No right...

OOC First Name
After Years of dealing with her Magical Children she had finally palmed the youngest one off on her only Daughter, Loraine had successfully escaped two of her four childrens lives without being involved by leaving them with their fathers at a young age, she thought she had started a new life with Leo, a fully Muggle Man when their Daughter turned out to be a Witch as well, and with her last chance to have a NORMAL child she fell pregnant to yet another Wizard who thought he could live his life pretending to be a muggle for a women he loved but that wouldn't stop the child from being born with magic. Gone from their lives Loraine had married some Rich English Man and settled down, both with kids they didn't want to be involved with and Loraine was almost at the end of ever having children again, she considered that she could have one perfect child eventually, but that was a decision to be made within the next five years hopefully. However this didn't change the fact that some Woman had decided to tell her Eldest Son Blake who his mother was, Loraine had never had contact with this Woman called Eustacia but she wouldn't doubt that she was a Witch and had no respect.

Loraine used her contacts to find this woman after Blake turned up on her doorstep demanding Questions, Loraine ended up rushing out past him saying she had to go to Tea with friends and left him there alone with no Answers. The Building the Woman lived in was grand and Loraine would have enjoyed the visit if she wasn't here to let this woman know she had no right to stick her nose in others business.
Talking Under her breath Loraine Knocked on the womans door, she stood with perfect posture, her cloths neat and very posh, she looked like she belonged in a royal Family, and she had rubbed elbows with some of them due to her husband, but deep down she was a Normal Human who had been mixed in the Muggle World by total accident.

"Mistress, a woman is approaching the house." Twiddle squeaked, the house elf's bald head retreating from the window while his spindly fingers quickly drew the long, silken curtains, the bleeding red fabric falling quickly into place.

Eustacia raised her head, eyes tearing away from the books scattered across her desk and toward the frail elf, perched on the small window seat to the far side of the study. "A woman? I'm not expecting any guests today." The witch lowered her quill and rose to her feet, simultaneously closing the most recent book she'd been taking notes from, Cryo-preservation in Modern Science, as a knock sounded from the front door. The house elf nervously glanced at his mistress, wide-eyed and restlessly wringing his hands, the same nervous behaviour he displayed whenever anyone was at the house. He was all too aware of the type of sorcery his mistress dabbled in and the dangerous wizards she associated with. Every stranger was a potential threat. He feared not for her life, for she could be cruel, but instead for his own. Eustacia spared a disdainful glance for the small creature as she strode from the study and towards the door. "Ugh, pathetic. Go flee to your cupboard. It's probably just another muggle, you cowardly wretch." The Necromancer hissed as she snapped her fingers at the elf, a sign for him to get out of her sight. Not a second later came the sound of a small pop as he vanished, fleeing to the safety of his living space.

The house held no Muggle-Repelling charms, despite the owner's disgust for the race. She sought reasons to scare and torment them, so purposefully allowed them to approach and become an annoyance. Eustacia reached for the door handle and it turned in her grasp. She pulled, swinging it open as she stepped into the frame, a "No, I don't want what you're selling" or a "No, I do not want to accept Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour" ready on her tongue, though the lady at her front step didn't have the outward appearance of a door-to-door knocker. "Yes? What is it?" she said instead, frowning quizzically at the younger, somewhat arrogant looking woman.
Loraine heard some awkward scrambling coming from behind the doors, she raised an eyebrow before tucking her blonde hair behind her ear and waited for the Woman to open her door. 'Hello To You To, May we Talk?' she said plainly, At least one of them had manners, she wondered if the woman has slightly start losing her mind with her old age, Regardless of her magical Ability's or not.

'Oh Sorry, How Rude of me' she said looking to her bag and pulling out a folder containing all the research her oldest son had given to her when he found her and held it out for the woman to take 'These, I believe you had some involvement with, and I need to know Why..' She looked at the Woman up and down in the doorway 'Clearly you're far to old to be sleeping with my... estranged Son, Yet you feel the need to help him trace his roots back to his mother' Loraine adjusted her bag straps on her shoulder 'So how would pointing my Filthy Pathetic Excuse for a Son, Benefit you if it wasn't to win his heart so he'd run off and marry you or tell you he loves you.' she watched the woman and waited to see if this woman was going to answer her or just run off back into her house and back to her needle work or drinking tea and watch some magical Television show about Antique Magical Items.
Eustacia's face remained impassive during the Muggle's short outburst, silently taking the offered folder with an inward distaste. She briefly flicked through its contents, ignoring the younger woman's rant as her mind took out key words and searched back, recalling the wizard who'd approached her believing she could contact his deceased father. If she remembered correctly, she'd performed a fake Necromancy session and chosen the only name familiar to her on a list of women the father had slept with, who might have been the wizard's mother. She wasn't surprised to know she was right, apparently Mrs Chamberlain had a reputation for promiscuity and an unfortunate habit of attracting magical-blooded men.

