Plotty McPlottingtons (pls)

Marigold Pippett

quiet · nervous
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 8 Inch Rigid Pine Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Kylie Ortiz - 34
Kylie is my sweet angel baby and she has done quite a lot the last few years. Most recently she has found herself to be a single parent of two children, Dominic and Elena. Kylie is struggling a little with the reality of doing it on her own but she also wants to be strong for her babies. Kylie used to be in duelling but since she became a mom she couldn't take the risk of getting hurt so now she does clerical work and hates it but that's okay. First and foremost, I'd like her the father of her children, whether he fathered both or there are two separate dad's doesn't matter to me. The Dad(s) would be barely in the picture but I think that would cause drama and I love that a lot. Maybe he knows maybe he doesn't. I'm up for drama either way. Friends: other mom's would be an easy start for sure, from there we could have people from back in her school days that she maybe wrote a few letters too after she moved away and now that she's back in NZ could be fun to rekindle that. Lovers: Since Kylie is a package deal she'd be pretty hesitant to start anything so they'd have to be pretty special or she'd have to have had a few glasses of wine. Enemies are the sort of thing that she wouldn't have time for but she'd probably avoid people like the plague if she found them annoying. However if anyone said anything remotely critical of her kids they'd be her enemy for life.​
Wyatt Finch - 30
Wyatt has such a special place in my heart, truly. If you don't remember him from back in the day, he had quite an intense friendship with WAM but during my absence I'm saying that his depression and mental illness took a turn for the worse and he self-isolated a lot and lost contact with everyone, including his then girlfriend Marisol and because they just never spoke anymore they broke up (Approved by Abby). Now that he is in his 30s he's finally back in therapy, taking his meds again and trying to function. I'm thinking that he moved to Auckland a few months back and has been situating himself into a routine before deciding to become social. So I'm looking for Friends, they would have to be people who are maybe somewhat understanding if they used to be his friends because he basically ghosted people. If they're new friends, he definitely does need some social time. Lovers would be weird because he was so in love with Marisol for all of his youth and basically all his adult life that he'd have a hard time starting with anyone so maybe some flings, maybe some weird moments. Enemies outside of his extended family lol would be anyone insulting to Squibs, anyone who is insulting to Werewolves, and people who don't appreciate a joke when it's told.​
Zara Cohen-Knight - 30
Zara is probably one of my favourite characters for being so irritating to so many people when she was at school. Now that she is 30 she's probably a little less annoying. She's still against quidditch but she's a bit more quiet about it these days. Zara is a full-time artist but after a pretty serious breakup with Darcy Pratt (approved by Abby) she's let her social life fall to the wayside and with that her art has been struggling too. She wants to have more fun but it's hard to meet people as she gets older. Z will need everything and everyone. Friends: people who are okay with her being loud and opinionated (and maybe they are too). Lovers: Women only please. Now that Zara is somewhat over the breakup she'd probably consider meeting women but would probably be a bit awkward about it because she was in a relationship for a long, long time. Also she spent a lot of time closeted and would prefer not to be anymore so ideally women who are out would be nice. Enemies: Z probably doesn't feel too strongly against anyone anymore but she isn't the most likeable person so bring it on.​
Tesla Wilde - 28
Tess is a quidditch player for a smaller team, she keeps trying to get onto a bigger league team but for some reason she just doesn't have it. Now that she's getting older she's definitely wondering if she should give up and what she should do instead but it's hard to even think about. Her focus these last years really has been solely quidditch so she has had no social life. She goes to the gym, practice, home. That's it. I think she'd probably want to try to experience more of life by maybe meeting new Friends as she's always been someone who likes being around people or even Lovers with some first dates. They don't have to be good first dates or second dates. Frankly it'd probably be more fun if they were awful. Enemies would be pretty much anyone disrespectful to muggles or muggleborns from the jump. Also people who are rude about her playing would be on her 'list'. She doesn't have a lot of patience for people who are insulting for no reason.​
