Not just a Walk

Toni heard Sam laugh and she did wonder why but Toni didn't want to talk about Beau, not now and not with Sam. "You care too much what people think of you" Toni said smiling. Though really it was something about Sam's caring that she liked so much about him. As he held her tighter Toni never wanted this time to end. It was unfair that the sun had made it so that days had to turn into nights.

Toni smiled brightly as Sam placed a daisy behind her ear. A slight shade of pink came to her cheeks. "Perfect" She said turning to look at him. "You know I think half the first years don't think we are going to make it" Toni said her voice basically blank. "But I think we are going to prove them wrong" She added a smile on her face as she spoke the words.
Sam raised an eyebrow, "Really?" he sounded suprised. For a moment he wondered why, but then he thought of the odds: Toni was beautiful, Sam didn't stand a chance against any other boy. She was a Slytherin, he was a Hufflepuff. That was probably the main one, he decided not to think of any more. Those houses didn't seem to have a good reputation together. But maybe Toni and Sam might prove them wrong.

"I agree. Why wouldn't we make it. I'm crazy about you and only you. I'm going to make sure we make it through." he winked to her.
Toni smiled as Sam seemed surprised that people doubted their choice in dating. It was more doubting what Sam saw in Toni. Toni had heard that a bunch of times already. Everyone would say I don't know what he sees in you. Though at times Toni wasn't sure. Though she was glad that he saw something in her that the others didn't.

"I'm glad you agree" Toni said keeping herself from blushing when Sam said he was crazy for her. "Well then if you are going to make sure of it I guess there is nothing to worry about" Toni said though she really wasn't worried about it. They had gotten through the hardest part of accepting the houses or at least she thought that was the hardest part. Now they just had to sort out the other things that Toni just didn't want to think about right now.
Sam shook his head slowly, "Absouloutley nothing to worry about." he grinned at her childishly. The sun began to set nicely. There was beautiful streaks of lilac painted across the sky along with oranges reds and yellows. He leaned his head in closely to hers so that their lips almost met. He kept his gaze with hers never looking away. Not even to the beautiful sunset around them or what effect it had on the scenery. He blinked slowly, he kissed her softly on the lips...
Toni couldn't help but let one laugh escape. This was all too perfect. She looked carefully up at the sky for a moment before she turned her head back to Sam to say something about how beautiful the sun set was. Though she realized aht they were so close. It was a good thing that Toni knew how to keep her cool or she might have just flipped out at the moment of this. The moment where they just stared at each other keeping eye contact was almost too wonderful. Though soon Sam leaned that centimeter more and kissed her. Thousands of thoughts rushed through Toni's head. None that she could remember after the fact though.

Toni lent back a bit after awhile. "You are just amazing" She said as she just felt the whole area become something else something so much more when the sun began to set.
Sam laughed a bit after what Toni said, "What?!" Sam wondered why she would even date someone like him. "Your the amazing one!" he took up her hand slowly. He then finnaly broke their gaze and looked around. Everything was golden. It was like it was almost covered in glitter. "Look.." he whispered to her. Even the grass shone brightly. It was almost said that the sun would set and this would disappear. But he looked forward to what the moons affect was. He sighed at its beauty. As he took in every detail he saw that there engravings had caught the golden fire. The shone brightly on the tree, it was clearly readable. He smiled at this fact.

He turned back to Toni, how beautiful she looked in here...was undescribable. He smiled to her. It was all he could do. It was breathtaking.
Toni wanted to roll her eyes at Sam but stopped herself. He really didn't get it. How he was the guy everyone loved and liked and Toni was just that girl on the hate list. "Whatever you want to believe" Toni said smiling as she held Sam's hand as well and followed the broken gaze to the area around them. "oh my g.."She began not even able to finish. It was breath taking, just so wonderful. The moon, the grass, their tree. It was there spot. There wonderfully perfect spot.

Toni's eyes wondered about the place for what seemed like ever. She was trying to capture every detail every bit of it. Finally she returned her gaze to Sam "This is so" She began again loss for the right word "wow" She said knowing that that wasn't even close nonetheless an adjective.
"I know right..." he said nodding in agreement. "I can't imagine any other place be so wonderful or beautiful!" he said in amazement. "Its almost like its not happening." he added. His voice was low almost wispy in amazement. But he felt like what he said was true...maybe it wasn't happening. Everything was so perfect it couldn't be real. But their kiss felt really real, he finally came to the conclusion that it was real. His heart thumped hard in his chest. It'd be a pity to see this go once the sun went down but then again the moonlight would bring a whole other effect.
At least Toni wasn't the only one amazed by this moment, by this place, by this situation. Though as Sam mentioned that it seemed like it wasn't happening a small laugh escaped from Toni's mouth. "You don't know how many times that has run through my head" Toni said quietly. The moment just seemed to scream silence. "I've just recently come to the conclusion that it is happening." She paused "it's all real" She added looking around mostly at their names almost glowing in the moonlight.

