Ravenclaw Quidditch Team: Practice 2

Closing in on the keeper once again, Teodora threw it as hard as she could in the hope that it would go in. It didn't, it went as wide as it could go. Dang it.
Hattie watched as the other team caught the quaffle yet again. She pushed on and tried to chase them again, but luckily they didn't score. As the quaffle was thrown back into play, Hattie grabbed it and tucked it under her arm as she turned around to head to the other side of the field.
Emily looked around for more bludgers, but couldn't find any. It looked like they didn't were released this game. Which was weird since she was sure they should be here.
Ajaccio fell in between the chaser that caught the ball, eager for any opportunity to help out.
Minnie took a moment in her searching to just watch the other players. She thought they'd greatly improved in their playing since the try-outs. She knew they needed more work but she was fairly confident about it and their ability.
Teodora followed the two other chasers in case Hattie wanted to pass quaffle to her.

Ajaccio got close enough and managed to take the ball from her and he continued towards the hoops.
Minnie continued to push forward looking for the snitch.
Emily spotted a bludger and she gave it a wack, it only went way off. This wasn't her day with bludgers.
As soon as Ajax got close he threw the ball, disappointed when he once again missed.
Minnie groaned a little in frustration spotting that the chasers failed to score again. Hopefully they'd all have more luck in the next game.
Teodora circled back when Ajaccio had taken his shot, wondering when their first goal would happen.
Minnie pushed herself as she chased after what seemed to be the snitch but ended up not being.

Teodora took possession of the Quaffle and flew away from the hoops before turning back around again, creating enough distance between her and their Keeper.
Ajaccio followed the ravenclaw chaser that caught the ball as it was thrown back out. He could help them if they wanted it.
Minnie pushed herself to chase after the snitch, and in a moment when she was almost in disbelief actually managed to catch it. She held it in her hand for a moment, gave a little cheer before letting it go again. They could continue to practice.
Noticing Ajaccio next to her, Teodora passed the quaffle to him instead of trying to score herself
Ajax caught the ball as it was tossed to him, and once close to the hoops threw it. Cheering happily when for once, he actually managed to score.
Minnie had decided to stop, pleased with herself and watch the others for a moment, pleased when she noted one of them scored.
Lars had mixed feelings when Ajaccio scored. He'd been kind of proud of how well he had been guarding the hoops until now, and it was sad that someone got past him. But for Ravenclaw's chances, it was good that the chasers were capable.
Teodora caught the Quaffle when it was thrown back into play and, tossed underneath her arm, she made her way back to the hoops once more
Ajaccio flew next to Teodora as she caught the quaffle and flew off.
Minnie focused once again on finding the snitch again, hoping she would following one catch, catch it more quickly.
In the hope that she would be the next to score a goal, Teodora pressed forward on her broom. When she got close enough to the hoops, she decided to go for another shot. Unfortunately for her, it went wide again.
Ajax caught the ball when it was thrown back out and got ready to circle back and try to score.

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