Camila Woods - 27
Mila has had a fun few years, she opened a cafe in the muggleworld and is considering opening a location in the wizarding world as her cafe is doing very well. She is very protective over the people she loves and is very clever. She likes sweets and bubblegum pink, she's a typical girly girl but can hold her own if she needs to. She's pretty fierce at times. Mila needs everything from potential investors in her business to friends who would be people that are encouraging and nice and people she would do anything for. Camila also needs lovers she's never really dated anyone and actually never kissed someone which she's a bit old to never have experienced so she's feeling a bit rejected at this point which is funny because she usually rejects most people first. Enemies would be pretty much no one except those judgemental towards werewolves. Although she can be pretty stubborn so that would probably make people dislike her a bit.​
Kinsey Wilde - 25
Kinsey was a fairly quiet person but as she's gotten older she's gotten more confident in herself and her abilities. She is a bit of a dork and always has been. She recently was travelling a little bit and has now settled back down in Wizarding NZ, she's currently looking for work as she was mostly freelancing while travelling. Kinsey will need friends who can appreciate her particular brand of dorkiness and who are kind, it's very important to her. She is also passively considering lovers and that it might be nice to date. Kinsey is open to all genders but generally would trust women more but she is so comically bad at flirting that it would be really awkward and uncomfortable for all. Still she's hopeful that she will find someone. As far as Enemies go, she probably wouldn't care much for people who are super extroverted as it would make her a touch nervous at first and she might not trust them. She's a muggleborn so I'm sure people would dislike her for that as well as her personality but that's besides the point.​
Basquiat Jackson - 14
Bas is a home schooled kid with parents who are active in the artistic world but don't have a lot of success. They both work part time jobs to sublimate their income so Bas doesn't get the newest, shiniest things which would be fine except he's a bit more vain than most boys his age. Bas is a bit lonely because he spends most of his time with his little sister Zora. Recently they moved from Australia to NZ and so he will need everything from friends who he can play 1v1 quidditch with and then become pen pals with or friends he can just hang out with to lovers regardless of gender. He does have a thing for older women... he is a little bit of a Yung Gravy in the making (side note a bbno$ type bestie would be fun to play out). He is a really kind person so he'd have a fun relationship for his first one. Enemies would probably be people who find him kind of irritating but it'd be pretty one sided.​
Marigold Pippett - 11
Goldie is my firstie! She's a Puff kiddo. She's a pretty nervous, anxious person and doesn't really do great with getting to know new people so this can have a negative affect pretty quickly. She's quiet and prefers to observe interactions between people as well which leads to some additional issues because people might think she's instantly judgemental when she isn't... well not extremely judgemental. She's a pretty smart kid all things considered - she just doesn't really know what to do or say. Friends will be far and few not because she isn't friendly but because of her nervousness so that would mean she'd have to have one or two best friends who she would basically shield herself behind in public then in private her personality comes out. Lovers are not going to be a thing for some time but if you think of future things let me know. Enemies could probably be easy because I'd imagine people would think she's rude just because of the way she holds herself when really she's trying to avoid interactions.​
Zora Jackson - 10
Zora is Bas' little sister so I haven't developed much of her to be honest. She is a pretty good kid all things considered, she loves gardening and can't wait to start Herbology when she does school whether that's home schooled or not. Her love language is gift giving and she is a people pleaser so she wants to make her friends happy as much as she can. She will need some friends but I'd imagine she'd have a pretty easy time of it because she's talkative and nice. She's not necessarily a tom boy but by no means would she be girly. Enemies I haven't thought much of at this point but would be willing to see what happens. Lovers c'mon she's 10.. She thinks kissing is how you get cooties.​
Future Students:
Samson Pippett - 9 years old
Dominic Ortiz - 5 years old
Elena Ortiz - 3 years old
Things to Note:

