Practising Defence

[[ bye bye Kailey]]

Andy watched as her wand whipped out of her hands. She smiled at Jolly.
"Very good", she told her then looking about her said;
"We've plenty of room here, how about we pick up some of those rocks and place them in a line. We can practise the expelliarmus first on them to see if we can just get the basics of the spell first."

She moved over picking up some stones, she held them in her hand and looked to the others.
"Swish and flick and just pronounce the words like ...ex-pel-ee-AR-mus ".
Vydráel nodded as she told them the spell. Mimicking the the movements with his wrist. Moving position so he was standing where he could see the perfectly.
He swished his wand, flicked and said evenly "Ex-pell-i-armus." The rock didn't move, making him giggle a bit.
Amy looked at the stones Andy had put down and concentrated on what she needed to do. "ex-pel-ee-AR-mus" she said while doing the swish and flick. The stone twitched but nothing else happened. She sighed and looked down at her wand.
"Hey wait till I put the rocks down first" Andy cried and hurriedly put the stones down on the grass before them. "Ok maybe ten steps away. Don't want the rocks to hit us in the face."

Andy raised her wand to her face and concentrated on the words she needed to say, she flourished her wand and with a swish and flick said the words;
"ex-pel-ee-AR-mus "

The rock she aimed at was blasted a yard or so back from where it had been.
"How do you do that?" Amy asked Andy. She really needed help with this particular spell.
Jolly watched interestedly as Andy's spell blasted the rock off. "Try again, Amy," she said encouragingly to her friend. She hadn't had any luck and so had the boy. Jolly smiled at him and indicated him to try again. "I think I'll try the Finite charm. Wanna practise that, Andy. We are both done with the disarming charm. Let's do the stunning and the spell-reversal charm."
"Maybe if i matched how much i wanted it with my voice?" he asked no one in particular.
"Sorry about that andy." he added, looking at her sheepishly.
Looking at the newly placed rocks, confidently raising his wand and giving it a twist and flick while saying "ex-pel-ee-AR-mus!!" Noticing this time that the rock twitched and moved backwards a tad.
"Oh.. well better then nothing" He said wistfully. watching the others progress
"Sure Jo. Will just make sure these two get this one first", she turned back to Amy and Drae.
"You have the swish and flick but it's just how you pronounce it now, you emphasise certain syllables in the word, listen...ex-pel-ee-AR-mus" she told them.
"now just keep saying the word and when you think you've got it flourish your wand again".
Vydráel nodded at Andy again and this time decided to strike a pose. hoping it would at least make things interesting.
He looked at the stone and muttered the word "ex-pell-ee-AR-mus" over and over.
Raising his wand, twisting and flicking "Expelliarmus!" he cried
He grinned as the rock flew... right at his head
"Effen hell!" he nearly nursed, holding a hand to his head and giving it a slight rub.
"well.. i got it!" he said confidently. "Or it got me.." he added, giving his head another rub
Amy listened to Andy as she explained about the pronunciation. "ex-pel-ee-AR-mus, ex-pel-ee-AR-mus, ex-pel-ee-AR-mus" she muttered under her breath over and over again. Thinking maybe she should give it another go she tried again. Doing the swish and flick hand movement she said "ex-pel-ee-AR-mus" aimed at the rock. Stil the rock didn't move, simply twitched. She was starting to get annoyed with herself now. Flicking her wand impatiently she shouted "EX-PEL-EE-AR-MUS!". To her utter suprise the rock flew backwards. She dropped her hand limply in surpise and looked around. "Did I do that?" she asked.
"Well whichever you try should be just as fun as that one" replied Vydráel
"Maybe it'll chase me instead of just attacking me." he added, his head still throbbing from the impact

(im really gonna have to work out a bloody nickname! typing it is annoying)
[[well I'm calling you Drae anyway :p ]]

"Amy great job!" Andy smiled at her, "see you can do it. The only thing I will say is try to keep your emotions in check. I was so all over the place last week in class that I couldn't perform one single spell or charm. So keep focused and don't let your emotions get the better of you."

she looked about and biting her lip thoughtfully said,
"We should practise that new spell then. It cancels the spell the other person performs on it, so maybe if we pair off and one of us says the expelliarmus spell to get rid of the other persons wand, the other person can say the finite charm to cancel it"
she looked at the others, "that way no-one gets hurt!"
"Well i wouldn't say that" Vydráe said, indicating himself and amy. "I don't think you could be assured of complete safety with either of us." he made a small grimace, thinking that it might get someone's eye
"Don't worry Amy." he added "I'm confident that mine will be the airborn missles."
Andy laughed and stood infront of Jolly.
"Yep think we should be the safest of the two", then remembering how clumsy and accident prone Jolly actually was regretted the statement, " at least I hope we will be!"

[[ok see you all at 2pmish]]
Vydráe smiled at her for a few seconds before his face dropped. "Uh crap!" He almost sighed.
"I think i forgot something at my dorm." he said with his face still down. "I have to go ladies, nice meeting you all though" giving them one of his almost annoying grins and waving before sprinting off back to the castle.
"I suppose so but I'm not writing another essay." Kailey replied
Kailey chuckled "No thanks, From what Professor King told me there are practice dummies around the school that give realistic reactions. We could cast spells on those." she suggested.
Jolly was happy that Amy and Vydrael were improving and she clapped lightly once or twice. When Andy finally turned to her and asked her which spell they should do, Jolly said, "Why don't you try the stunning spell on and I'll try to protect myself? Then, I'll do the same to you," suggested Jolly, swishing her wand absently; it emitted red sparks and a nearby rose bush glowed red for a while and then died.

Jolly gasped and stared at little rose bush for a while. "Christ!" she muttered, looking sheepishly at Andy. "Erm...if one of us managed to stun the other, we will use the Finite charm and reverse the spell," she continued, speaking as casually as she could. She subtly tried to wave her wand and liven the roses again but nothing happened. Instead, they fell off and turned a little more dark in color.
Violet was feeling quite bored, she didn't really have much to do. She was having one of her off days - feeling a little bored, lonely, and miserable.
Without realising where she was going, she ended up in the garden, and saw, not too far away, a group of people she knew practicing for Defence Against the Dark Arts.
A smile crept over Violet's face. Aha, she thought. Here's something to allievate my boredom!
She concealed herself behind some bushes, so nobody could see her. They didn't look in her direction, anyway.
Violet pulled out her wand, and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. With a twinkle in her eye, she pointed her wand at Jolly through a gap in the bushes and whispered, "expelliarmus!"
Jolly had been staring at the dead rose bush again, feeling really guilty and stupid when her wand once more flew out of her hand. Surprised, she turned around, searching for the one who had sneaked up on them and made her the target. "If it's an enemy, you are dead...if it's my friend, you are dead, too," she joked out loud to the hidden person.
Violet couldn't help herself anymore. She toppled over, and lay on her back laughing. "Sorry Jo!" she called. "I couldn't help myself. At least the spell worked!" she exclaimed, through laughter.

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