Open Official Gryffindor Business

She didn't even look back to see if Jasper was paying attention, she just stood her ground. "It was my, I instigated it and I took a letter from your office to do it with," she told him, not seeing any point in lying. She had been the one to write the forged signature and she'd encouraged Jasper to keep going with her even when he'd said he wanted to go back. "He just came with me when I asked him to, because he's a good friend, the rest of it was me, I thought it would be funny."
The word punish made Jasper flinch. It conjured up images of something far worse than losing house points or detention. When he noticed Tori block his way and go all Gryffindor on him with a full confession, Jasper felt uncomfortable and immediately wanted to tell her off for being so noble. However, they were Gryffindor's and she was doing a very Gryffindor thing. He hung his head, ashamed to be going along with this, "Something like that," He mumbled, not wanting to give Professor Cade more information than he needed, but also not contradict Tori. He could have fallen on his sword and sworn a collaboration but honestly, he didn't need to. He lifted his head and flashed an awkward grin then added, because clearly, he was an idiot, "But I had fun! I'd definitely do it again."
Conan… Conan was probably not the shining example to be around impressionable children. He gets amused by shenanigans easily and was more prone to join his kids than reprimand them. Unless it was something dangerous. What Victoria did could get her into trouble in the future if she ever tries it again. Though sneaking out to explore the castle after curfew was hardly something Conan would label dangerous. Annoying probably. But not dangerous. As long as they didn’t leave the castle itself, Conan didn’t really intend to take points. The problem now was that he wanted to give points because the two of them were very, very amusing. And well, as a Hufflepuff himself, he could admire loyalty even if it was wrapped around all that Gryffindor. He could appreciate that too. He’s married to a Gryffindor after all. He couldn’t even help the snort of laughter that escaped him from Jasper’s admittance and he had to clear his throat. He could only smile sheepishly at his colleague though because well, what else was Conan to do. He’s already reminding himself that he’s not in trouble with Victoria and Jasper. He really wanted to give points but he’ll probably ask James later when the kids are gone.
James appreciated that Jasper stepped forward to stick up for Tori just as much as he was glad that she owned up to her role in the forged note. It was a shame to dock them points, but he wouldn't be doing his job as head of house if he didn't. "Thank you for telling me the truth, but nothing gives you the right to be out of your dorms after curfew, I'm taking twenty points each off you for breaking curfew, and a further twenty from you Tori for the forged note, now both of you get to bed,"
Tori's jaw clenched, somehow, that was fair and yet she still didn't like having points taken off of her, she almost couldn't believe he would be so willing to deduct points. She didn't think the curfews were very fair if she was being entirely honest and okay, sure, she'd stolen a letter from his office and forged a note, but that was just... well it hadn't hurt anyone. She had known he would take points, but it didn't stop the wave of betrayal that sat heavy in her chest, as though James had any choice and he'd chosen the simplest path. She didn't say anything, but whipped around, pushing Jasper through the portrait hole to head back into the common room and probably to bed.

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