I am open to trying most things and for some reason if you think of something and don't want to post it here please DM me on any of these accounts and I'll get back to you ASAP.

I will also be easing myself into things, even though it definitely doesn't look like I am haha. If you have a plot idea for one of my old characters that I haven't listed here let me know and I'll see if I have the ability to play them/any inspo for them.

Thanks y'all!!​
Wildlife Seal GIF by PBS

ok bye love u! (say it back!)
Hi! I can't recall if I've said, so I'm Jess! I have thoughts for you.

Wyatt could maybe be friends with my girl Dorothy "Dot" Nash, though she is a bit younger. She's a very shy author. Mostly because she was a squib that was raised to think there was something wrong with her and that she was broken. She needs some friends, and I get the feeling they'd get on well.

For Zara, I think she could be good friends with my boy Sato. He's a bit quieter, but it could be a fun combination.

Camila could be friends with my girl Lily, Lily runs her own bakery stand. Maybe that's how they meet, Camila likes to show up and grab snacks and they talk?

Kinsey could be besties with my baby Onyx. He's an absolute sweetie, super into music, I think it'd be fun to see how they get on.

Then Marigold could do a thread with my firstie Elodie, see how they get on? Elodie is a puff too so they can meet in the dorm room?

And for Zora, I have a boy named Zaros that I don't really know anything about XD it could be fun to explore?
Hellllooooo! I know you've already responded to my PD for the kids but now I'm here for this very specific combination of adults ✨

Freya x Wyatt (x @Asaiah Murphy yes hi): okay hi welcome back would love for these two/three to interact! I know Freya never really spend a lot of time with them at school but life update: Asaiah and her now have kids. They had a super interesting reunion with Marisol a while back (before they had kids but were already dating) where Asaiah and Marisol had a thread to catch up and then apparated to his home where Freya was as well and I think it would be fun to do the same with Wyatt?
Wyatt x Dot: Wyatt would like instantly be protective over her if he found out she was a Squib and take her in as his 'little sister' even though he already has one. If not and he thought she was a muggle, I suppose it would depend how they met or what her vibe is.
Zara x Sato: Sure what is Sato like?
Camila x Lily: That would be so fun like business owner friends who just get on. Maybe Mila asks Lily if she wants to bake stuff for her cafe too and she can sell some of them there?
Kinsey x Onyx: Yes let's do it! Any specific stuff you want to do?
Marigold x Elodie: I already have a thread in the dorm, maybe we could have interact in a corridor like they're on their way to class and got lost or something?
Zora x Zaros: Definitely we should get to know our kids together!
Wyatt x Freya: Big time update alert!! Wowee. Hold old are the kiddos? Wyatt doesn't get a lot of kid exposure but would be thrilled to meet them even if he might be a bit awkward about it. I don't think he really would know who Freya was prior to meeting her in relation to Asaiah again but he'd be so happy for his Bro. And yknow if she's got a friend for him too he won't complain lol but really we should definitely do this! Maybe they should avoid the Marisol topic though with him because Wyatt is kicking himself for messing up so hard.

@Chloe Thompson @Amodeus Jones Thanks!
Wyatt x Dot: Wyatt would like instantly be protective over her if he found out she was a Squib and take her in as his 'little sister' even though he already has one. If not and he thought she was a muggle, I suppose it would depend how they met or what her vibe is.
Zara x Sato: Sure what is Sato like?
Camila x Lily: That would be so fun like business owner friends who just get on. Maybe Mila asks Lily if she wants to bake stuff for her cafe too and she can sell some of them there?
Kinsey x Onyx: Yes let's do it! Any specific stuff you want to do?
Marigold x Elodie: I already have a thread in the dorm, maybe we could have interact in a corridor like they're on their way to class and got lost or something?
Zora x Zaros: Definitely we should get to know our kids together!
Wyatt x Dot: Honestly she would love that, she's been very lonely most of her life so she would love some family. They could meet in Obsidian Harbour, maybe? She wouldn't offer the information out immediately but it could come out in conversation somehow?
Zara x Sato: Sato is a chef, super into food, quiet but a good listener. He would be the quiet friend that just encourages Zara to keep talking.
Camila x Lily: Ooh, Lily would love that!
Kinsey x Onyx: I've been thinking of having him get involved in some performances done by his school, maybe they could meet at an exposition?
Marigold x Elodie: Oh that works, have them go to class together?
Zora x Zaros: Yessss, I'm in!

