Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts Y46

Michael Watson

Local Sports Reporter | Amateur Umpire
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
18 (29/09/2044)
Michael was a bit nervous about being captain this year, sure he had the knowledge but he didn't know if he had the personality to handle it. Hamish had been warm and friendly, and while Michael wasn't unfriendly he just couldn't help but doubt himself. Still, he had a feeling it would be a good year, regardless of his nerves. After all, things for him were pretty good, so if he brought that same optimism and motivation to the team, he felt like things would go well.

He cleared his throat as the students began to arrive. Ravenclaw wasn't necessarily known as a sporting powerhouse, but there had been some pretty incredible younger students in the team last year that Michael wanted to see back again this year. And perhaps being underestimated so frequently would help them in the long run. "Hey, everyone, thanks for coming," he said with a wave. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Michael, I'm your new captain, and I've been part of this team for six years now so I hope it looks like I know what I'm doing," he said as half a joke and half general self-deprecation. "There's a little bit of commitment involved if you make the team, fair warning, but if you're willing to put in the time we'll have a great year."

Michael pulled out his notebook, he already had a couple of names written down but had space to write notes. "So, if you were in the starting lineup last year, give me a wave and head up into the air to help out, show me you haven't gotten too rusty," he said, with a light laugh. "If you were an alternate, or you're new, let me know your name and position and I'll watch how you go. Any first years, just sit tight and watch for the moment." He knew that there were some alternates who'd been on for a while, who certainly had priority for moving into the team, but he would give everyone a fair go. "I'll help out with chasers trying out once everyone's up and running, just haven't managed to work out how to be everywhere at once. Yet." With that, he let everyone get started, watching carefully and making some notes, both mentally and when he actually could sit and write, in order to help making decisions later on.

BeaterMonday Weeks
BeaterAudrey Beauchamp
ChaserRory Styx
ChaserLucy Montague
ChaserZacharias Chase
KeeperMichael Watson

OOCOut of Character:
You know the drill by now! Returning team members please post to retain your spot, alternates must try out again. First years will only be allowed to post if there's still spots to fill, but if you have a first year that's interested PM me and I'll let you know if/when you can post. Thank you!
Finally, this was going to be it. After being the alternate seeker for so many years, with Hamish gone, it was going to be her turn to be the seeker. Savannah arrived at the quidditch pitch with a determined expression on her features. She was going to do this, no one else was going to take her spot. She was going to be the seeker for Ravenclaw. If she didn't get it, she was going to be absolutely livid. Savannah glanced at their new captain, rolling her eyes at all he said, since it was unnecessary. "Savannah, seeker," she said, trying to be the first to try-out. Knowing that she didn't need to mention her previous performances to this captain.

Savannah flew up into the air and began searching for the snitch. It was difficult to find as always, but Savannah's time on the team, the practices made her at ease with flying. She flew around quickly and was able to make a few chases with the snitch, though never quite catching up. She had a few false chases, going after something that looked like the snitch but was in fact something else entirely. She caught the snitch once during the try-out but this wasn't a bad thing, she hadn't expected to catch it much more than that. Savannah flew down to the ground and felt pretty pleased with herself.
Audrey was looking forward to Quidditch. It wasn't as serious at school as it was with her parents, and that meant she could have more fun. Of course, she still wanted to win, but with all the classes she was taking this semester it would probably be more stress relief than anything else. Hitting bludgers around would be a great way to blow off steam. She grinned as she took to the skies, sort of trying to defend newer players from bludgers so they could do their thing (but also hitting some at the players when the opportunities arose). It was just a good way to relax, to swing with more abandon and less rigid form.
Rory was looking forward to a new season of Quidditch and the promise of success it brought with it. He made his way out onto the pitch with his broom in hand, but suspecting he might not need to use it. He stood with his teammates and waited for the tryout to get started.
Quidditch as an alternate last year had been everything Lucy hoped, though she was a little disappointed that she hadn't gotten to see any action on the pitch itself. Hopefully this year would be different, and she joined her past and future teammates on the pitch with a smile on her face and a bat in her hand. She was glad to see Michael had been chosen as the new captain, he'd been really dedicated last year and she knew he'd do a great job leading them this year. She bounced on the balls of her feet as he spoke, bat swinging slightly by her side as she waited eagerly for her turn.

