Plots and plots and plots

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Odette Madison

👑Macaws Beater | Healing | Adopted | 2049 Grad 🦢
OOC First Name
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Mixed Blood
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Straight 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Veela Hair Core
2/2031 (31)
Now that I finally have more than one character to offer up, I wanted to make one of these posts. I have three new firsties and I'm not afraid to use them :woot: I also still have my first baby Amber, who deserves all the love :wub:

Amber Wilson

Amber is my second year and she's very excited not to be the youngest at school anymore. She loves fashion and is very friendly and outgoing. For her I'm always on the lookout for new friends, but this time I sort of want to start planning something on the romantic front with her. She's starting to feel like she has to like a boy around this age, so she'll try to force it. So I'm low key looking for a boy she can interact with and try to force herself to crush on and like. It could be "mutual" or just one sided, but either way Amber won't be successful in her attempts. So it's not really a romance just Amber feeling like this is what she should be doing and trying to do it. I hope I'm explaining this well. :erm: I already have my final for her in mind so it really won't develop into anything else, but if anyone is interested in this, I'd love to hear it!

Odette Harper

Ah, Odette. My new mean girl. The anti-Amber. She's a deeply insecure girl which she hides under several layers of nastiness and outward charm. She's usually been able to fool people into thinking her a sweet, harmless girl but this could change now that she's at a new school and in a house full of crafty people. She can be very mean when she loses control but also very nice when she feels like she needs to be. She also tends to feel like she's competing with every other girl in the room, so she focuses on them in a negative way more than she does on boys. For her I'm looking for victims friends she can manipulate, as well as maybe one or two friends that can see through her false layer and still appreciate her. But I'm also in the market for enemies for this girl, so if you think your character can see her for what she is and also go against her. Give it a try. ;)

Rose Holland
Rose is an outgoing ball of energy, always ready for adventure. She loves to explore and be outside, and doesn't really pay too much attention to the rules. she also likes flying, but doesn't often play Quidditch. I want a group of friends for her that she can hang out with and do fun things with, maybe a few people that are similar to her to do some mischief with. But one or two friends that are quieter and more behaved could be fun too! Rose loves sweets so she will probably find her way to the kitchens sooner or later. I'd also like to possibly discuss future romance for her.

<SIZE size="150">Tristan Collins
Tristan is (so far) the only one of my characters that isn't from a magical family. He's Muggle Born and sort of self conscious about it, because he hates looking stupid or uninformed. His family is also not very well off, which is also something he doesn't really want to broadcast. He's a wary guy that tends to hold back and observe before he makes any decisions. He also has some ambition inside him that will develop a little when he's older and has more of a grasp on the magical world and its possibilities. Even though he's quiet and observant, he's not exactly shy. He can be very charming once he starts talking to someone and mostly just chooses to stay in the background until he feels ready to step forward. For him I'm looking for pretty much anything, friends, enemies, potential future love interests, you name it.

Anyone that I already talked to about a plot can still post it here if they like, it will lessen the chances of me forgetting :r . But you don't have to of course. If anyone needs more information about any of these characters, feel free to ask!
Hii :woot: mostly just posting so *I* don't forget =)) I hope you don't mind!!

I would love for Elt and Amber to meet. Elt was raised by goblins, and so growing up has never had anybody to talk to properly about her feelings. Then she was thrust into an English-speaking world in which she could hardly communicate, let alone express her emotions to anybody! As a result of this she tends to completely ignore anything she feels that isn't positive or happy. But of course, that doesn't mean she gets sad about things D: she just doesn't understand that it's okay to talk about that! So I would love for her to be friends with Amber, if you'd like that. Also I totally just remembered something that I will message you on Skype about :r

Aand Margo and Odette! I know we've spoken about them already, but basically Margo would only ever see through Odette's falseness if she did something super hurtful, so she would be very, very easily influenced/manipulated by her xD did you have any ideas for what Odette wants to manipulate people to do? :r :devious: I reckon Margo could be convinced into doing some things she wouldn't usually, just to keep Odette as her friend.
Professor Monty Pendleton said:

Aand Margo and Odette! I know we've spoken about them already, but basically Margo would only ever see through Odette's falseness if she did something super hurtful, so she would be very, very easily influenced/manipulated by her xD did you have any ideas for what Odette wants to manipulate people to do? :r :devious: I reckon Margo could be convinced into doing some things she wouldn't usually, just to keep Odette as her friend.
I think Odette would probably try to manipulate her in ways that will keep her from making too many more friends (though how successful she is at that will be up to you and people wanting to be Margo's friend) and probably try to use her to help her own reputation. When people *cough* Harley *cough* try to make her look bad she will try to make people help her get back at them. I think she also would like to get Margo to do things she wouldn't really want to just because she could and it would make her feel powerful . :teehee:
Hmmmmh yas I see what you're getting at :teehee: well I'd definitely be up for Odette trying to keep Margo from making other friends - I think it could happen, especially if she was made to feel as if nobody else would like her :r (not hard, she nearly thinks that already). But she may also venture out and make new friends and eventually come to realise that Odette just makes her sad, at which point she might try to distance herself. I really don't know how it'd go, but it'd be super fun either way :party:

