Olaf Mansion; The Visitor

Dominicus Olaf

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak Wand 14" Essence of Vampire Blood (Broken)
Dominicus was home for the holidays with a couple of weeks off work.
He had brought his girlfriend, Cassandra with him and was sitting in the lounge with papers in his hands.
"So many things need filing.." he mumbled loudly to himself, not noticing the scene around him.
Yakov had just got back from Durmstrang.
He had brought Aaliyah home for the holidays and wandered into the lounge where his workaholic brother was.
"Well you had better get to work then." Yakov said sarcastically, dropping onto the arm of the sofa casually.
"Where's Zdravvy?"
Aaliyah wandered in quietly behind Yakov which was something she rarly did. (That being quiet) She gave his brother a small smile as she recognised him, "Heya" she said, and hung around with Yakov. When he sat down she thought to herself how rude and pushed him properly into the seat so she could sit down too.
Dominicus groaned, "This work is very important, you've never had a job so run along and play."
He was annoyed at his brother and didn't even notice the girl Yakov was with, his concern suddenly changed.
"What do you mean 'where's Dravvy?' .. You were supposed to bring him with you.. OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE, Yak!"
Dominicus stood up furiously and headed out the door to apparate to get Zdravko. Cassandra followed him.
"Hey!" Yakov said as Aaliyah pushed him into the seat.
He sniggered as he brother shouted at him and left the room.
"Uh.. Whoops." He laughed. He had forgotten all about Zdravko.
Now it was just him and Aaliyah.
This made Yakov smirk. "Hey, remember the last time we were alone together." He winked at Aaliyah.
Aaliyah laughed at the fact he'd forgotten his little brother. When Yakov said that suddenly Li jumped out the chair as if something had shocked her. She had turned pale. "Um yeah about that." she said, colour quickly rising back into her cheeks. She'd tried to push it out of her mind.
"Hmm?" Yakov said, looking up to her with a dreamy look on his face.
"Something the matter? I mean.. if it's about what happened.. Well, I thought we had fun."
He turned his head sideways a little, still relaxed on the sofa.
Aaliyah seated herself. She had to knowing she would probably faint if she thought about it to much. She had to just tell him and get it out quick. She leant over, taking his hands in hers and gave him a small kiss on the lips. She drew back just an inch, before whispering, "I'm pregnant"
Yakov had not been expecting to be kissed. What he expected even less was this news.
All the color drained from his face.
He backed away a little from Aaliyah.
"N-no.. No, that's not funny.." He stood up, shaking his head and backing away. "And it's.. The dad is.." He didn't have the strength to say it.

((Brb for bath))
(Soz its from libby lol)

Aaliyah sighed, she knew this would happen. She held her head in her hands, refusing to look at Yakov. "Well i had to tell you!" she protested. It wasn't her fault. She didn't wan't to see how he reacted. "Fine." she stood up and crossed her arms. "You don't have to be a part of any of this you know" she said, if he wanted to back out he could. She'd just find someone else.
Yakov sighed, pushed back his face and said "Wait."
This was his fault. This was his responsibility. Aaliyah was having his baby.
"Aaliyah, I want to help." The words shocked Yakov as he said them for they had come from his heart rather than his mind.
"I want to be a daddy."
Aaliyah stopped and looked him straight in the eye. She walked over a place a hand on his arm. "You sure?" she asked, knowing it would be a life changing decision. She wasn't ready herself, but what choice did she have? She was only seventeen!
Yakov nodded before leaning to kiss Aaliyah.
"You and the baby can live here. Everything is going to be ok."
Aaliyah was shocked when he said the next thing. "Live here?" she repeated. She didn't believe she could leave her friends back in Britain. She couldn't do that to them. Could she? Aaliah took a seat and put her head in her hands. She had no parents to tell, and now she'd told Yakov she felt like she'd given away her secret.
Zdravko kicked open the front door and began yelling something for the fun of it.
He then pushed open the lounge door and stared.
"You're that girl my brother likes." he said, his eyebrows raising to his hairline. He knew they had met before but he enjoyed reminding people of awkward 'secrets'. "I don't see why you two don't just get married, have babies and go and live in one of the other mansions."
Zdravko sneered and skipped from the lounge, thundering upstairs to the study.
Yakov cringed as Zdravko mentioned about having children.
Then, Yakov's heart felt like it missed several beats. He turned pale and let out a high pitched squeak.
"Family tree!" He hissed to Aaliyah before running upstairs after his brother.
They would be in serious trouble if his brother checked the tree for it listed any relative, alive, dead and even un-born.

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