"Lucy Holland, trying out for beater again!"
She said brightly, stepping forward as soon as her turn came. She mounted her broom and kicked off with a gleeful squeal, spiralling into the air and towards the nearest bludger. The enthusiasm had maybe been... a little much, as her takeoff meant she clipped it at an unusual angle and as a result the ball didn't fly anywhere near anything useful. She corrected quickly though, and after getting back up to speed and remembering the training she had done over the holidays, Lucy managed to make a few strikes she was proud of, glad that pestering Auntie Odette had paid off in the end. By the time her tryout was done she was flushed and beaming with thrill, confident that she'd put on a strong showing as she returned to the ground.
Lucy had enjoyed her time on the quidditch team last year. Maybe she hadn't done any scoring, but this year she was determined to change that - determined to win, too. She got onto her broom and lifted up into the air, readying herself to show off her skills. She'd learnt a lot last year, but hadn't had too many opportunities to actually practice in the break. Her parents didn't seem to see the point in quidditch, and they lived in the suburbs, making it harder to hide broom-riding. Still, Lucy wasn't too rusty and managed to get a couple of quaffles in the hoops. She looked forward to seeing who made the team, and to practice again.
If there was one thing Violet was going to do this year, it was try out for quidditch. She wanted to be able to actually make the team, but knew that Quidditch was quite popular, and considering she was only a second year, she was unsure if she would be able to be successful. She needed to try however, at least to make her mother proud of her.

Violet gathered around as the older boy spoke to them all. He seemed very serious, and there was no doubt in her mind that if she made the team, he was going to make her work really hard. She knew she could do it however and just wanted to try and impress him.

The girl lined up with the others before introducing herself to the captain. "My name is Violet Owens-Rosemary, and I'm trying out for seeker." she said, putting emphasis on the first half of her last name, just in case he knew who her mother was.

With that, Violet headed up into the skies, steadying herself on her broom before pushing on to find the snitch. She knew if she wanted to be good at this position that she had to have a keen eye and fast reflexes, as well as the most speed anyone could have on a broom. She just kept her focus, keeping an eye out for anything that she thought might be the snitch. She became excited at one point, but then realised it was a buckle on someone's shoe glimmering in the sunlight. Sighing, Violet just continued looking, knowing that she could do it.

After a bit of time, it appeared the snitch liked to tease, and when she saw it fly right at her face and past her ear, she immediately turned around and began chasing after it, criss crossing through people as she just kept her eyes on the prize. She didn't take her eyes off it, knowing that if she did, she would lose it immediately. She pushed harder, reaching out with her hand to grab it, and finally the gold touched her fingertips and she wrapped her fingers around it. She grasped it firmly in her hand, stopping immediately once she was sure she had it. She then caught her breath for a while before letting it go. It was hard work, but she had done it, and she hoped that the captain thought it could be worthy of something.
Monday Weeks was honestly relieved when he was not asked to be captain. He did not think he could handle that along with the other things he had on his plate. He did arrive to the pitch and saw Michael, who used to play beater but opted for keeper instead. He gave him a small smile, and listened to the directions. With his bat in hand, he mounted the broom and headed up into the air to assist the others.
OOCOut of Character:
Any first years who want to try out, you may now do so! Please just send me a courtesy PM first. ;)
Ambrose didn't particularly agree with the rule that first years couldn't just try out for the team but he wasn't too bothered to complain about it either. Especially not when he had talked to the captain and the older boy had let him agree to try out anyways. If he hadn't, he'd just come back the next year. Even if he really wanted to play quidditch the possibility of having to wait a year to try out wasn't something he would've been upset about.

Taking a stand a little behind the older students he listened as the captain spoke, waiting for his turn to step forward. "Ambrose Webb," He said, even if he had introduced himself to Michael not too long ago when he went to ask if he could try out. "Trying out for chaser." He added easily before moving over to grab his broom. Ambrose wasn't the strongest flyer, he knew that, but he wasn't the worst either. Those were the benefits of living in a rural area: plenty of space around their house to practice his flying. He took a second to find his balance after he had pushed himself off into the air and then tried to get a sense of everything that was going on around him, mainly wanting to keep an eye out for bludgers whilst also focussing on where the quaffle was going. It was a lot, but it wasn't much different from the amount of attention he needed to pay while he was playing rugby with his friends. He could handle it. Ambrose flew around, sometimes keeping close to whoever had the quaffle and other times taking a bit of distance in case they felt the urge to pass it someone. Luckily, it got passed to him a few times and he got to make two attempts on the hoops. The first missed and the second was blocked, but he was glad to have gotten a shot in the first place. With a bit of luck he even managed to steal the quaffle once. He took his last shot at the hoops just before the captain blew the whistle and was quite pleased when it got past the keeper, although perhaps that didn't count since the keeper was the captain and had been a little preoccupied.
OOCOut of Character:
I'll close tryouts in 24 hours! Anyone who wants to try out, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Kharon Styx figured that he ought to shoot his shot with trying out for Quidditch. He even asked if he could have a go at it, and sure enough, he could. He was not the only first year either. So, when it was his turn to announce who he was, and what position, he said in a quiet but firm voice, "Kharon Styx, trying out for Keeper." He knew that with the captain as the keeper, he would likely do well as an alternate, which was what he was going for anyway. He wanted to experience Quidditch. He might not even like it. So, might as well try. He mounted his broom and took off toward one set of hoops. There, he managed to block about a quarter of the shots made by the chasers, but he was a first year - never played Quidditch. Hell, he never even watched a game. At least he did okay. He landed and went back to the dorms once the try outs were done.

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