Open Once a Badger, Always a Badger

Linden Kinnek

His Snowflake ❄️ Magizoologist 🦡
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
🏳️‍🌈Cas, 🏳️‍🌈Gay🏳️‍🌈
Curly 12.5" Flexible Chestnut with Mermaid Scale Core
23 (05/2039)
Graduation was over. it felt weird to be a graduate. of course they still had NEWTS left but he had officially graduated. it felt far too soon to be stepping out into the world and being responsible for themselves. he knew what he wanted to do. he had already had plans he always known he would be applying to work at the sanctuary, hopefully getting one last holiday at the menagery first. but there was so much more to work out that he had neve thought of. from the very basics of where he was to live. stay at home in new Zealand with his parents and ivy. live at the farm in Australia, see if willow would let him crash on his sofa. or maybe, just maybe he should follow through and accept caspers offer fully.
he clapped for each of his classmates as they crossed the stage and soon it was over. he leaned over and gave cas a kiss. "Congratulations Graduate" he whispered before getting up and offering his hand. "we should probably see our guests, some of them have travelled a long way to be here." he said offering his man his hand and slowly making his way along the aisle slowed down by pausing to wish everyone a "Congradulations" or a "Well done" or a "so, what are your plans now"
After speaking to Kas, Lucas decided he had to at least try to be social. Weird as it was, he was Head Boy, it sort of felt like his job to at least talk to his fellow graduates and wish them a nice life, or whatever. He nearly ran into Linden and Cas, who were, of course, holding hands. Lucas forced a smile. "Hey, you two. Congratulations on graduating." He said glad his voice came out almost normal. "It feels surreal, right? Like we're dreaming or something." He said. "Don't pinch me, I'm afraid I'll wake up to realize I have to give that speech again."
Lindens smile widened as Lucas approached him. More glad than he should be that his friend had been the first to make the approach. thank you Luc. Congratulations to you too. You did great he said letotbg go of Caspers hand with a slight squeeze so that he could extend his right hand to Lucas not sure if they were in handshake, high five or one armed hug territory yet but leaving it for lucas to decide.
he nodded as lucas said it felt surreal I know right, how are we all here already. d-“ he started to say before he was cut off by Lucas actually answering his question no you are definitely awake. you did it. And it was a grea speech. unless of course you are a very convincing sleep talker in which case you did it and did a very convincing show of being awake/b] he said. Stopping when he realised he was rambling a little.
Cas was a wreck, but he tried to hide it. Big things like this always made him nervous. He tried to pay attention to Linden, kissing him back absentmindedly and offering out his hand without a thought. He hummed lightly in acknowledgement, though he wasn't sure what Linden had said to him. He let himself be pulled around, drifting and unable to really focus.

At least, until they stopped and Lucas was there. Cas was quick to put his hands in his pockets, sliding a half step away from Linden and giving Lucas a shy smile. He nudged Linden when the man started to ramble. "I think I'd rather a nap about now, too," He joked lightly, running a hand through his hair before putting it back in his pocket. "It's... weird, thinking its all over." He commented.

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