I would love for Tristan and my first year ravenclaw, Jerara, to meet, Jerara much like Tristan is a muggleborn student. He's feeling pretty nervous about the magical world, he knows nothing about it and given that he's in ravenclaw he doesn't want to get things wrong but he's a very naturally curious boy. Jerara is a nervous boy, he's friendly and enjoys exploring. Jerara is endlessly curious about magic. He's also from not a very well off family. I think they could be friends, maybe just two muggleborns who band together, something like that. Let me know what you think.
Hey Emzies! That sounds perfect! I'm glad you're interested in Tristan ^_^ I worry that with all my noisy girls he'll be a bit neglected :erm: . I think he would be good friends with Jerara and be glad to have someone that gets how weird and new this all is. I'd love to do something with the two of them!
Yay! I'm glad! I think they could definitely make good friends. Would you like to start a topic for them or shall I?
Would you mind doing it? I'm a little unsure of how to start.
Hi Daphne,
For Tristan I have Robert Salem - I haven't developed him much but I think since both of them are 'Puffs they'll get along great!
xx Birdie
Daphne :woot:
So we've already talked about this but I still totally think that Andi and Rose could make great friends! They could eat sweets together and go on adventures and just get along super well because they're so similar in the best way. I can't wait to rp them and see how their friendship develops!

I also think that Odette and Andi could butt heads and be enemies of sorts. I'm not sure if Andi will be able to see through Odette's fakeness immediately, but eventually she will and will go out of her way to be rude to her/force her opinion about being nice on her. It could be a really fun plot and I would love to see where it goes, if they would become sort of friends before Andi realized or if she would realize quickly, who knows!

What do you think?

So I'm thinking Rose and Rory would get along quite well, seeing as they seem to like similar things, and I'm also hoping for a group of friends for her, as she's definitely prioritising friends and fun over any actual schoolwork :p

I'm also thinking that Rory would not like Odette once she figures out what she's all about. I'm interested in being able to bring out and work through Rory's tendency to be completely unapologetic about what she says to people that she thinks are rude/unfair, especially in front of other people, and I feel like Odette would probably cause that reaction in Rory at some point. Thoughts?
Penelope Klein said:
Hi Daphne,
For Tristan I have Robert Salem - I haven't developed him much but I think since both of them are 'Puffs they'll get along great!
xx Birdie

Hi Birdie, that would be fun! Tristan is the least well developed of my kids too so maybe we can develop them both a bit together xD
Samuel Phillips said:
Daphne :woot:
So we've already talked about this but I still totally think that Andi and Rose could make great friends! They could eat sweets together and go on adventures and just get along super well because they're so similar in the best way. I can't wait to rp them and see how their friendship develops!

I also think that Odette and Andi could butt heads and be enemies of sorts. I'm not sure if Andi will be able to see through Odette's fakeness immediately, but eventually she will and will go out of her way to be rude to her/force her opinion about being nice on her. It could be a really fun plot and I would love to see where it goes, if they would become sort of friends before Andi realized or if she would realize quickly, who knows!

What do you think?

I'd love to RP With Andi with both my girls. Her and Rose would be great friends, we should get something started with them asap! I'd also like to see Odette fail to charm some people or at least be unable to keep it up. So I 'd love for them to start out somewhat friendly bu then for Odette to misstep and make Andi realize what kind of person she is! Maybe we can discuss details over Skype?
Aurora Night said:

So I'm thinking Rose and Rory would get along quite well, seeing as they seem to like similar things, and I'm also hoping for a group of friends for her, as she's definitely prioritising friends and fun over any actual schoolwork :p

I'm also thinking that Rory would not like Odette once she figures out what she's all about. I'm interested in being able to bring out and work through Rory's tendency to be completely unapologetic about what she says to people that she thinks are rude/unfair, especially in front of other people, and I feel like Odette would probably cause that reaction in Rory at some point. Thoughts?

I'd love to have Rose and Rory be friends! I'd love it if the Gryffindor girls would form a sort of group of friends that have a lot of fun together.

And for her and Odette, I'd definitely like that too! This girl can make a ton of enemies I bet xD so if we put them in a situation where Rory can see who she is, I think it would be interesting. Odette can definitely cause a reaction in people. :shifty:
I'll PM you so we can figure it out! ;)
I had an idea for Odette.... Aurelia is totally new to the magic world. She's going to need quite a bit of help, especially at first. She's smart, so could get a lot of imformation from books etc, but there's a ton of stuff you can't get from books. Maybe Odette could fall into this guiding role and Aurelia her victim friend. ;) After a while this could evolve into enemies possibly, maybe Aurelia finds out she's being used someway? Or that her new "friend" is actually a bully? I don't think Aurelia is savvy enough yet to see through Odette, she's still quiet naive in a way.
I'd love to do that with Odette and Aurelia! She can figure her out after a while, we can figure it out together. I'm honestly glad there's some people willing to let their characters fall for her act, and it'd be fun if it evolves into enemies eventually. We could PM for details if you want.
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