One to post last... Wins!

Sees Professor, screams "WITCH!!!" in the commotion of fire and sticks, steals trophy from burning body and runs away to Wonderland. heheh
-is in Wonderland on holiday- What do you think you're doing with my trophy missy?
-confiscates trophy-
*Jumps down from a tree above and snatches trophy and apparates away even though technically she can't apparate* Mine! :D
Hides at the back of Alyss and steals the trophy and hid under a house table.. "Hahaha! It's mine now." she whispers softly.
Follows Hyacin, and shouted "Petrificus Totalus!" and gets the trophy. *runs to the librabry and hid behind a shelf.*
*Sneaks across the floor, army style. Pounces and runs away, trophy in hand* "BOOO YEAH!!"
Follows Ryker outside the Library and shouts "Stupefy!" gets the trophy, summons her broom and goes out to The Rosebush and hides behind it.
Ryker manages to follow her, giving evils all the way. He pounces, kisses the girl in order to stun her, takes the trophy and runs towards the common room cackling evilly
Margarette rides on her broom. She shouted "Locomotor Mortis!". She slaps Ryker for kissing her she grabs the trophy and went to the girl's dormitories.
Ryker recovers from the slap and starts to hike up the slide to the girls dormitory. He waits until she is sleeping before getting the trophy and running away. He runs out to the grounds and climbs a tree. The trophy is his!
Alyss follows Ryker and she stuck out her leg tripping him over, she snatches the trophy, and summoning her broom flies away into the forest, into her special clearing.
Happens to be in said clearing looking for Unicorns. See's shinny trophy walks over to the girl and taps on the shoulder. "Look Miss a baby unicorn." When girl see's the baby and makes adorkable girly sounds. Calmly takes the trophy and hops on the back of a dragon and fly's away.
Follows Meyke using her broom gets the trophy and hides behind a big plant inside the greenhouse.
*swoops down on Sienna Storm frightening Meyke and snatches trophy before flying away*
*Recovers and follows Meyke and yells out to her Petrificus Totalus! Grabs trophy and flies off with it...*

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