Open Planting Your Favourite Flowers, Herbs or Vegetables - WPC Event

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie Archer had been looking forward to it, and it was just the right time for it. The wild patch had been tidied and there were dozens upon dozens of plants that the club could grow. she had picked out herb, flower and vegetable seeds that all would now grow perfectly under the conditions of the time of year. The sun was low in the sky, it was rather early for a club even, but she didn't want people planting when the sun was up too high, and therefore it would be too hot to actually be working. Once enough people had arrived Rosie stood at the front and cleared her throat. "Folks! Welcome, apologies that it is a bit early, we have a tea and coffee station just over there," she pointed over to where it was. "The point of today, is a classic, we have dozens of seeds, and plenty of area, and let's just get to planting," she grinned and then glanced to Kiara to see if she had anything to add.

OOCOut of Character:

WPC Event - it's simple, plant some stuff!
Lucy covered her mouth as she yawned, a little sleepy from getting up so early. She was usually a morning person but she'd stayed up late studying last night - exams were just around the corner, after all. Lucy listened to the older student, thinking the idea of planting and growing something sounded like a lot of fun. She knew she wanted to plant flowers, but what ones? There were so many options, Lucy thought, as she looked through the seeds on offer. She stood in the way of anyone else wanting to get flower seeds as she pondered over them, uncertain.
Kiara and Rosie had worked hard on getting the wild patch tidied up for their next event. It was more than ready for new things to be planted, for flowers and plants to grow. She was glad Rosie took the lead, still a little uncomfortable in having to speak in front of such a large group of students. Kiara nodded along while the other girl spoke, only piping up for a minute when she was finished. "Uhm, yeah there's also little plant labels over there if you want to remember what you've planted and where and we'll be here if you have any questions or need some help." She smiled, motioning towards a small box of plant labels with a few markers next to it. When everyone who wanted to got to work she glanced around, wondering if she could go and have a look at what she wanted to plant herself or whether she should just stay where she was for a minute in case there were any questions.
Callie arrived at the wild patch club with a plan, she had heard that they would be planting things so she had taken the time to look up some really pretty flowers, ones that would flower in the first cycle of them, and not in the second year or whatever. She listened to the brief explanation but didn't need to linger around for long, instead immediately went to the seeds, and noticed a girl from her year at them. "I'm going with some sunflower seeds, they make such pretty flowers," she said, as she looked for the kind of sunflower she wanted.
@Lucy Montague
Lucy's eyes widened, realising she was blocking the way. "Oh! Sorry, um, oh, here!" Lucy exclaimed, finding the sunflower seeds in question right in front of her and offering them to the other girl. "Are these the right ones? Sunflowers are really pretty, I like sunflowers too." Lucy smiled quickly, then looked back at the seeds on offer and picked one. "I think I'll go for lavender. I think it looks nice, and bees like it so that's always good," Lucy said brightly.
@Callie Cardoso
Callie gave a little smile and shook her head lightly, not wanting to suggest that the girl had been in the way at all or anything of the sort. "Yeah!" she agreed as she then picked the type that she wanted. "Yeah, sunflowers are really pretty," she said. "Lavender is really cool too, and it smells really good," she said. "Do you wanna plant them next to each other?"
@Lucy Montague
"It does! I love the smell of lavender," Lucy noted, agreeing with the other student. The smell of lavender always reminded her of home. "Oh, yes, let's do that!" Lucy agreed whole-heartedly, glad to have found someone new and friendly. "I'm Lucy, by the way," Lucy said, knowing she'd seen the other girl in her classes but not sure they'd ever really spoken.
@Callie Cardoso
Callie grinned in agreement, and was happy to have made a friend and to be able to plant some stuff with her. She found a spot and smile, "Callie," she replied, introducing herself to her. THough she knew Lucy from a couple of her classes, this was the first time she'd really taken the time to speak to her. "You're a ravenclaw right?" she said, standing in front of spot. "How does here seem for planting?"
@Lucy Montague
"Yeah, Ravenclaw. And you're a Hufflepuff?" Lucy confirmed, though she was fairly certain. She had no real pre-suppositions about other houses other than Slytherins, who seemed to her an unruly bunch who weren't very friendly. "Here seems great! Plenty of sun. I think sunflowers need a lot of sun, right?" Lucy wasn't a big gardener but she'd heard a few things about a few plants. She'd mostly joined the club just because she thought flowers were pretty. "Shall we plant them side by side, or one in front of the other?" Lucy wasn't sure, she looked to Callie to see what she thought.
@Callie Cardoso
Callie nodded as the girl correctly knew she was a hufflepuff and gave a smile at the agreement of it being a good spot. "They do, and they turn towards the sun," she told her with a nod. But then considered how they should plant them. "Maybe lavender in front, north facing, and sunflowers behind, so that it'll be rare that the sunflowers block the light for the lavender?" she proposed.
"Oh, that's so cool," Lucy commented on the sunflowers turning towards the sun. She thought that was really nifty. She listened to Callie's suggestion and nodded. "That sounds like a perfect idea! You sound like you know your stuff. I kind of, um, just joined the club because I think flowers are pretty," Lucy admitted a little shyly as she got her seeds in hand. "And - wait, which way is north? The sun rose...that way I think? Never eat soggy wheatbix..." Lucy mumbled to herself, "So north is anticlockwise from east, so it's that way. I think." Lucy had got it right but didn't have much confidence.
@Callie Cardoso
Callie gave a little shake of her head, since though she knew a little of it but wouldn't say she 'knew her stuff'. It was more just that she knew a little and that helped a long way. "I joined because I liked flowers too, but I know a little because I used to help my dad out in his garden a lot," she explained. "But I'm no expert," she made sure to assure. But she watched as Lucy was trying to figure it out and then nodded in agreement. "I think that's right," she said with a warm tone. "Plus it'll be okay if it isn't," she was quick to assure.
@Lucy Montague
Lucy felt a small sting of jealousy - she wished her dad spent time with her like that. "Oh, I see," she said in a thoughtful tone. "That must be nice." Lucy sounded a little distant, but quickly recovered. She was convinced at least that Callie knew more than her - which sort of made her an expert, in a way. "Okay, let's get to planting then." Lucy got down on her knees to dig out a little bit of soil, placing the seeds down and covering them back up again. She patted the soil down on top to make sure it was level again and smiled. Soon they'd grow into beautiful lavender bushes - she only had to wait. Lucy got up so Callie had the space to plant hers.
@Callie Cardoso

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