No Internet for a Week?!

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Taylor Mercer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
So as some of you may know, I'm going away tomorrow! I have a ski trip in Melbourne with my school. I'm epically excited because I've never seen snow before! There's also lots of other things I'm excited for as well as skiing, like seeing Ned Kelly's armour and going to a Tim Burton exhibition. Yay!
But with all this excitement comes the unfortunate. I won't have internet access for the week that I'm away. Oh noes! Which means no HNZ. I won't even be able to lurk!! The horror! So tomorrow morning, I leave for a week without any HNZ at all. Hope I survive, haha.
I'm sort of stressing a bit because we have storm warnings for tonight and tomorrow morning, I'm hoping the weather is fine because even though I have no fear of planes crashing whatsoever, I'd still like it to be nice while I fly. Also not looking forward to waking up at 4am to be at the airport by 5am. Oh joy.
So guys that's all I really have to tell you. I'll see you all in a weeks time! Byes!

Taylor, that sounds Awesome!
Hope you have lots of fun!
And i'm sure the weather will hold up
A week?! Try two weeks :r :p

Anywho hope you have loads of fun Taylor and don't fall or break anything :r xD

- Pat :hug:
Stop trying to compete, Pat. :p

Anyways, have a great time, Taylor! :hug:
Be careful! ♥
Have fun! And hope the weather holds up for the week *fingers crossed*. Enjoy the skiing too, you lucky thing :p Though we have even better skiing here in nz ;) Have a lovely week anyway Taylor :D
No interwebz?! MADNESS!
(Enjoy your time away. :) Tell us all about it when you get back and st00f. Pictures are mandated.)
I've missed out on so much in a week! Thank you all for wishing me a good time. It was amazing. One of the best weeks of my life. Snow is so beautiful and I didn't break anything! Although, I may have a bruise, or two, or three...
When I have a second I will put some pictures up in my blawg. It was so pretty. Thanks again guys and you'll have to fill me on what's been going down in HNZ world during my absence!​
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