Open Oopsie

Eoghan Blyth

☽ The Tower isn't always bad ☾ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴏᴍᴀɴᴄᴇʀ XVIII
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Aspen Wand with Boomslang venom Core
06/51 (12)
TW: Allergic reaction
Even though Eoghan knew he needed to study, he was more than aware that next year was going to be even more prominent. If he was going to try and reconnect with things that brought him joy then he may as well start now, given his free time was going to be less easy to come by. Sat in the Great Hall at lunch, there was a small stack of multicolored papers to one side, and Eoghan had been doing his best to follow some handwritten instructions as to where to place some folds. It wasn't as easy as he remembered, and it was hard to visualise what it was supposed to look like, however after about fifteen minutes, the second year had something that he thought resembled a fox. He placed it in front of him, leaving enough space for him to move his plate back now that he'd made it. Crossing his arms and leaning on the wooden table, he was debating whether or not things like this were a waste of time. Sure perhaps it brought him joy, but what was he supposed to do with it now? "Do you want this?" he asked the person next to him, hoping someone would think it was cute enough to keep, rather than just Eoghan tossing it in the trash.
Rion wasn’t hungry. The only reason she’d managed to eat anything was because the pumpkin pie was delicious, but she couldn’t only eat pumpkin pie. Maybe she should write to her granddad. He always managed to cheer her up, even when she didn’t know exactly what she was sad about - or when she refused to tell him. She sighed, picking at pieces of fruit and crackers. On the opposite side of the table, two girls were chatting animatedly about their favourite professor. Would they mind if Rion butted in? Or would they give her a funny look and turn away? It was so often the latter that she rarely bothered trying any more.

Beside her, a young boy was folding a piece of paper. She stole glances at his hands as he tucked corners and creased edges, recognising at once the crude form of an origami fox. Rion had enjoyed origami once. These days, she had nobody to give her sculptures to, and leaving them around the castle for people to find felt a bit like littering, so she’d stopped. Maybe she should have kept going. She might have been an expert at it now. That was always her problem: she gave up on everything before she had a chance to get any good at it.

“Are you talking to me?” she asked, turning pink. She’d thought her glances were subtle. “Sure. That’s really sweet. I’ll take good care of him.” She cradled the little paper fox carefully in her hand. “I used to make ducks, but they weren’t very good. You’re already way better than I was. Can you make anything else?”
Eoghan was looking right at the blonde, who else was he talking to? "Mhmm," he pushed the fox in her direction, watching as she picked it up to admire it. The Ravenclaw started to pick at his breakfast, something he'd neglected the moment he'd brought down the sheets of paper and laid them out on the table in front of him. "Duck origami?" he asked, hoping that he wouldn't annoy the older girl by talking to her too much. She'd been the one to mention it though, so surely she didn't mind. His own cheeks blushed when she told him he was better than she was already although he very much doubted that. What was it with all the older girls being so sweet? This girl reminded him of June, and no doubt they were probably friends. "Do you want to try it again?" he asked, nudging the papers in her direction.

"I can make a few different animals, but it's been a while," he said truthfully, spreading some butter on his slices of toast. A smile appeared on his face as he heard Lilith opposite him, reminding him to use the right butter. He reassured her that he was using the dairy-free butter, showing her the smaller pot before continuing. Eoghan wasn't sure if he was annoying the older girl, or if he would be at least if he asked her any more questions. "I like to think it's a good metaphor, you can do a lot with what you have if you know how."

Godmod approved

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