Open Outdoor Delivery

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
((Yellow, open after Padme Hume))

Kauri didn't really know how to find the next person on his list either, and as he searched the school it was really starting to strike him how little he knew anymore about the younger students at Hogwarts. Finally though, someone directed him outside, pointing him to a girl out on the lawn. Basket hooked over his arm, Kauri hurried over to the girl, smiling brightly in the hopes that he had found the right person. "Excuse me, are you Padme Hume?"
Padme had thought giving out roses to students was immensely kind as a thing to do. She had been happy to send out a few herself, but she hadn't expect anything back. She had gone outside that day, it was a nice day and she knew as they entered the winter months that those would much fewer. She looked up when a much older boy asked if she was padme, "Yeah, that's me!" she replied with a smile, she knew her name was a little particularly but she didn't mind it nearly as much when most people didn't really know what it was a reference to.
Kauri beamed, pleased that he had managed to find the right person so quickly. "Great!" He said happily and reached into his basket, pulling out a bright yellow rose. "I've got a delivery for you!" Kauri said with a smile, handing the rose over to the girl.

Heeeeey!!! :^D
You are awesomesauce!!!"
~ Cyrus
Padme took the rose and the note as they were both handed to her. She looked the rose over for a few moments before she opened the note that went along with it. It was a sweet note and she couldn't help the small fond smile that crossed her features at it. She really liked Cyrus. He was so fun. "Thanks!" the girl thanked the older boy who'd given her the note, "We didn't do this at my last school, it's pretty amazing," she told him while still looking between the note and the rose and him.
Kauri loved the happy faces of people receiving roses, and he beamed brightly at the smile on Padme's face. "You're welcome!" Kauri responded cheerfully, and nodded in response to her comment. "It's a tradition at Hogwarts, it's been going on longer than I've been a student." He said with a smile. "If you want to help out next year we always need volunteers to deliver! No pressure, of course, but if you feel like it there'll be a sign up sheet." He said happily.
Padme smiled in response, she knew her brother was handing out roses, had seen him earlier in the day with the flower crown and a basket of roses, but Padme wasn't sure she could do it as easily. Going up to people had to be daunting.."I'll think about it," the hufflepuff replied after a beat of silence. Not wanting to think too much about it now and instead remaining thinking about the perfect rose that Cyrus had given her. When the time came in the next year she'd think about it.
Kauri smiled, glad to have made the girl happy. He didn't know whether he'd actually be seeing her for deliveries next year or not, but either way, Kauri was glad she was happy. "Thanks! Enjoy the rest of your day!" He said cheerfully and gave her a small wave, before heading off to make his next delivery.

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