Over and Out

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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Over and Out

I've been a member of HNZ now for about 18 months, and i've lost count how many characters i have. Recently i've been having a few family problems, not to mention all my GCSE exams this week.
I've found HNZ to be a very entertaining, fun, socialable and useful place, and i will miss it, and even though in the past i've posted many topics where i've taken leave, this one may well be permanent (unless Beth comes up with some awesome plot that i "ooo" at). I hope to go down the Art/Graphics and Writing path in my future, and i think that had i not been a part of HNZ i would have not realized that's what i like to do. I thank everyone who has made this site so amazing, and i wish everyone well in the future.

For the last time,
~Pheebz x
WHAT?! NO!! I demand you stay! :mad: :( :cry:
How will the world cope without Liberty? You are still up for that plot in 8 years time, aren't you? I mean, all these things will be settled by then.. Hopefully.
I don't want you to go :cry: I know I will see you IRL but I'm moving, next year (if mum sticks with this one.. Which I think she will). But, wherever I live, I will keep in contact. I'll owl you. Ahahaha.. Ahaha.. ahah.. ahhh..

I do expect you to invite me over for a visit when you're married and living in a castle. Maybe I'll even go as far as actually visiting you as opposed to just egging the place. I'm glad that you've enjoyed your time here and I don't regret recommending it to you. We've had ups and downs and silly childish arguments which we've laughed about afterwards. Our first HNZ thread was fail because you walked into the LC and bought firewhisky xD We've had a great run and we've come a long way since our days of roleplaying in any old forum. It's always sad when someone leaves HNZ, but this is especially heart-wrenching for me. Not only am I losing my first RP buddy, but, in a sense, I'm also losing the first person I talked to, properly, on the internet. I'm gonna miss ya *heaves a sigh*

A piece of me will be missing. In fact, I'm so upset by this that I'm going to make a playlist to say "WAHHHHH!"

Here's a little number just for you - 4 ;) *tears form in eyes*
It's been a crazy journey and it's slowly coming to an end.. But only until I poison your husband and drag you away to Germany to get us new husbands :woot:

Going to miss you being on here and will miss you even more, come next year,
Beth/Bethy/Bethster/Sir Bethalot/Bethni

:hug: xxx

Can't smile without you.

P.S. You owe me lunch. You ALWAYS owe me lunch.
Hey Pheebz, you've been an awesome member during your time here - and I'll be sorry to see you go. :)

We've definitely had our ups and downs, in relation to this site, but we've moved past all the rough patches and you've been an amazing member for quite a long time. ^_^

You'll surely be missed here, and I hope this doesn't have to be goodbye forever.

Best of luck on exams and with your future. :D

Aw noes!

I'll miss you!!!!!!!

I hope to see you back sometime.. pwetty please?

so will Zavier :erm:

All the best,

Olivia :hug: ^_^

Aww, it'll be a shame to see you go.
Good luck in your exams, and in everything!

I hope that you come visit.

All the best,
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