Quidditch Game: Ravenclaw vs Ilvermorny

Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
It was time for the final game of the season. He knew they were in for a fun game as the international game always was that. Reeve went about his preparations which included a quick visit to both teams to remind them of the rules.

It was a pleasant day, the sun was bright, but the clouds were just enough to keep the worst of it at bay.

OOCOut of Character:
Big apology for the delay. Arrivals only please. Ilvermorny players: If you're unable to post and it's more than 10 minutes since this has been posted, please PM me and add your captain to the PM.Captains: Please be sure your lineups are all set up in the QCP prior to posting it in here!
Rory couldn't believe the season was already over and they had won the whole thing. He wasn't sure how pumped he was for the inter-school match as the whole affair seemed pointless, but as a half arsed Quidditch performance was a one way trip to the hospital wing he would give it his all. He made his way to the pitch after changing into his robes and waited for the captain to begin.
An international Quidditch match. The cup finals had been amazing, but this was just next level. Lucy couldn't keep her eyes off the Ilvermorny team across the pitch, who had come all the way around the world to play against them. Them! Lucy had no delusions that she would be playing this match; she had done well in the cup match, well enough that Michael had called her the MVP, but this was serious business. Still, it was thrilling to watch her teammates face off against players from a whole nother country, and she continued to stare at the American players in awe.
Zoey wasn't entirely sure how they had gotten here. Well literally she knew, there was a portkey and everything, but making it to the game against New Zealand felt surreal. She knew she worked hard and so did the team but it was still odd to finally be standing here. Well this wasn't the first time she had been here but then she had only been an alternate and now she was captain, well co-captain. Zoey looked to Pearl quickly before clearing her throat. "Gather up everyone." she called out. "We've done a lot of work to get here and I just want to say I'm....proud of you." she said and wondered if they could tell how uncomfortable she was. She shook it off and kept going. "Anyways, you all know what to do. Beaters stay focused like last time and everyone just play your best. Let go!"

@Nabi Mun Seeker
@Pearl Parra Keeper (Co-Captain)
@Melrose MillerChaser
Zoey HawkinsChaser (Co-Captain)
@Hadrian MurphyChaser
@Ocean KeeleyBeater
@Larissa BarosBeater
Nabi felt strangely nervous for this match, the international ones always seemed to have higher stakes. She smiled at Zoey, her speech was nice. She waited for the game to begin, fidgeting with her sleeve.
Melrose couldn't help but gawk a bit around the pitch, trying to pull his focus in on what Zoey was saying as she addressed the team. For all the Quidditch was Quadpot's far less cool cousin, he couldn't deny it was definitely getting a leg up in the cool factor with him being allowed to travel to different countries to play. The time difference was a little dazzling though, the bright sun causing Melrose to squint as he tried to not so subtly size up the Kiwi team across the pitch as Zoey finished her speech, trying to ignore the pit of nerves writhing in his stomach as he gripped his broom.
A nervous, tepid excitement brewed in Lucy's heart. She'd never been this far - to actually be playing a team from a different school - and it was novel and thrilling. Lucy was riding on the high of winning the cup and could honestly say that even if they didn't win this won, she'd be happy. That didn't mean she wouldn't try her hardest. Lucy sized up the other team, getting into the quidditch mindset. Hopefully it'd be a good, clean, but exciting game.
No matter what, thought Michael, they'd won the House Cup and that was the important victory. This, in a way, felt a bit like the bilateral series they'd throw on right after a cricket World Cup that neither team was really invested in and the audience didn't pay attention to. At least, on paper. Still, there was a crowd gathered, school pride at stake, and an excited team around him, which did spur Michael on to lead them well in this victory lap. And since Monday hadn't gotten to play the last game, he did want to try and have their Head Boy go out on a high.

