Name: Ngawaiata Kahurangi Martin
Meaning: Ngawaiata - Psalms, Kahurangi - Precious, a kind of Pounamu, blue (named for her aunt)
Birthdate: 30th of November, 2043
Zodiac: Saggitarius
Strengths: Optimistic - Independent - Cautious - Friendly - Sincere
Weaknesses: Restless - Unemotional - Inflexible - Temperamental
Being a Sagittarius born on November 30th, you seek adventure with a positive and straightforward personality. You take no refuge in familiar settings, as you are much more excited by the prospect of new experiences and people. This inclination may explain why you are always exploring new environments. Your friends and family are always excited to hear about your latest adventure, but they appreciate your optimism over all else. You can rarely recall a time where you weren't able to take something positive from a situation or person.
Hometown: Wellington, New Zealand
Birthplace: Taumarunui, New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Straight 11 Inch Sturdy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: Known to keep its magic from all but its master, wands with Acacia wood are rare to see and incredibly difficult to work with - usually these wands are only used by the subtly powerful.
Core: This wand core is popular with the dark wizards, but useful for all as wands of this nature seem to learn spells with more ease than other wands do. A wand with dragon heartstring will contain a great deal of power, so it is advised that the wand caster know how to handle such power.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Hair: Ngawaiata has long, very dark brown hair, falling in slight waves to her lower back.
Build: Ngawaiata is tall for her age, and on the scrawny side.
Complexion: A warm light brown, with freckles all over.
Style: Ngawaiata keeps her clothes as plain and unnoticeable as possible, mainly wearing dark and neutral colours.
Distinguishing Features: Ngawaiata's height usually stands out, as do the freckles dusting her whole body.
Playby: Danielle Hayes

Personality: Ngawaiata has never fit into the large, boisterous family she comes from, and has spent most of her youth on her own. When she does have to be around people she tends to be stiff and uncomfortable. Ngawaiata has always admired her mother's career, aware of the amount of work it took to get where she is, and that admiration has translated into big goals in her own life, Ngawaiata tending to put her own desires first and avoid situations where she has to help other people. That's not to say she's cruel, she does have friends and can loosen up once she trusts people, but ultimately she's a pragmatist who puts herself first, and prefers her own company.
-Ngawaiata is very dedicated to her goals, and once she decides she wants something she gets it done.
-Ngawaiata is very observant, watching the people around her and silently absorbing details about them.
-Ngawaiata is a fast learner, able to retain facts easily and draw on them whenever she needs to.
-Ngawaiata's preference for solitude can come across as coldness, and drive people away from her.
-Ngawaiata's pragmatism can lead her to put herself above others, and though she tries not to be cruel, she doesn't always succeed.
-Ngawaiata has a bit of a superiority complex, and often thinks of herself as better than the people around her.
Music - Ngawaiata grew up surrounded by music and has lived up to her name, excelling at both singing and piano.
Track and Field - Ngawaiata loves field sports, her favourites being high jump and cross country.
Reading - Ngawaiata has always been a bookworm, often losing whole days to a good one.
Personality Type: INTJ (The Architect)
It's lonely at the top, and being one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types, Architects know this all too well. Architects form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population - it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the Architect personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.
Strengths: Quick, Imaginative and Strategic Mind, High Self-Confidence, Independent and Decisive, Hard-Working and Determined, Open-Minded, Jack-of-all-Trades
Weaknesses: Arrogant, Judgmental, Overly Analytical, Loathe Highly Structured Environments, Clueless in Romance
History: Kristof Martin met Tui Josephs while travelling the world after being laid off at his job in Germany, and it was love at first sight. They married shortly after finding out Tui was pregnant, and several months later, Ngawaiata was born. Already certain they wanted more children, Tui and Kristof were devastated when they found out that they wouldn't be able to have another child. They devoted all their attention to Ngawaiata when not working, and she grew up... not spoiled, but sheltered. Though she has a large extended family, Tui and Kristof's home isn't in the same town, and as a result Ngawaiata didn't grow up as close with the rest of her cousins as they all got, finding herself isolated even at family gatherings. Her experience at muggle Primary School was a quiet one, making few friends and keeping largely to herself, with the exception of talent shows.
Health: Ngawaiata has a very weak immune system, and tends to catch everything that's going around. She has a scar on her left shin from a broken leg when she was little.

Goals: To find a purpose in life, and achieve her goals.
Fears: Large crowds, sudden noises, deep conversation, and debilitating illness.
Secrets: Ngawaiata assumes a lot of people don't like her, and finds it easier to keep wholly to herself than risk rejection.
Regrets: Ngawaiata tries to live a life without regret.
Colour: Dark green, blue, and purple
Food: Strawberries
Smell: Old books
Music Genre: Ballads
Animal: Wolf

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Mother Name: Tui Martin Date of Birth: 11/2011 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Radio Host | Father Name: Kristof Martin Date of Birth: 5/2015 Blood Status: Muggleborn Occupation: P.E. Teacher |
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Aunt Name: Kahurangi Josephs Date of Birth: 31/3/2007 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: HNZ Professor/HoH | Aunt Name: Anahera Josephs Date of Birth: 2/2009 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Seamstress | Uncle Name: Tane Josephs Date of Birth: 9/2014 Blood Status: Mixed Blood (Squib) Occupation: Carpenter | Uncle Name: Tangaroa Josephs Date of Birth: 9/2017 Blood Status: Mixed Blood Occupation: Artist |
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