R♥lations for Ariah!!

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Ariah Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Poculi Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
♦It's Roleplaying Time!!♦

Okay, Ariah is one of my newest characters and even though she already has some things plotted up for the future but I still think more needs to be done with her. So I'm looking for some RP's and interactions with her peeps and such.​
Ariah Rowan

Age: 13
Occupation: Slytherin 3rd Year
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Obvious Likes: Animals, Flowers, Being Outside, Stuffed Animals, Napping, The hottie HoM Professor, Plants, People shorter than her, Reading, Cute things
Obvious Dislikes: Tomato's, Big Spiders, Rude People, and Being tired
Ariah is generally very sweet hearted, friendly, bubbly, and extremely Klutzy about most situations despite having a rough and bumpy past with her mother trying to be strict and controlling about who she should be and who she should want to be when she grows up. Ariah generally enjoys being outside and being around animals. Be warned that she is highly klutzy and accident prone, so a lot of bad situations can happen with her. Ariah was placed in an Arranged Marriage with Levi Zhefarovich at birth but she still doesn't seem to know about it. Ariah was mostly raised by her father who taught her to be accepting towards muggle-borns, half-breeds, and muggles because they are human too. This makes her friendly and accepting towards them until she's older.​

Relationships She's looking For:
Note: Any house or blood status is acceptable for these.
♦Friends - Ariah is usually pretty nice so she's always looking for a new buddy or two to hang out with, or talk to, and be there for whenever she needs to.
♦Best Friend - Ariah has yet to have a best friends, this guy/or girl would be the one that she could always turn to when she needs them and will usually accept her no matter how weird she is.
♦Enemy Gone Friend - This could be someone who dislikes her but eventually wouldn't mind being her friend or someone she gets along with.
♦Acquaintance - Someone who just ends up meeting her or seeing her around occasionally.
♦Enemies - This is the group I'm hoping will be the biggest. Since Ariah is a Pure blood Slytherin who stands up for muggle-borns and such I figured she would have a lot of enemies. These would be people who dislike her for her acceptance towards lower blood status', her bubbly attitude, or anything else you can think of that would make your character dislike her. Ariah herself doesn't like mean people or people who believe in being cruel to others for dumb reasons. These people may become imporant to Ariah's development later in life.
♦Deneral Dislike - For someone who just dislikes Ariah for whatever reason.
♦Rivals - Could be someone who wants to be in constant competition with Ariah for better grades, and other things.
♦Mentor - Someone for Ariah to look up to
♦Mentee - Someone who looks up to Ariah
♦Crush - Someone who would crush on Ariah but their feelings would most likely not be returned by her. Due to arranged marriage and eventual feelings for another.
♦Jealousy - Either some to be Jealous of Ariah or have Ariah be jealous of them.
♦Family Friends - Someone who's family has either known or will become close with Ariah's family in the future this making her close to that person.

If there's any other kind of Relationship you can think of that I haven't mentioned and you want to try go ahead and mention them here. I'm looking for some seriously Roleplayers and I'll love you bunches you if you do.

Have fun!
Since she is a Blood Traitor as as Ai would call her I vollenteer Ai as an enemy because I can never make that list long enough for Ai.
Awesome! :wub:
Ai could definitely become an enemy of Ariah's then!
Then I think we would have to set something up for them, I'm sure Aleyah and Arvi would like to join in as well with that :D
Ha, even more enemies to add to the bunch would be awesome.
I can set a thread up for them if you'd like and others can pop in that one later if they'd like to?
That works I just have to pull the nasty out of me if it's going to be any time soon.
The Thread

Here's the Thread for Ai, if she wanted to have the other two that she's friends with come in as well thats fine with me as well. xD
Ai Adlam said:
Then I think we would have to set something up for them, I'm sure Aleyah and Arvi would like to join in as well with that :D
Aleyha wouldn't join in on that. Ariah is family. =))
Vanessa Parker - Vanessa and Ariah could very much get along and become good friends with one another. If you want we could set something up for her.

Aleyha - I just have to say, Awwwh. :wub:
I can offer Artemis as a future mentor for Ariah. In a year or so, Art will have grown up a lot and stopped being a child. She'll settle more into the role of a proper Ravenclaw than her usual Gryffindorish craziness. Art's becoming the sweet, wise old-bird sort and much gentler than before, and so better at giving advice.

More importantly she wouldn't care what Ariah thought of pure bloods, mixed bloods, muggles or anything, even if Ariah's views changed as she got older. This is mostly because Art has pure blood in her, goblin blood, muggle, pretty much anything. She reckons blood is none of her business.
Arty's loyal as anything, so even if they were just passing acquaintances she'd do whatever she could to help Ariah if she needed it. This might be a plot for halfway through this IC year when she's coming out of the whole Jareth thing.

If you're interested, do PM me ^^.
Aleyha Devearux said:
Ai Adlam said:
Then I think we would have to set something up for them, I'm sure Aleyah and Arvi would like to join in as well with that :D
Aleyha wouldn't join in on that. Ariah is family. =))
Ohhh there would be an instant fake sorry. xD
Ai Adlam said:
Aleyha Devearux said:
Ai Adlam said:
Then I think we would have to set something up for them, I'm sure Aleyah and Arvi would like to join in as well with that :D
Aleyha wouldn't join in on that. Ariah is family. =))
Ohhh there would be an instant fake sorry. xD
Huh? o_O
I have Briar Rowan and in a few years she will be looking for her family. maybe they could in the long term find out they are half sisters or something. this is just a suggestion, dont feel like you have to do it.
Well Ariah has only brothers, so having a sister wouldn't work out all that well. But Briar could be one of Ariah's many cousins. :r
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