
((Sorry, I've been really sick for a few days so I haven't been on. Since it is the first day of school do you just want to make up the rest of our summer story? Maybe we go back to school together or something like that.))
((okay, that will be the next post then...))
After selling the horse Pungahn found River enjoying breakfast inside. she joined her at the table with a piece of toast. 'do you want to go horseback riding?" she asked River.

"Yes, that would be great!" she replied.

later they headed out to the barn. after some instruction on grooming Diamond was clean an tacked up. Pungahn lead her out to the ring and helped River up before getting on behind her. she held the reins and directed Diamond a few times around before handing the reins over to River. "okay you steer." she instructed as she showed her how. River took the reins hesitantly and steered Diamond around. after a while she loved it. "want to go faster?" she asked River.

River was apprehensive, but trusted her enough. Pungahn told her to hold on to the saddle horn with one hand and the reins with the other. she squeezed Diamond and gave the command to canter. Diamond responded well and cantered smoothly while River held on and Pungahn made sure River was enjoying herself. by the time they dismounted River was very happy to have learned how to ride.

the rest of the summer flew by much the same with riding of both broom and horse. by the time it came to go to the airport and head back to Hogwarts they were acting as though they were sisters.

((hope you liked that, River. ;) ))
((it was good...i liked it thanks))

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