Old School Week Overdressed

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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo didn't do halloween, and thus he'd come to the feast dressed in the same suit as he was going to wear for the yuleball and that he had worn in the last yuleball, at the very least he'd grown a little more into it. He was at the food table, filling a plate with halloween goodies. He had never been good at this holiday.
sky made her way to the Halloween feast she had learned last year that people did actually dress up so she had decided to go all out with a tight costume and moth wings. She saw leonardo there dressed in a suit like last year. "Happy Halloween Leonardo" she said as she approached him.
Leonardo looked up and gave a very small smile to Sky, "Happy Halloween," he repeated back to her. He could not that unlike last year she actually had a costume this time. He wasn't sure what she was to be, but he knew he wouldn't ask. "Would you like to join me for dinner?" he asked, though he was sure she had something else in mind.
Niamh smiled back at Leonardo. She liked him and his formal aloofness. thank you she said. At the offer of dinner she nodded some dinner would be nice. What do moths eat? Fruit? she asked.
Leonardo gave a little smile and nodded. "Moths eat nector..from fruits, flowers," he said with a little shrug. "You might be able to find some flower shaped biscuits,"
Elvera helped herself to a pumpkin pasty before moving back to supervise the students playing in the piñata
Sky nodded. sounds good. I am sure there will be some fruits there she said. She sort of fancied a big wedge of watermelon do you want some of the punch? she asked. Eying up the cauldron with juice bubbling away in it giving off a mist even though there were ice cubes floating among the fruit in it.
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