wasn't like they'd done anything wrong, they were both good players and nice people and she was happy to work with them. Twirling her bat in her hand, Audrey folded her arms as she listened to the two of them get to introductions and flew straight up into the air, flying around and hitting bludgers. Hitting them away from seekers, ostensibly...but mostly also trying to hit them at people. Hey, they had to learn to dodge. The only way to prove yourself was to get the bruises to show for it, so she'd been told anyway.
At first seeing that the tryouts were about to be held Lilith wasn't sure whether or not she'd go. Last year the first match she had seen had been more or less overwhelming, but that had also been partly because of the sheer amount of people on the stands. However the closer the tryouts came the stronger the feeling about trying out grew, truly what was there to lose? She needed something active to focus on besides her studies and the more she had studied the sport by watching and reading, the stronger she felt she wanted to see this through.

Walking to the Pitch was rather nerve-wracking, she knew she could do it but it was just a matter of what if she failed? Watching both the Lucy's give their speeches was enough to bring her nerves down though. Lilith had to admit it was kind of funny to have two captains with the same name, were they supposed to call them LucyOne and LucyTwo? Honestly whatever the deal was this upcoming year was bound to be interesting and she truly hoped to make the team. The Ravenclaw patiently waited for her turn before stepping forward. "Hi, uh I am Lilith Ilves or Lili if you'd like a shorter version, I don't know. I am trying for either Seeker, alternative obviously, or Keeper." She spoke out as clearly as she could, hoping to show off some sort of confidence. It felt awfully lot like judging but there was no time to wallow in her own fears or insecurities, if she truly wanted this she had to show she had what it took.

Lilith grabbed her broom tighter and mounted it, deciding to first go for the one she felt would be better suited for her, Seeker. Stretching her neck and taking a few breaths in and letting them out the second year got into action. She flew around looking for any glimpse of gold, any chance of a sun hitting and casting a little shimmer. Even though it took her longer than she would have liked she eventually saw the glint of gold and her eyes locked in on it, not letting it out of her sights. Lilith kicked off and leaned forward slightly, allowing her to fly slightly faster, following the small glint of gold. She saw a big ball, bludger she assumed, flying at an alarming speed towards her and out of instinct she leaned slightly on the right effectively dodging the hit. Without wasting any time she got back to the task and flew toward the snitch. Lilith reached for the ball that was desperately trying to swivel and run tricks on her, but she had done her homework, keeping her eyes steady on the glimmer and ears listening to it and her surroundings. After a bit of up and down, left and right she made her final push. Leaning forward and fully extending her arm her hand finally clasped closed around the thing and Lilith let out a triumphant squeal of sorts.

After her ordeal Lilith wished she could just leave and take a nap, but she decided to still go through with the Keeper tryout too. Flying towards the hoops she focused on the wind against her skin, not letting any nervousness to take root in her. She could do this. Settling in front of the hoops Lilith squinted her eyes. Alright, easy enough, just do not let anything pass... Right? Lilith kept her eyes on the players ahead her and swallowed hard, just don't let the Chasers score and you'll be fine, she repeated in her head as a mantra. She moved around, keeping an eye out for any incoming balls. As soon as she saw one she made a move towards the hoop it was closing in on and successfully declined the incoming scoring. One down, at least few more to go. She kept on defending until she had a total of four scores she had been able to deny and one unfortunate score she had given to whichever of the members had gotten to score. Lucky them, she had been distracted for merely a second. Landing her broom Lilith stretched her tired out muscles and gave a smile to both the captains. "Whether I make either of the positions I at the very least had fun." She admitted before giving them a wave and heading off for a much needed stretch, shower and nap.
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Savannah didn't love that she had been completely passed over - seemingly twice - for the role of quidditch captain. She knew that she had a lot on, and that she was probably too busy to be able to do it, but it would've been nice to be asked. Now she was one of the eldest players and not the captain. Savannah glanced at the captains and then without a word got on to her broom and shot up into the air to get to practicing.
Magne had been debating since the last year. he had opted not to, thinking he wasn't yet good enough but he knew that it would be good to. He didn't do enough sports at Hogwarts and figured that he felt confident on a broom and confident enough in the game to give it a try. He looked to the two captains and smiled, and then smiled at Lilith. He nodded and stepped forward. "Magne Kleos, Chaser," he said. He was sure that was the right position for him but he had never played a game before.

