Prefect Stuff

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Paige Hardy

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Hornbeam Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core

Its not often I do a single topic for a single character but here we go.

I want to start paying more attention to Paige Hardy and get her a life going. Paige loves reading but she's anything but nerdy. She is energetic and fun loving, friendly and easy going. She is underdeveloped as a character as I've most been dipping in and out of her for her entire existence and haven't really roleplayed wit her. So there's not much to go on with her but I am working to change that. Anyway with all this in mind, I'm looking for a best friend, friends, I'd like her to date a bit between now and graduation so some relationships would be great. I don't have a clear grasp on her sexuality so I'm open to relationships of either gender. Finals can be discussed.

Let me know and of course all my other characters are at your disposal if you wish.
So, I can offer no more than a friendship

But Isaiah, whose on the team with Paige wouldn't mind someone new to spend time with, he has a few friends but not too many. They could either just be friends considering that they'd know each other because of the team and also prefects. They could kiss a couple of times, but that would likely be about it. Maybe they could be friends?
A friendship sounds good, she doesn't even have that right now. Some kissing here and there could be fun but they could be good friends I reckon.
I think they could be good friends too.
Do you want to start something or shall I?
I'll start something. It'll probably be in the next few days.
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