Nicholas James Hyde A.K.A. Logan!

OOC First Name
Hi there folks! My name's Logan, and it has been a long time since I have roleplayed on anything. I used to be really into it in my middle school and freshman year, and then sort of fell out of it as athletics consumed my life. But, I've recently begun getting back into it so when I saw Hogwarts New Zealand in my Google search I decided to check it out. :) I must say, it looks pretty awesome so far.
Hey Logan, welcome to HNZ - I'm glad Google pointed you in our direction! :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and am quite pleased that you like what you see so far. ^_^

Our Site Documentation should be fairly helpful in getting you up to speed on the nuances of HNZ - but if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM and I'll try my best to help you out.

I look forward to getting to know you and seeing you around the board.

By the bye: What sport(s) tore you away from roleplaying? We'll have to banish them from existence. :r
It was cross country and track! (Also, throw show choir into the mix during the winter months) Haha. As much as I loved role playing then (And now) those varsity letters I got drew me in.
Welcome to HNZ. I'm David, if you need anything, don't hesitate to PM me. I'm happy to help. ^.^

Also, I run track too, 200 meter sprint here, what about you? Long distance?
Welcome to HNZ Logan! :hug:

My name is Jessye! :hug: Cross Country and track? I've always hated running. I wish I had the energy to do either of those sports. Show choir is pretty fun though! Glad you decided to join! I hope to see you around the board often!

♥ Jessye
Yeah David I was a long distance runner all the way! Every meet I did the 1/2, 1, and 2 mile race. It was horrible, but fun. Haha.
hi logan im the other david if you ever wanna rp drop me a line im always happy to help
Welcome to the site, Logan!

My name's Cyndi, and I'm the other admin on the site. My brother is a long-distance runner as well, and I just don't get how you guys enjoy it. :p

I'm glad you've decided to join us here and that you like what you see so far. Hope to see you around. :)
Nice to meet you other David! I definitely will message you sometime about RP'ing together!

The best way to tell us apart is either our grammar or the fact that his name will never be capitalized. He does that so that people can tell us apart. Also, everyone knows I'm the smexier David. :p
David Pike said:
Also, everyone knows I'm the smexier David. :p
And obviously the more modest David. :tut:

Hello, welcome to the site! ^_^

You can call me Tenilee and when I was younger I used to race, but now that I think about it I don't know how I ever found enjoyment in it. :r I'm glad you like the site, and hopefully I'll see you around sometime. If you ever want to chat, you can always PM me!

Hello,welcome to HNZ ^_^

I'm Johanna. I used to do long distance in school but now I'm more of a sprinter :)
If you ever want to rp or chat just PM me. Hopefully I'll see ya around ^_^

Thank you all for the warm welcome. :) It's also quite nice to see other people who've run before! Haha.

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