Magne got on the broom and shot up into the air. he was good enough, moving around quickly, though his mannerisms on the broom showed someone who hadn't maybe flown as often as others or with obstacles in the way. He grabbed the quaffle when it was tossed to him and began heading towards the hoops. Magne tossed it to another player who was closer to the hoops and was pleased when it went in. He had a couple tries himself to score, but only made one of them, clearly room for improvement. He continued to try-out, getting more confident on the broom, certainly was very much a team player, and eventually the try out was over and he touched back down on the ground.
Cyrus wasn't sure if he should do this again. Last year, he had been really sad to be passed over as a player, but maybe he had a better chance this year? He saw one of the captains was only a year above him and felt even worse. She must have been on the team for years, so it hadn't just been his age that got him rejected last time. He was glad to see Magne there, that gave him some hope. Maybe they'd be on the team together, that would be fun. He cleared his throat when it was his turn. "I'm Cyrus Thorne, I'd like to try out for chaser." He said clearly, mounting his broom and getting to the air. He grabbed the quaffle and headed to the hoops. himself. The first time, his shot was blocked, though Cyrus didn't think it had been a bad first attempt. Thankfully, he managed to score his second and third shots, his confidence growing. After every attempt, he did a lap with the quaffle, also passing it to other chasers and catching it back as it was passed to him. off. When he was done, he had scored three times and had one shot blocked. He had tried his best, he just hoped it would be enough.
It was that time of year again and Violet was keen to try out for the quidditch team again, this time with a permanent spot on the team. She had received an alternate position ever since she could and she really wanted to change that, especially with her little sisters watching over her. As they gathered around, Violet stretched for a little before lining up and introducing herself. "My name is Violet Owens-Rosemary. I don't care where you put me, but I belong on this team." she said a little passive aggressively, before swiftly turning around and heading into the sky.

The first thing Violet did was intercept a quaffle and show off her chaser skills. She managed to get a few of them pass the keeper before switching over to play keeper herself. She stood her ground at the hoops, keeping her arms open wide and immediately diving to where she thought the quaffle would end up. There were some close ones that only narrowly missed getting into the hoop by the tip of her fingers, but Violet smirked as she managed to not let any one of them in. Nothing could beat a perfect score.

The teen then headed back down to collect a bat to show off her beater skills. This proved to not be too hard, however she quickly grew frustrated as she wasn't getting as much luck as she hoped, and had to avoid bludgers herself whilst also trying to hit them in the direction she wanted. She knew that she was better than that. After all, she had an alternate beater position when she first tried out.

Violet had saved her best one for last. When she returned the bat, she headed up into the skies again and began looking for the snitch. When she saw it glimmering out of the corner of her eye, her eyes immediately stuck to it and she dived. It began trying to fly away and Violet pushed on as hard as she could. She felt sweat dripping down her face as she extended her arm out in front of her. If she couldn't catch up in speed, she could at least lean out as far as she could to collect it. A couple of times it slipped through her fingers, but eventually Violet was able to wrap her fingers fully around it and she held it up in the air, hoping one of the Lucy's could see her. She knew she was going to get a position on this team. She just had to.
When Theo found out how first years weren’t able to try out, in all honesty, he had been disappointed at the thought. Though he needed permission, which he was grateful for, which meant that was a possibility of trying out. He was even more grateful when his permission was granted. Even if he didn’t make it on the team, he’d still be happy to try out.

Theo made his way towards the pitch, standing with the rest of the try-outees as he waited for try-outs to start. He hoped all those times playing Quidditch in the backyard paid off, but again, he didn’t mind if he didn’t make it on the team this year. At least he gave it a shot. It wasn’t long before it was Theo’s turn. “Theodore Harper, trying for chaser!” Theo says happily with a grin before he flew up in the air.

Theo glided through the air on the broom for a bit, before flying along with the chasers. He flew with the chasers for support as well as managing to pass the quaffle between other chasers to show he could pass the quaffle when needed to. He had managed to score a few goals which Theo was quite proud of himself by, other times he had either missed or his shots were blocked.

It wasn’t long before the tryouts ended and overall Theo was pleased with what he had done. He knew there was a high likely chance he wouldn’t make it on the team, but he was happy he at least tried for sure.
Maggie had been thinking about trying out for Quidditch since she watched the first game last year. She had thankfully had Kit to practice with over the summer, and they had decided that beater suited her best. Her experience being on a horse helped with gaining ease on the broom, and while she had never played a contact sport previously, she wasn't afraid of taking and giving hits. Kit even had the bruises to prove it. The Ravenclaw watched as her roommate tried out for a position and even saw a first-year give it a go before taking her own turn. "Maggie Grey. I'm trying out for beater," she said, knowing that it was really for an alternate position. The Ravenclaw took to the sky a little unsteadily as the nerves took over but quickly found her stride once she made contact with her first bludger, hitting it towards someone but missing. She stalked the tryouts, finding another bludger or three, and hitting them at unsuspecting players, surprised when the other beater knocked away a few but glad to see one of them made contact with one of the younger students trying out. Maggie smirked and kept at it until she was told to end her tryout. The second year hit the ground and gave a smile to the two Lucys. "Thanks for giving me a shot," she said confidently, hoping her practice with Kit all summer/break had paid off.
Tryouts will be closing in approx. 24 hours, last call!

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