"Can I just say, awesome job getting here, all of you. No matter what happens today, they can't take the cup off of us for this year,"
Michael started, not really sure what else to say on that front. "I haven't got a good read on this team, but I think they'll have to play pretty defensively because they don't have a whole lot of substitutions on hand. If we go a little bit aggressive, we can force them on the back foot, which frees Savannah up to search for the snitch with less competition." It was pretty simple as a strategy, not as well planned and thought out as he would have liked, but sometimes simple was best. "Let's just get up there and have fun with it. C'mon Ravenclaw!"

@Savannah Walters Seeker
Rory StyxChaser
Lucy MontagueChaser
@Ambrose Webb Chaser
@Monday Weeks Beater
Audrey BeauchampBeater
Michael Watson (c)Keeper
Lucy Holland, @Violet Owens-Rosemary , Kharon StyxAlternates
Hadrian hated portkey travel, as most people did. He put his uncomfortable feeling in his stomach primarily down to that, less than nerves. At least his siblings wouldn't be here to see this if they did screw it up or he got sick while flying. He'd pull himself together, though. He nodded slowly at Zoey, he appreciated her nice words even if it was clearly extremely awkward for her to say. He knew much better than to draw any attention to it, not in the least because he wasn't sure what the rules on Zoey and Pearl casting hexes on them at another school was.
Audrey idly twirled her bat in her hands, half listening to Michael half scoping out the Ilvermorny team, trying to see if there were any cute boys for at least a bit of eye candy. It would at least distract her from the butterflies in her stomach that made themselves known whenever she got ready for a quidditch game. Even without her father's ultra high expectations on the field, his voice still echoed in her head and she didn't care much for it - and yet also really wanted to live up to and perhaps surpass those expectations just to prove she could. Sadly, the eye candy was kind of lacking, so she turned her attention back to the team and got ready to play.
Reeve reviewed the lineups as he received them and with no issues noted gave the captains a nod. The referee placed the appropriate charm on himself and addressed the crowd and teams. "Today, Ilvermorny will be defending the North hoops and Ravenclaw, the South hoops. Teams, please keep the game fair. Let's get into the air!"

The referee opened the game chest and released the bludgers, watching as they flew away. He then released the snitch into the air. As it flew away, he grabbed the quaffle and headed for his broom. A moment later he was in the air. The ref tossed the quaffle into the air with a "Game on!"

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes- please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer or need additional clarity to support you, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.

3. You should refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.

4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. After a player is hit by the bludger 3x, gameplay should stop. This allows for a quicker return to game post- substitution.

6. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!
Audrey immediately took to the skies and hit a bludger, that seemed to be going towards the seeker. It didn't go to the seeker, however, instead hitting @Larissa Baros. Well, impeding their beaters was alright too, Audrey thought.
Hadrian took to the skies and was fast enough to get to the quaffle first, speeding down towards the hoops.
Michael nodded to the team, quickly heading up to the hoops. He was pleased to see that Audrey was being appropriately aggressive, though a little dismayed that Ilvermorny got to the quaffle first. He'd just have to be on point with defense.
Somehow, Hadrian managed to score probably just to spite the writer and make her own keeper look bad. He looked as surprised as anyone.
Michael groaned, obviously not moving fast enough. He needed to get into the game faster, clearly.
Audrey chased after a bludger.
Rory was frustrated their opponent had been able to score so quickly. Once the quaffle was thrown back into play he grabbed it and made his way towards the other hoops.
Nabi started her search for the snitch.
Ocean jumped on her broom and looked for a bludger.
Zoey took to the air and stayed close to Hadrian as he managed to score the first points of the game. Things were looking good. Except for Larissa already getting hit. As the New Zealand chaser grabbed the quaffle she stayed close behind looking for a chance to steal.
Nabi flew around, keeping an eye on the Hogwarts seeker.
Ocean swung at a bludger but missed.
Ambrose followed Rory.

Zoey raced next to the other teams chaser and finally saw an opening and grabbed the quaffle before diving down to get out of the way so she could head to the other side of the pitch. @Rory Styx

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