
"Oh yes she is... or else." Murtagh said with a laugh.
Sam took the Firebolt with shaky hands, and gazed at it, wide eyed. Was this the broom that she had been so eager to ride? The broom that she so much envied people for having? She gave Murtagh an extremely grateful and shocked look.

"Really? You mean it?"
Caysi laughed and said " Or else what Murtagh?". she said giving him a sly smile.
"Heck ya I mean it," said Murtagh. Then he directed his words at Caysi, "I don't know it just seemed like a good thing to say."
Caysi laughed and said " But I am going to play :p". she said smiling.

((( i gotta go ill be on tommorow :)....)))
Sam paused for a moment, her wide eyes still upon the broom in her hands, before she suddenly lunged at Murtagh quite unexpectedly, and have him a great hug.


Then, she mounted. She paused for a moment, and then kicked off from the ground, screaming slightly from the unusual acceleration rate.
"Hey no problem," Murtagh said a little taken aback when she hugged him he flew up past her.
((( omg...i thought you said im not with it today eiter :p)))

Caysi waited patiently around the hoops and said " Are you ready to play some hardcore shooting". she said jokingly.
Caysi went to the hoop and barely missed it but the end of her broom hit it and she screeched " AH!". she laughed afterwards.
Caysi smiled and said " That was a little adventure for me". she said giggling.
Sam started to laugh, leaning back on her broomstick, holding it with one hand, and sticking her legs strait out in front of her. She wasn't laughing at Caysi or Murtagh or Kiera. She was just laughing because she was happy.

"Do you know how to play Sam?"

She stopped laughing abruptly, and stared for a moment, before she gave a nervous little giggle, putting one hand behind her head.

"Not exactly..."
Murtagh flew over to the girl. "It's really easy I'll explain it to you. There are 7 players on each team 3 chasers 2 beaters 1 keeper and a seaker there are 3 different kinds of balls one is the quaffle. You throw through the hoops. Then there are the 2 bludgers the bludgers are hit by the beaters at the other team. The last ball is the snitch it a very small very fast ball that the seaker has to chatch to end the game. The seaker that catches the snitch gains and extra 150 bonus points for their team. What we're doing now is just trying to get the quaffle past the person in the goal. Murtagh said hoping this would help her understand.
"Erm...okay?" she said, obviously still confused, although not as much as she had been. She would learn this game, if it killed her.

She gave Murtagh a determined and fierce smile. " what do I do?"
Caysi smiled and said " You can try to get it through the hoop that im protecting here". she said motioning " Give it your best shot.". she said incouragingly.
Sam tossed up the large, red ball for a moment or two, getting used to the feeling in her hand, before she suddenly tucked it under her right arm and sped towards Caysi. She did a quick fake, pretending to aim at the right hoop before bringing it around her back and chucking it towards the left one. Clearly, the g.irl was very athletic.

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