Ravenclaw Quidditch Practice Y46 S1

Michael Watson

Biggest Sport Nerd | 6th Year | Claw Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
17 (29/09/2044)
It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and Michael was keen to get started on some actual game practice. He'd been trying to mix things up with general fitness training and some drills - throwing, catching, swinging and the like - but it was important to give everyone plenty of time to practice as though they were playing in an actual game. He'd brought oranges down in a container too, like it was school sport, and sternly reminded everyone to bring water bottles for their breaks. He didn't want to be extremely bossy or anything, as that was very much not his speed, but if he was going to be captaining and technically coaching as well, then he wanted to ensure that the team stayed hydrated and energized. Everyone being fit and healthy was just as important as knowing how to play their roles.

After taking everyone through some basic stretches and warmups, Michael addressed the assembled students. "Alright, so game scenario practice today. Savannah, Violet, might be a bit hard for you to see the snitch in this light but it'll be good practice. See if you can push each other a bit. Monday, Audrey, lil' Lucy, alternate defense and offense, so the team gets a bit of a chance to breathe between hits. You can all hit pretty hard, so I want you three to focus a bit more on accuracy and control today." He remembered the last training session less than fondly. "Rory, Ambrose, big Lucy, use the whole of the field and don't be afraid to communicate and pass a bit if you get the chance. You're going to be flying up and down the pitch a lot to practice on both Kharon and me. It'll be tiring, but it'll get you game ready." He bent down to open up the box, setting out the snitch and the bludgers, and then passing off the quaffle to one of the waiting chasers. "Shout out if you need a break or anything. Let's go!"

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals necessary, just get straight to practicing!
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Audrey was going through the motions a bit with warmups and drills, reminding her a bit of her parents in all honesty (but far less aggressive), so she was keen to get to a bit of free flying - although muscle memory would still mean she flew less freely than she'd like when playing. She mounted her broom and took to the skies right away searching for bludgers to hit.
Violet was keen for her very first practice on the team. It would be a challenging one today, but she was determined to do her best. The girl mounted her broom when the captain announced they could start and immediately began her search.
Audrey was a little too enthusiastic in trying to get a headstart that she misjudged the bludger she found and swung and missed.
Michael situated himself at the hoops - he picked the side with a little more glare, so as not to throw Kharon into the deep end right away. He'd be practicing defending, he didn't need to contend with reduced vision as well on top of that. Still, even with the glare he had a decent view.
Rory grabbed the quaffle as soon as practice officially began and began making his way towards the set of hoops defended by the keeper.
This time Audrey got bat on bludger, but it harmlessly flew wide of the seekers.
Michael prepared himself as he saw Rory take up the quaffle.
Rory got closer to the hoops and pulled up slightly as he got close enough for a shot, which he took and it went straight through the hoop.
Michael was always torn between wanting to do better himself and being pleased that the chasers were doing well. "Nice one!" he called, deciding it was much better for the team to focus on the latter as he threw the quaffle back into play.
Audrey continued to look around for bludgers to hit and openings in which to hit them.
Michael flew around the hoops, wanting to keep his blood flowing and so he'd be able to quickly accelerate to block if needed.
Audrey sent a bludger flying away from the team.
Ambrose could hardly believe he had not only been allowed to try out but made the team too. This was great! He nodded when Michael told them what to do before quickly getting up in the air. He knew the older players were far steadier on his broom than he was but that wasn't going to stop him. Ambrose followed the older chase and watched as he scored right away, managing to catch the quaffle when it was thrown back out.
Audrey kept flying after bludgers.
Michael was really pleased to see Ambrose get involved so quickly, keeping an eye out for the youngest chaser.
Ambrose didn't want to take the chance of losing the quaffle so he took his shot at the hoops, not surprised when Michael easily caught it.
Violet kept trying to find the snitch, knowing it couldn't have gone too far. She thought she saw it at one point, but it was just the sun playing tricks on her.
Michael grinned, glad he wasn't entirely off his game. "I like the enthusiasm, keep it up!" he called, wanting to be encouraging even if he wasn't sure if it was actually helping anything. Better than the alternative, he thought.
Audrey lined up a shot on Savannah, but the bludger had other ideas, hitting @Lucy Montague instead. Audrey winced - Lucy was the person on the team she least wanted to see get hit by bludgers. Especially coming from her.

1x Lucy M
Rory was glad to see one of the younger chasers having an attempt on goal, even if he did miss. When the quaffle was played back into play he grabbed it and went to have another shot himself but he missed.
Ambrose flew forward to catch the quaffle again after the older chaser's attempt, moving over to the other side of the pitch.
Ambrose made his shot but the other keeper blocked his attempt as well.
Savannah went into the air and began looking for the snitch.
Violet kept Savannah in the corner of her eye so she could follow if she began diving for the snitch. She still kept her eyes peeled, hoping she could see it somewhere in this blinding sun.

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