Quidditch game: Ilvermorny vs Beauxbatons

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
It was a cold day, so Reeve made sure to dress in layers for today's event. It would be a fun game today, the two schools always played hard, and it was always a game worth watching.

Reeve finished speaking with both teams and was now on the pitch setting up. The stands filled up around him as he worked,, and he enjoyed the rise in noise and thhe feeling of excitement in the air. Reeve waited for the captains to arrive so the game could begin.

OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals only please. At this time, every player should familiarize themselves with the rules if they have not done so already.
Captains, please be sure to complete your lineups in the cp before you post them here.
Gemma couldn’t wait for the game to start. Losing last year when she had been so close to taking the seeker out had left a bad taste in her mouth. She was ready for a rematch and to get a shot at playing again before season was up.
Micha wasn’t sure if his hands were shaking from the cold or from his nerves. They had beaten the French last year by some miracle and he wasn’t sure he could do it again. So he sat on the bench bouncing his leg nervously as he waited for the game to start.
Hugo was excited for this match, he did some stretches as he waited for it to begin. He had to win today, he just had to.
Aramis blew onto his hands in some vague attempt to warm them up, wishing he hadn't left his wand in the locker room. Distantly he knew there was a chance this would be his last proper game on the team if they didn't manage to win it but he didn't let himself linger on the thought too hard, moving over towards Hugo and Gemma, making a point to try and muss Hugo's hair as he stretched.
Felicity hadn't exactly thought the school Quidditch team was anything to write home about but she couldn't deny it was fun to have an excuse to go to France. Bouncing a little to keep warm, Flick flittered over to the rest of the team on the pitch, peering at the French team curiously and wiggling her fingers in a little hello when one caught her staring.
Yoo was very ready for the game. he felt sure of their victory and knew he'd do all he could to help it. He ignored the fact it was interesting to be at another school half way around the world, that was not the vital thing in this moment.
Abigail pulled her hair back into a ponytail and looked around the pitch. It was a bit cold here in France, but thankfully there was no rain or snow. Abigail looked to their captains, wondering what they were going to say. Probably nothing worthwhile.
Hyun let out a breath, watching it form in the cold air before he turned his eyes to the team. It was strange to think his time on the team and leading it was almost over. At the end of the semester, he was going to have graduated and would have to start worrying about jobs and actually being an adult. But, for now, the number one priority was this Quidditch game and proving that Ilvermorny were the better squad. "It might be cold today, but we can still win this one. We beat these guys last time, remember?" He was sure they all remembered that. Rather that than their horrible loss to Hufflepuff which came after. "We've practiced for this and I believe in you all. Now let's get out there and bring home that win, yeah?" He tried to give them all a last confident smile before he wandered over to the referee to hand in their line-up.

ChaserHyun Ong Hae (Co-Captain)
ChaserLucas Ames (Co-Captain)
ChaserAbigail Martin
BeaterFelicity Sweetwater
BeaterMykaela Blythe
KeeperYoo Hyun Ki
SeekerMicha Kovac
AlternatesJia Warren
Flo was super excited for the match. The girl bounced with excitement as she waited for her captain. She had a good feeling, but she didn't want to get her hopes up too high.
Lucas stood with Hyun, familiar now with the constant ache he felt without Einar. He nodded at Hyuns words. "We've trained hard, we work well together, I know we can do this," He reiterated, watching as Hyun then turned in their line up.
Gabrielle had to admit she was a little nervous for today's match. She didn't think they had won against Ilvermorny more than once in the years she had been on the team and the possibility of today being her last match was one she hated to think about. Pushing those thoughts away she focussed on the excitement of getting to play again, rubbing her hands together to keep them warm before she would eventually put her gloves on. "Right." She started as she addressed her team. "We're all cold so I'm not going to give you a long, hearty speech." Gaby said with a soft chuckle. "But I know we can do this. I have extreme faith in all of you, your skills and your determinism. There's no way we're going to let them beat us on our own turf. Not today. So let's just go kick some American ass." She ended with a grin, hoping she had sounded at least a little motivating. Giving her team a confident nod she walked over to the referee and handed in her line-up.

