Open Prim Rose

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Open after @Diana Holland

Elliot was having a little trouble tracking down Diana Holland. He had a vague idea what she probably looked like, considering she was Alice and Rose's sister, but Elliot felt like he'd been around the school a lot today and had yet to spot any Holland look alikes. The student lounge seemed like a good bet to try next for places students hung out, and Elliot figured maybe he could sit down for a bit if he struck out again. Scanning the couches hopefully, Elliot spotted a girl who definitely bore a resemblance to the other Hollands he knew, and he hesitantly approached her, fingers quietly crossed that he wasn't about to make a mistake. "Uh, hi, sorry, excuse me, are you Diana Holland?" He said holding his rose basket in front of him almost protectively.
Diana had been waiting for her roses to arrive, hoping for at least one pink one. She had sent Simon a pink rose and if he didn't send one back she would be very annoyed. The girl made sure to sit in the student lounge, a place that was easily accessible for any rose delivery people. She was glad Rose hadn't tracked her down yet, though, as Diana was sure she would ask her to deliver roses if she had anything left over. Diana was not in the mood for delivering, only for receiving. So when someone approached her, Diana sat up straight and looked at the boy impatiently. Finally. "Yes, that's me." She said, holding out her hand. "If you have one for me just hand it over."
Elliot hoped that someone wouldn't describe his reaction to Diana's look as cowering, but it probably wasn't too far off. He gave her what felt like an uneasy smile before passing over the pink rose and note as quickly as he could, trying not to fumble it when the note snagged on his basket. "Here, sorry." Elliot had no idea why he was apologizing, something about Diana's face it him feel like he'd inconvenienced her somehow and it seemed right.

A pink rose for my beautiful girlfriend. Simon
Diana was impatient, and grabbed the rose the moment the boy handed it to her. She didn't acknowledge him as she opened the rose and read it, a smile appearing on her face at the message. A pink rose from Simon was definitely welcome. She had to thank him soon. It was a relief, knowing she wasn't the only one of the two of them to have sent a pink one. Only when she folded the note did she remember the boy. "You can go now." She told him dismissively.
Elliot stood a little awkwardly as Diana read her rose, unsure of what to do now. It seemed rude to just walk away, but Diana hadn't exactly given him the impression that she wanted to chat. When Diana suddenly acknowledged him again, Elliot quickly ducked his head. "Right, sorry, bye." He managed before scurrying away. It was hard to believe Diana was related to Alice or Rose, they were so much less scary.
Simon had been studying in the library, bored and deciding that on this rose day to go do something else. He stepped out of the library and watched a young student rush out of the student lounge. Curious enough as to why, Simon headed to the room. His eyes found Diana easily and the part-veela couldn't help the smirk, "Are you scaring away young students Diana?" he asked with a teasing smirk on his face. So long as she wasn't getting any pink roses from anyone else, he could say with some certainty that she'd gotten his rose. That it was right there, "Did you like my rose? I specifically told them you deserved the prettiest pink rose,"
Diana was pretty pleased when the young boy left as she told him to. She was happy to not be one of the younger students at Hogwarts anymore, especially if it meant they listened to her. She watched him leave, then turned the pink rose in her hand. A smile brightened her face when she heard a familiar voice, and she turned her head to look at her boyfriend. "Maybe." She said with a teasing smile. "I did like your rose. But I'll have to compare it to everyone else to make sure I got the prettiest one, then." She smiled and stepped closer to him, kissing his cheek. "Have you gotten any roses yet?" She asked, as if she wasn't asking if he'd gotten hers.
Simon gave a little teasing smile back as he watched her approach him, he leaned into the kiss that she placed on his cheek and smirked back. "Check them all, it's the prettiest one," he assured her with a confident and unwavering tone. "After all, my girlfriend deserves only the best," Simon said to her. At the question he smiled and nodded, "I got this beautiful pink rose from a girl," the part veela spoke slowly, letting his hand move to cup her face gently, "Her name's Diana Holland, she's an amazingly beautiful person, with the strongest personality I've ever encounter. Do you know her?" he replied moving into kiss her lips, a smirk on his features as he did so.
Diana smiled fondly. "I'll take your word for it this time." She said softly, leaning against him. She liked hearing him call her his girlfriend, and liked how he said she deserved the best. Something about his tone made her feel like maybe he really meant it, and it made her feel secure. When he said he got her rose and cupped her face, Diana tilted her face up at him. "Glad you got it." She said, it was all she could really bring herself to say, what he was saying to her was so nice and it made her feel warm in a way she hadn't felt since Edmund. She had told herself she wouldn't let herself feel that way about a boy again, but Simon was pushing past all her defenses. "I do know her." She said after they kissed briefly. "She's the luckiest girl in the world." She had officially fallen for him.

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