Perfect Match

Speed x Elvera Le Fey
Professor love in the castle. xD
Andrea Kelize and Benjamin Chase

Gryffindor and Slytherin should be able to date!!!!
Healthy eater...hmm... maybe Alliyah and Kaleb Styx.
Ioan and Adrienne obviously.
Nina and Tom Fletcher. A new ship that may sail? :r
Sara moon and felix garcia
Prof James and Prof Cyndi. :p

(Just for the fun of it and also cos of my lack of knowledge about the character. ;) )
Adele and Felix!
Just cause I don't know who else, and the age gap means nothing to him.
Felix and a book since I've not seen him with a female?
Belladonna and Vladimir.

Sorry, this may or may not be my personal want. ;)
Jakobe and Scarlet J. girl.
Can't be bothered to look up her name for proper spelling. =))
Is it weird that I want to pair you with Khione Hawthorne? o.o Both awkward and so.

So my pairing would be Khione and Abel.
I'm sorry, but I think it'd be interesting if Paige and Dexter Lesley got together, because it would certainly be hilarious and pretty cute. :lol:
I said it before. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN!
Belladonna and Vladimir :wub:
Maya and Marcellus Haynes. Because, why not?
Sergei and Preston.

I'm sorry, someone had to say it :r
Jane and Rhys Graves.
Muggle-borns getting used to magic together could be cuteness.

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