Eustacia closed the folder and turned her attention back to Loraine, an unimpressed look etched into her features. "My, I don't think you have the right to be calling people filthy, dear." she said, sharp eyes narrowing on the muggle. She held out the folder and let it drop at their feet. "I didn't help him for selfish reasons. He required my expertise and I complied. No ulterior motive. Quite frankly, I find it ridiculous how your immediate reaction is to assume I have a...sexual interest in your son. Then again, your kind aren't particularly known for your intelligence." she finished, stepping back from the doorframe. Her hand tightened around the inward handle and she readied to close it, suppressing the thought of just apparating the woman over a cliff and letting her drop. "So if you're quite done, I have other matters to be attending to."
Loraine Shrugged off the nonsense that this woman was spurting about her Intelligence, she had no time to waste in the small things, She wanted this woman to tell her How she figured out that She was the mother to Blake and Her real reason why she did it. The Woman said that she had no Ulterior Motive but she couldn't believe that a woman would just stick her nose in business that doesn't concern her with no benefit to help some random stranger 'No, I am Not done actually' she said wedging her foot against the door so the woman couldn't close it on her, She didn't fear this woman, She couldn't use Magic on her, She was a.. as the Magical world would say a "Muggle" and what was the woman going to do, Hurt her? Loraine had been in plenty of Cat fights in her life, this Frail woman was no match.

'You think you have a right to use your Magic to tell My Son who his mother is when you have no connection to me What so ever, with no Benefit. I'm Sorry but by Looking at you I can tell that you don't do anything unless you have a benefit from it, Kind of like my Nephew, He always had to get some benefit from it, Help you pick up his toys, Only if You baked him a tray of cookies, Thank God I only have to see him when i want to See my Daughter, Which now thanks to you, I will have to get involved with, all Four of them live together.' She placed her hands on her hips and examined the Woman again, she knew that this woman didn't like her kind, and she didn't like This woman's either, Just from her attitude she must be a "Pure-Blood" she believed the term her daughter used was, Maybe one of the Death Eaters she used to get told about, Someone who hated things being Unpure.
'No Thanks to you. I thought i got out of your stupid Magical Community and now I'm dragged back into it. So I need to know Why. Why on earth would you want to "Contaminate"'

She begun Doing Air Quotations 'Your precious "Magical World" with my "Muggle" presence. I know how much you Witches and Wizards despise us, about as much as i Despise you. So You better have a Good Reason, because now i have to get cozy with Blake, Ashton, Kida, Aeon & Perseus So I can appear to be the Loving mother to my Husband who didn't know i had Children or even Nieces or Nephews and God Forbid a Granddaughter'
Eustacia sighed as the woman's boot caught in the doorway. She quickly scanned the street behind Loraine, wondering if she could just kill the woman right there and store the body with the others without a witness. Unfortunately, it seemed everyone had chosen that particular day to be outside. She huffed inwardly, attention back of Loraine, now ranting about her nephew wanting cookies and how he lives with her daughter. How it went from one estranged son to even more family members she had no idea, but she was growing tired of the Muggle's presence. That was, until she mentioned Aeon and Kida in the same sentence. It dawned on her exactly why the woman's name was familiar, as well as her appearance now that she could pick out the similarities to the young Frost. Perhaps it was fate. Thoughts and ideas formed in her mind. She could use the muggle to her advantage, given the horribly massacred relationship the woman held with all her children. A smile touched the Necromancers lips. The thought of bringing Loraine back into Kida's life gave her a small joy. She wondered just how much damage she could cause, and if it'd give her an opening to try win over her animagus grandson.

Eustacia held up a finger, halting Loraine from speaking further. "Aeon and Kida you say? Oh my, do we have a lot in common. You must be the latter's mother. Whereas, I'm the formers grandmother." she let she door swing open once more, one hand gesturing for the other woman to come inside. No muggle, at least living, had set foot in the house before, but exceptions could be made. "I think you should come in, we may be able to mutually benefit each other, if you'd stop with your childish behaviour. Do try and be aware that you're insignificant, a small insect under my shoe. Keep it up and you'll be crushed." she muttered as she turned away, disappearing down the hall. When this was all over, she planned on having Loraines corpse joining her ranks.
Loraine raised an eyebrow once the woman silenced her, She had finished talking so she was slightly confused but proceeded to listen to what the woman wanted to say. 'And Finally you see reason' She mumbled as she entered the house at the woman's gesture and allowing the door to swing closed behind her, Being in the woman's house was slightly uncomfortable but she didn't mind, She had been in far worse situations.

