Rate the Sig


It's nice, but a little small.
I love the script on Hyeori and I like the clothes, well done, if a little simple- 9/10
I honestly love the banner! It's the text that turns me off a bit. Not the Sarah Moon, the little writing below. It's very small and seems broken. But, it really is a beautiful banner!
I really like the picture and, infact, most of the sig. It's only the writing under the name that doesn't sit right, font wise.
Then again, I'm very particular about fonts and I have not yet discovered a floor-less one.
10/10 I love it ^_^


It's just Awesome. And Seriously pretty!
Although the writing is a tiny bit hard to read.
It is a beautiful banner, but the writing is kind of hard to read, though the writing reads very well, it is very nice.

Only problem is I have sooo gotten over the Playby. (I'm sure you know why :wub: Adommy :wub: )
8/10- Only coz the colours clash ( i think) And I dont like Selena Gomez... Sorry ^_^
9/10 :cry: Taylor...
9/10... I like the banner especially the picture used but i don't like pink... :erm:

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