"And it's all happening as if it was meant for us" Toni said smiling at the names that would be there and for always. It was all a bit much to take in how long their names would stay there and how many nights the moon light would change this beautiful place into something so much more, it didn't seem possible.

Toni glanced at Sam out of the corner of her eye. "All happening because you broke your curfew" Toni added as she glanced back at that huge tree that she would come to visit so often.
Sam nodded, it was like it was mean't for them. He really couldn't wipe the smile of his face. As the scenery changed from the beautiful golden glow to a silverly cloudly wonder. It was almost colder but that didn't matter right now. He laughed, "Yes but also because your here...if you weren't this place wouldn't be half as beautiful.." he said to her. He watched their names now bouncing with moonlight and he knew there bond wouldn't be broken.
Toni could just imagine herself in a movie now. The background scenery was almost as if it had been planned by all those productions and such. This would be the seen that all the girls were aweing at and all the guys were rolling their eyes. Except this time it wasn't a movie. This time it was real. Toni was real and Sam was real and they were both here.

"Your compliments are going to make my head big" Toni added with a small laugh. She glanced down the grass and at it even seemed special. Now maybe Toni was actually enjoying the outdoors for the first time in the longest time. Though deep down she knew it was because she just loved this spot so much that made the outdoors not seem as bad.

She carefully brought one hand up and gave her arm a small pinch just to make sure it wasn't a dream. Sure it was a childish thing to do and as this day planned out Toni did not feel like an eleven year old, no she felt much older, but deep down she still was.
Sam laughed, "Whatever.. I'm just saying how it is. " he shrugged with a smile on his face. He noticed her pinching her arm, he smirked, "I feel like doing that too." he said nudging her. He lay back on the grass, stars began to pop up all over the place. He watched the silent sky above him and he put his hands behind his head. "Have you any interest in Astonomy?" he asked her.
With a small shake of her head at Sam, a smile then appeared. "Well let me save you a pinch and tell you that it is not a dream" Toni said wondering how something could feel so much like a dream. As if in moments Toni was going to be flying without a broom.

Toni followed Sam's suit and laid down in the grass. Her eyes managed to find their way to the sky that looked so much more different than back home. It seemed so much more endless and open. At the first sign of the first star Toni closed her eyes and whispered "I wish I may I wish I might I wish on the first star I see tonight. I wish that" Toni broke off as she made her wish in thought not daring to say it aloud.

"Actually I've not heard too much about it. I like Astronomy better than Astrology" Toni said thinking about the horoscopes Skye used to read all the time. "But I guess if the classes were taught more like this it would be my favorite subject" Toni said a smile growing ever so slightly on her face.
Sam looked at her when she lay beside him and he took her hand. Sam was glad she didn't know much about stars, "Well thats good because you see that big bright one. That ones name is Toni." he laughed. "I'm starting to dread Divination of all things.." even the thought sickened him. "..or muggle studies." but he wasn't going to think of school, not here, not now. This moment was to perfect to dwell on negetive things.
Toni let out a small laugh as she turned her head to face Sam. "Well I'll keep that in mind if it appears on our Astronomy final." Toni said smiling as she turned to face the sky once more. "Don't worry about Divination or Muggle Studies" Toni said "You are not a third year yet" She continued wondering how someone would think so far ahead. Toni lived in the present and sometimes dwelled on the past, in which become a problem.

"Now when we are two years older laying in on the cold grass then I will let you bring up Divination and Muggle Studies. Both that I would not be caught dead in" Toni said knowing that Divination seemed like a load of crap and she would never live down being in muggle studies, not that she would want to anyway.
"Right..Ha! Sorry about that." He laughed, he just felt so relaxed here, he almost spoke his thoughts. He had to agree with her the grass was cold, "Do you want my jacket or anything? I don't mind, I have a jumper underneath." he grinned stupidly at her. "So have you met any girl friends yet?" he asked her concerningly. He had remembered from a time before that she said she mostly had male friends but that didn't bother him in the slightest. He had met a few more good friends that he was sure he would stay friends with.
Toni could only smile as she felt as almost like she could fall asleep right here on the spot. She was just so relaxed and comfortable. "Oh no" Toni said when Sam offered his jacket. "I'll survive." She added. Toni wasn't that cold at all. Nothing she couldn't handle.

