Open Prepping for Winter - WPC Event

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
It just seemed logical to Rosie to make this the event of the semester, it was beginning to have the signs of winter and what better time than now to get the garden ready for it. To trim what needed trimmed, to insulate what need insulated, and to make that the plants would survive the winter, so it made sense to Rosie that that was what they did with the event. She had some information on what needed to happen to what plants, and had everyone gathered at the wild patch. "Today is really simple, we're just getting the garden ready for winter," she said. "Get to it if you know what you're doing, but I have information here, if you want to double check what a plant needs as we get things ready, if in doubt just ask myself and Kiara," she said, and then just let them get to it.

OOCOut of Character:
Just as easy as it sounds, getting the garden ready for winter
Zora had such a love of gardening and all things plants that it seemed natural that she would be part of the Wild Patch Club and be so excited to take part in all things to do with it - even when it was something like winterizing the garden although it probably would feel monotonous to many. The girl got to work with quick hands and a happy air about her. She began deadheading some of the perennials careful not to be too eager with clipping. She hoped they would have some fall bulbs to plant although she assumed that her school would be careful not to introduce too many foreign flora or fauna so she wasn't incredibly hopeful. Even if she was - it would probably be an older kid who got to do it too.
Ruto was keeping to herself this semester, but when she discovered that the wild patch club would be looking after the garden for this winter, she had to get herself involved. She didn't want to neglect to the poor flowers and knew that they would appreciate her helping them. She gathered around with the club as the older gryffindor began telling them what they would be doing. It was simple and Roo didn't waste any time before getting started. She picked up some pruning shears and began pruning away the dead leaves on the nearby flowers, amazed at just how much there actually was to do. It was quite enjoyable and the Ravenclaw was glad to be part of such an activity. She looked around at her peers who were also helping, suddenly feeling an immense amount of respect for them all.
Leo didn't really have time for the club events, he had NEWTs that he wasn't going to pass well if he didn't dedicate himself to revising. But the offer of being outside was too tempting. So he was outside. Leo had always liked doing things with his hands, a physical activity over an essay or revision. It was easier to feel good when he had a finished product over a bunch of notes. Physically writing essays didn't provide the same satisfaction. He got to work, happy for a simple thing, and something he knew easily how to do. Cleaning a garden was not much effort at all.
Fraser wasn't about to start really working on his revision, he had plenty of time for that. He definitely did. Fraser liked the gardens anyway. He was a little disappointed by what they were doing, it felt a little more like herbology than just a club, but he knew that was a little what this club was. He glanced at an older girl, and watched as she was pruning the dead leaves. Fraser knew he could copy her more than doing something independently. "Can I help you?" he asked her.
@Ruto Vernier-Raison
Callie was always eager to get into the gardens. She liked spending all of the time that she could in them. It just was more difficult when she was close to exams, and it was winter. She did wonder what a club that was all about gardening would do in such a case, but it seemed pretty obvious when the older girls talked about it. Tidying up. She could do that. She grabbed a rake and began raking up leaves so that they could be properly composted.
Margo was still a little shaken after her meeting with Professor Le Fey. So she needed all the help she could get to distract her for a while. She just needed a little more time to figure out what she wanted to do next so she threw herself into her studies and club activities. Out in the gardens it was always so peaceful and for a little while she could ignore her problems and focus on what was in front of her. With their assignment given she got to work weeding and trimming all the plants that needed it so they could come back healthy and strong next year. Wistfully she wondered if going through all this trouble was making her stronger for next year. Every time she thought she was getting a little tougher something always came to give her a reality check. Maybe one day she'd run into something that wouldn't make her crumble immediately. But today wasn't that day.
Ruto had started to get lost in what she was doing, and so when she heard a boy's voice pipe up from beside her, she jumped a little, and then chuckled as she realised it was a younger Gryffindor. She liked that he was asking to help, and so she smiled at him. "Of course you can." she told him. She gestured to the box of pruning shears that was provided. "Just grab one of those and get started. It's pretty easy as there's not much to think about while doing this. Except of course the inevitable rain that shall soon fall upon us." She looked up at the sky, the grey clouds forming above them. "But what's more fun than gardening in the rain?"
@Fraser Fergusson
Fraser smiled back at the girl, he didn't know her, but she seemed nice and now was as good a time as any to get to know someone that he didn't actually know. He grabbed what she pointed for him to grab and then tried to get started on it. He looked up at the sky. "I've always liked flying in the rain, so long as it's not torrential rain," Fraser replied, since he found that more fun than gardening. "I'm Fraser, by the way,"
@Ruto Vernier-Raison
Ruto smiled as the boy stated he liked flying in the rain. Flying seemed hard, and so Roo knew he would have had to have some skill to keep from sliding off a wet broomstick. Flying on a dragon in the rain sounded fun though, but Ruto's chances of that were very slim. He introduced himself as Fraser. "It's nice to meet you, Fraser." she said, snipping off another dead leaf from the plant she was working on. "My name is Ruto, but you can call me Roo." She continued working on her plant, moving on to another one before she spoke again. "What made you join the Wild Patch Club?" she asked him, figuring it was as good of a time as any to get to know him.
@Fraser Fergusson
Fraser took a moment as she introduced herself back to him, and then frowned. "Oh, you're on Accio right?" he asked, since when she'd said her name, he'd recognised it, though he hadn't really recognised her. Before he nodded. "Oh I liked being outside, and needed something to do," he replied. He liked gardening enough but it wasn't a love of gardening which had led him to wanting to be a part of the club. "You?"
@Ruto Vernier-Raison
Ruto was a little surprised that Fraser seemed to recognise her from Accio, but it made sense. "Yes, that's me." she said with a nod. As he responded to her question, Roo understood. She often did a lot of things just for something to do, and not everything needed a rhyme or reason. The most was learnt when one didn't know what to expect. "So, does that mean you like to keep yourself busy?" she asked, already feeling as though she was learning so much about him. She was now barely focusing on the plant she was working on, just enjoying talking to the boy. "Well, I like nature. It needs to be appreciated. After all, if it wasn't for the trees and the bees, it would be harder for us to survive." she explained, hoping he also understood.
@Fraser Fergusson
Fraser gave a wide smile. "I'm also on Accio, this is my first year on it," he told her with a bright smile. He hadn't really met all of the others in the club yet, so was glad to meet her at this occasion. "I do!" he agreed, and then nodded along as she spoke. "Would it?" he asked curiously, since he just didn't know. "How so?"
@Ruto Vernier-Raison
It made sense to Ruto when Fraser stated he was also part of Accio. She never bothered to pay much attention to any of her club members, but perhaps she should, as she was probably missing out on opportunities to make friends. She smiled as he said he liked to keep busy. She was the same. But at his question, Roo wrinkled her nose, a little frustrated that he didn't know the answer. But not everyone was as educated as herself. "Well, trees produce the air that we breathe, so of course we need trees. And without bees, we wouldn't have plants, which provide us with food. I heard about a muggle man who stated once that if bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live." she explained, hoping he understood now.
@Fraser Fergusson

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