PiCk Me

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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; mum of 5½; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (46)
Ok my lovelies, i need YOU! Yes you..
Libby Barnett is a fifteen year old fourth year Hufflepuff. She is friendly and kind, and has a little brtoher who's just been sorted into Slytherin (He;s nice though xD) Libby already has a best guy friend (Jake Cooper) but needs the following:
[li]A best girl friend - Preferably in her year, or one above or below.
[li]A boy friend - Also preferably in her year or above.
She has someone she is mentoring already, but wouldn't mind if any new first years would like any help so also..
[li]Any first year's who want a mentor - This would also help her not just you.
If anyone is interested in any of these positions please feel free to comment! :D

Vanessa could be a best friend! She's one year below, so if you want she could just be a friend and you could find someone else in her year. She likes to sing, is very comforting and nice, cares about other people, and all that jazz, the average extremely nice girl (average and extremely don't go together but whatever. :p ) She likes to make jokes, but doesn't do it when she can't think of very good ones. Or if you just don't want Libby to be friends with Vanessa at all, it's fine.
I can offer you Victor as a best friend to. He currently dating Arisa, and his father just became president of the united states lol. His history I'm still working on it, he was suppose to have been a duke, but his parents didn't accept that part of their history. It had a lot to do with his great great great (well you get were I'm going) grandmother had an affair with the dukes son at the present time. They didn't consider it as an affair because, his grandmother was a slave, and she just did what she was told, but really they were both in love they just couldn't be together ever. So with that being said, his father denies and runs for president while Victor was here, so now his father being the president, Victor has to hide being magic and may decide moving here permanently in the future.
BFF!!! :lol: :lol:
*speaking as Rhianne of course..*
Okay this character once belong to my rl friend Sarah :hug: She never used it after she was sorted, they all tend to do that. U.u so I stop advertising for Hnz. Anways I don't mind them being friends, Sarah is still in the works. Only thing I come up with, she was a single child and she lived with her mom but she passed away recently. (Natural causes) so now Sarah living with Roswald and Lila :frantics: I know, but eh she will be my minor charrie so I just need a friend for her, nothing more. What you say?

-really loves the name Sarah I know- LoL
Arianna is also a Hufflepuff fourth year, and I'm pretty sure they know each other already... Sorta.
I can offer Arianna up as a close friend.

Ari pretty much keeps to herself now, and needs some friends to keep her from sitting around all day, so having a good friend in the same house is perfect :)
What do you think?
Victor - Sounds good :D Would love to rp. Am i right in saying theyve briefly met once?

Irene - Um, okay xD

Sarah - We should have a rp in the common room, do you want to join with Libby & Vanessa?

Ari - Awesome :) Yeah they're currently friends :p They could be besties if you want? heheh
That's sounds fine to me :)
I sort of joined the rp in the common room between you and Hannah ^_^

But you can rp showing me around because she only been here once and forgotten her way around?
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