Hugo de RosierSeeker
Gemma ThorneBeater
Ava HastingsBeater
Gabrielle PerraultChaser + Captain
Florence BelleroseChaser
Sébastien CadieuxChaser
Aramis FaroeKeeper
Amelie Derouin & Élise MoreauAlternates
Jia walked onto the pitch. She wasn't sure she would need to play today, but she felt a sense of comradery as she stood with the others, feeling a bit excited about being in France. She smiled at the captains, standing next to Yoo. "Good luck," She murmured, leaning in to him and giving him a nervous smile. @Yoo Hyun Ki
Ava had been looking forward to today's game for a while now, convinced that the team had what it took to win the game. And she'd be watching it all from the best seats in the house: the bench. Or at least she thought she was, untill the captain had informed her that she would be playing today. She listened nervously as the older girl addressed the team, nervously moving from leaning on one leg to the other.
Amelie was a little nervous about the game, but she was sure it could be fun no matter what happened. She was excited to see Hyun, waving happily at the boy. She turned to her own captain, smiling and nodding at her words. She had total faith that they could do it.
Reeve greeted the captains with a nod as he took the cards and reviewed them. He placed them into his pocket before casting a charm on himself to make some announcements. "Both teams were given instructions in their locker room areas. I expect this will be a fun but fair match. Ilvermorny, you will be guarding the Southern hoops. Beauxbatons, the Northern hoops. Please get ready to fly!"

Reeve opened the game chest and freed the bludgers. They moved into the air quickly. Next was the snitch which he lost right away. Reeve finally grabbed the quaffle and mounted his broom. He kicked off, soaring higher and higher. With a large puff of air, Reeve announced, "Game on!" And then he tossed the quaffle up.

OOCOut of Character: Game Notes - please read

1. Be sure to review the rules. Any questions regarding the rules should be sent to your captain(s). If they cannot answer, they can PM me.

2. If you have any issues seeing the score on the referee's first post or with your access to the quidditch system, please send a PM including both me and your captain(s). It may be that they've forgotten to add you to the system or may be a bigger issue.

3. Dont forget to refresh the page before you post! Someone might sneak in a post while you are working on yours and first post counts.

4. You should always be pressing a button, whichever is appropriate for your game play during your post. Doing so boosts your success rate as well as allows the timer to kick in appropriately for your teammates and opponents.

5. The game is meant to be interactive, so read your fellow players posts before posting! Stick with the game from beginning to end, from kicking off the ground to touching back down! Have fun!

6. As you are all in the same group and color, it would be most helpful for me if you consider including your school in your profile and/or utilizing the buttons with your school name
Gemma wasted no time kicking into the air and racing after the bludgers as they were released. With her bat firmly in had she swung and sent a bludger right at the American seeker and grinned as the hit landed.
Micha scrambled to get into the air as fast as he could as the whistle blew. He had barely made it into the air when a bludger came out of nowhere and slammed into his side. He wheezed in a shaky breath but kept moving, not wanting to let a single hit distract him for long.
Abigail winced as Micha was instantly hit, but then decided to focus on herself. She grabbed the quaffle and tucked it under her arm as she flew off.
Hugo shot into the air once the game started, looking around for the snitch.
Flo flew up in the air immediately once the game started, though she was disappointed that she didn't manage to get the quaffle first. Flo followed the Ilvermorny chaser close behind.
Gaby shot up into the air and followed after the chaser that had taken the quaffle.
Ava pushed herself off into the air and swung at the first bludger close to her but it flew off in no particular direction.
It was probably not a good sign when Micha got hit almost instantly. Hopefully, thing's would look up for them. For now, he just flew close to Abigail as she grabbed the quaffle just in case she needed to pass.
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