Loraine followed the woman down the hallway and readjusted her bag once more on her shoulder and untucked her blonde hair from under the strap, She examined the house, it was nice and tidy, But the design was something she knew as distinctly Magical. She was now able to tell the difference between a Magical and Non Magical house just by the design, She had been with quite a few magical Men and she always thought it was just a certain style they liked until she noticed the difference. Loraine pondered for a moment 'I Assume we can Mutually Benefit each other, but you do know the only way i will be satisfied is if I won't have any connection with my...' She paused for a moment 'Children' she continued, Avoiding calling them Disgusting as she knew that Eustacia would probably have an issue with her speaking badly of the Magical community too much 'So.. Grandmother, Are you on Good Terms with the Family?' she wondered, From memory she had never seen Eustacia at any family events, at the Children's Birthday's Alex and Leo's Parents were around, and if Loraine's parents were alive she would have invited them but never Eustacia.
Eustacia led the way into the living room as Loraine talked, only cutting in the tell her not to touch anything, and chuckling at the question of her being on good terms with the family. "The Summers', no. I despise my daughter's ex-husband. I'm the reason he left the country, and his family."

The elderly witch stopped as they entered the living room and sat down on a plump, comfortable armchair, not bothering to offer the muggle a seat. "It's only recently that I've forgiven Katherine for going off and marrying Alex in the first place. That relationship has been repaired. The twins, well, I don't quite care for Sern's opinion, he hasn't amounted to anything. But Aeon." she let out a short sigh. "He doesn't trust me after I "tore apart his family" as he puts it. I'd be able to talk some sense into him if it weren't for that wretched daughter of yours." Though her voice was calm, you could almost feel the hatred for Kida radiating out of her like an aura. "But, I may be able to help you with your daughter and her various half-siblings, if it distracts her from my grandson."
Loraine didn't plan on touching anything in the house anyway, She knew about cursed items she didn't want to brush a vase and suddenly be turned into a flower or what not. She Sat down on the couch since the woman obviously lacked manners of any kind and crossed her legs 'Oh That's right, they got divorced, the Perfect Little family was actually not as perfect as she Always made it out to be, How Sad.' she said remembering how Katherine always seemed to have an issue with Loraine once she Divorced Leo, They weren't family anymore because there wasn't any binding paper keeping them together.

Loraine flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder to get it out of her face 'Yes well Kida has a knack for keeping people on her side, She always said she never wanted to turn out like me how i lied to get what I wanted Blah blah' Loraine began knowing how much she hated that Kida had all of her siblings on her side, she never left their fathers in a cruel way, she just ended it and left and yet she was the bad guy 'I'm not Surprised Aeon is on her side, She manages to be able to turn everyone to be on her side, claiming she is right, Annoying, That is one Child I wish i definitely didn't have' she added. Kida was the only full Muggle Child she had and yet she still managed to have Magic inside of her, it drove her mad, she was thankful her current husband was Pure Human.

'This sounds like a Plan I would love to Support, I need these kids off my back, I need at least one of them to pretend to love me so my husband doesn't see me as a Monster' Loraine had a hint of sadness in her voice, Obviously it was played by acting but rather convincing. 'What do you have in Mind? Waltzing up to their front door and inviting ourselves in for Afternoon Tea?'
The dark witch scoffed as Loraine talked about Kida's knack for convincing people to side with her. It did seem to be that way. "Perhaps she's slipping them all a form of influential potion. I don't see the appeal to wanting to have anything to do with her. She's bossy, arrogant and too stupid for her own good." she remarked. The young girl acted fearless, but Eustacia figured that she was just too naive to realise how dangerous some people really were. Although the girl was an animagus, the Necromancer was still ten times more powerful. An expert in dark magic and a leader of the Scitorari. Kida didn't even have an inkling to who she was dealing with, her opinion of her as the nasty grandmother of her cousins barely touched the surface of who the woman really was.

Eustacia's grey eyes fell back upon Loraine. "Well, wouldn't be the first time I've let myself in." she said, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a smile. "I doubt a second try would be too difficult. She's probably neglected to even ward her home against me just apparating straight inside. Which means to...teleport, in Muggle terms. However, knocking isn't such a bad idea. With you there, convincing her, or one of the others to let us inside might not be too hard. A lot of people tend to give in to curiosity."

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