Though as Sam asked if she had met any girls that she cared for Toni tried to smile. "You know I am not very good in that department" She said thinking about how back home she had friends of both gender but here it seemed so different. "I guess I've met a few people. Some that I can consider friends some I can talk to if I get bored. " She said wondering if it bugged Sam that she had few friends that were girls.

"It doesn't bug you that I have mostly guy friends" Toni said turning towards him "Does it?" She asked.
"If your sure then.." he said but he believed her when she said she wasn't too cold. Then she asked if he minded her having guy friends "What?! No, not at all." he said. "I mean I trust you and all..if thats what you mean." But he didn't see the big deal, he had a good few girl friends he hoped that didn't bother Toni.
Toni's eyes stayed almost glued to the sky. She hadn't ever done this before that she could remember, watching the stars or at least not like this. Though when Sam said he didn't mind that Toni had guy friends she smiled brightly. "That's good" Toni said "Because I don't think I can go friendless all year" She added thinking about how all her best friends were guys.

He trusts me Toni thought happily determined never to break that trust.
Sam astonished, "Toni your not friendless, I mean you definietly have me-" he beamed, "--and always will. You have Knight and Beau and who needs hundreds of friends anyways?" he laughed. "You haven't even gotten to school yet and you already have us." He winked at her. "You trust me right?" he asked her, "Hanging arpund with girls and all...?" Sam did have a good few girl friends though none where as important to him as Toni, he would never do anything stupid like that to her.
Toni smiled. "I know I have a few" Toni said "And your right who needs a bunch of friends when you have enough close ones" Toni said thinking how in a way she did have plenty of close friends. That was just the way she was though. It was hard for Toni to have an average friend. There were people that Toni could stand, people Toni hated, and then there were her best friends. The others were just sort of there. It had always been that way though.

"Trust you" Toni said as she looked like she was thinking about it "Of coarse" She said finally wondering why on earth she would ever not trust him. "It's the girls I don't trust though" Toni teased letting a small laugh escape. "But no I do trust you Sam" She added actually meaning it. That meant a lot actually for Toni to trust someone as much as she did.
Sam was glad, no he was thrilled se had trust him this much. It was nice to have someone trust you as much as you did to them. "Ah! Don't worry about them, they wouldn't do anything." he said calmly, though he was sure that nothing would ever happen.

He turned his face away from Toni and found himself looking at the dark sky once more. "Hey look full moon." It was amazing, so bright and it sent out what looked like white beams all over the place.
Toni smiled as Sam seemed so calm about it. Maybe nothing would ever happen to break this apart. Toni could only hope. "You're right" Toni said as she looked up at the sky. Sam was right it was a full moon. Usually they were nice but when Toni was inside. Outside she didn't know what could be about. Werewolves came out during a full moon didn't them. The thought made Toni unconsiously shiver.

Though looking out at the scenery seemed to calm her a bit. This place was amazing whether it was day time with the sun shining bright, darkness just setting, or the night of the full moon. It was almost like the land was showing them both what it could really do in every point. "Don't werewolves come out on a full moon?" Toni asked hoping that she wasn't ruining the moment but still werewolves would ruin it anyway.
Sam laughed he put his arm around her, "Yeah they do, but don't worry if they do I'll use my advanced skills at my wand." he joked, "They won't hurt you." He didn't joke there, he was quite serious. But the chance of a werewolf coming up to them now was quite slim. The thought of werewolves hadn't even crossed his mind until she mentioned it. "Anyway I'll stop worrying abut the future if you stop worring about these werewolves." He said referring to earlier about the subjects. "I'd actuallly like to see a werewolf.." he said absent-mindly thinking aloud once again.
Toni inched slightly closer as Sam put his arm around her. "Oh yes I remember that mansion perfectly. Nice wand skills there" Toni said rolling her eyes playfully. Actually as she recalled it she was the only one with the wand. With probably was one of the dumbest things they had ever done. Yet Toni would do it again in an instant.

"If you promise" Toni said looking up the full moon. It was absolutely breath taking just as everything else seemed to be tonight. "deal" Toni said smiling when Sam said he would stop worrying about the future if she stopped worrying about werewolves. She tried to push the thought out of her mind. What were the chances really?

Though when Sam said he liked to see a werewolve Toni gave him an odd look. "You are a strange one" Toni said shaking her head but not taking her eyes back to the full moon. "You know I've never actually watched the night sky outside before. I don't think I've ever really spent this much time outside before this" Toni said wondering in a way why she hadn't. The outdoors wasn't too bad. At least not here.

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