So we're looking at six threads, maybe three a piece?
*cracks knuckles* Hi hello Alexis I am here with ideas for you!! :party:

The first is for Kylie and Archie. They were good friends back in the day, and now that Archie has a 3 year old like Kylie, I would love for Archie and Kylie to organize a play date with both their 3 year olds and catch up over coffee or lunch and we can kind of go from there? Archie would love to rekindle their friendship that's for sure!

On the subject of rekindling friendships, Pia is also a mother now, though she has a few months old baby who probably isn't old enough for play dates, I would love for her and Kylie to catch up regardless. Pia also works in pediatrics so maybe she and Kylie run into each other when Pia's working/on break at St Mungos?

My last idea is for Zora and Miro!! Miro is Flavio's son and he is 10 and will be sorted next year and I want him to have all the friends he can get. Miro is generally really confident and friendly, even if he is a bit stubborn and he loves when other people are talkative and friendly as well, so I don't see why they wouldn't get along.
Kylie x Archie: YESSS they were such fun friends and ope yes play dates and coffee sounds great. Also maybe when they both have baby sitters they can relieve their wild days haha
Kylie x Pia: EVEN MORE YESSSSSS Kylie definitely would have regretted losing touch. I think she probably would've sent Christmas cards and the like and thought very fondly about Pia and wondered about her over the years but now that she's back in NZ definitely. Maybe Kylie's eldest has a little tumble and broke his arm during the trip and so she brings him to St Mungo's and Pia happens to be the Healer and at first Kylie is so focused on her lil bambino that she doesn't notice it's Pia and then when he's better she does and big time hugs and they make concrete plans to catch up?
Zora x Miro: I'm actually flabbergasted that Flavio's baby is 10. Lil ducky. Anyway yes definitely game for that!

@Archie Renner
@Amodeus Jones I'm gonna DM you with topic links today or tomorrow but I'm going away for the weekend so zero rush to respond!
Kylie x Archie: YESSS they were such fun friends and ope yes play dates and coffee sounds great. Also maybe when they both have baby sitters they can relieve their wild days haha
Kylie x Pia: EVEN MORE YESSSSSS Kylie definitely would have regretted losing touch. I think she probably would've sent Christmas cards and the like and thought very fondly about Pia and wondered about her over the years but now that she's back in NZ definitely. Maybe Kylie's eldest has a little tumble and broke his arm during the trip and so she brings him to St Mungo's and Pia happens to be the Healer and at first Kylie is so focused on her lil bambino that she doesn't notice it's Pia and then when he's better she does and big time hugs and they make concrete plans to catch up?
Zora x Miro: I'm actually flabbergasted that Flavio's baby is 10. Lil ducky. Anyway yes definitely game for that!

@Archie Renner
@Amodeus Jones I'm gonna DM you with topic links today or tomorrow but I'm going away for the weekend so zero rush to respond!
Heck yeah Glad you like the ideas!

Did you want to start the rp for Kylie and Pia and I can start the one for Kylie and Archie? It might take me a little bit to get to it as I've got a pretty long list :p

Did we want Zora and Miro to rp before Hogwarts or after they're sorted?
@Amodeus Jones I'm gonna DM you with topic links today or tomorrow but I'm going away for the weekend so zero rush to respond!
sounds good! But which ones am I starting?
Wyatt x Freya: Big time update alert!! Wowee. Hold old are the kiddos? Wyatt doesn't get a lot of kid exposure but would be thrilled to meet them even if he might be a bit awkward about it. I don't think he really would know who Freya was prior to meeting her in relation to Asaiah again but he'd be so happy for his Bro. And yknow if she's got a friend for him too he won't complain lol but really we should definitely do this! Maybe they should avoid the Marisol topic though with him because Wyatt is kicking himself for messing up so hard.

@Chloe Thompson @Amodeus Jones Thanks!

Ooooh if I'm not mistaken their girls should be turning two in IC August. It'd be totally realistic for him to not really remember Freya lol. But yes definitely think this could be fun!

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