Open Not supposed to do this.

Lily listened as the Professor spoke not that she cared at all. She made sure to walk between Ruben and the Professor, if one of them had to het eaten it was definitely not going to be her. A bright smile appeared on her face as the Professor said she had common sense. It was true. But of course Ruben just had to squeeze a lie in there too.Lily just turned to Ruben and smiled pathetically and mumbled " Thanks. So sweet "
Lily wondered how much Ruben lies to his parents and siblings, he seemed to be good at it. Lily was totally against lies, but for now it was her only choice to go along.
"Common sense must have escaped you both on the forest trip idea," Angel muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose as the Slytherin boy continued chattering. "It was always my dream, as an educator, to spend my nights chasing kids around in the forest," He said dryly. "A word of advice, if we want to keep this little trip to just a very stern warning, I suggest you stop talking very soon," He added, giving the boy a tight smile and hoping he conveyed the message that the Slytherin was pushing his lucky clear enough. Angel really didn't want to have to deal with a late night visit to Professor Styx because a first year didn't know when to quit. There still seemed to be some tension between the pair as well, but Angel was going to just chalk that up them being caught and leave that one alone. They finally exited the forest and Angel continued vaguely herding the pair across the lawn, eager for them to finally be back at the castle and out of his hair. "C'mon, I want to see you both on your way to your respective dorms."
Ruben was a bit surprised that someone who let them go so easily could also be so cold, he wasn't aware that the man would get annoyed at him making small talk. But he decided to shut up and start praying that this person would never ever ever be his teacher. That would just be awkward and they would just find the situation unpleasant for both.
They walked to the castle in absolute silence, it even looked like it was someone's funeral. Ruben wouldn't give up so easily about his Thestral hunting, maybe he would talk to the Care of Magical Creatures teachers.
Once they arrived the boy headed back to his common room and into his dorm, maybe next time he would wear an invisibility cloak.
Lily looked around while walking, the Professor and gotten annoyed by Ruben's small talk and now he was just a cold person. They walked back to the castle in silence. When they got there the Professor said to head back to their dorms. Which Lily did after she waved Ruben goodbye. It hadn't been a very pleasant evening , but if she were to go into the forest again , she would definitely be sneakier.

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