Rate the Sig


The Arm leaning on her i can't stop staring at it because its hovering and i'm a bit iffy on the font
But other then that i like it
I haven't seen maya on for ages. its really nice, has she dyed her hair purple or is the just the colouring?
anyway, i just find that the fact that the back of her head has faded a little bit odd.

The Font makes my eyes funny
but i like it other then that
I like its simplicity but the font i keep on reading Domino Night
And it makes me hungry and want Pizza
very nice and simple. I love the quote, but something irks me about the flowers crossing the badger and crest. I know its a petty comment but that is why i lost half a point.

I love it! It's very pretty and the scratches on Juno's face just makes the banner cooler than ever.
I made it :3
I still think the Flower tailed dragon is cute
*pets banner*
Hello Little one

OOCOut of Character:
Not many people comment on why they give the scoring.. I wanna know whyyyyyyyyy

OOCOut of Character:
How can i be OOC in a OOC topic...
OOCOut of Character:
I dont know why ooc on an ooc topic, maybe its more of an off topic comment than out of character one

Its a little tall for my liking. and there is something about the blur between the background and photo that could be smoother.
Not fond of the name font, but I like the colouration, and her eyes look good ^_^
I dont know why but i love this,it's simple and makes her seem tough. and there is a lack of tough looking characters on here.
It's pretty 9/10 =)

I like it
I Made it :)
i still wonder if i shouldve changed the background colour
blue on a hufflepuff...
Just the colouring and the text and it's just perfect :wub:

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