Closed Painful Patrols

Ngawaiata Martin

🎶 stoic 🎶 not your friend 🎶 seventh year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sky) (Bisexual
Straight 11 Inch Sturdy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
11/2043 (17)
Patrols had never been Ngawaiata's favourite part of her Prefect responsibilities, though... it was hard to figure out if there would be much on the favourites list at all. It hadn't helped that she kept being saddled with partners she couldn't stand - Penelope last year had been fine, but the year before that had been a nightmare, and now... as little as Ngawaiata actually socialised with her schoolmates, she had become uncomfortably familiar with Marnie just through her constant loud presence. The Hufflepuff was exactly the kind of person she found insufferable, and now here they were, forced to spend an entire year together.

There wasn't even the usual bustle of people carrying on to and fro to distract as they walked the halls looking for anyone sneaking out after curfew, Ngawaiata silently counting down the minutes until she could head back down to the dungeons and put all of this to rest. The head students had to be deliberately torturing her this year, that was the only explanation. She closed her eyes for a long moment to try and calm herself down as she headed down the dark, quiet corridors with her insufferable shadow in tow.
Marnie could easily count the things she knew about Ngawaiata Martin on one hand: She was in Slytherin, she was a prefect, she was quiet, and she was pretty sure she was related to Professor Josephs. As far as potential conversation starting material, it didn't leave Marnie a tonne to go on. Mainly cause she didn't take Ancient Runes. Still, that had never really stopped Marnie before so she'd just gone with the shotgun approach. Eventually she had to trip onto a subject Ngawaiata liked, right?

"-So you'd think with all that time spent using pasta shapes for different art projects I would have gotten really good at cooking with them or something considering how much I ended up buying over the holidays but apparently you only need to get just a tiiiny bit of glitterglue in the pot and then suddenly you're not allowed to cook any of the leftover stuff anymore but it's fine thankfully I've got a little extra money since I work over at Scrivenshaft's have you ever been I can give you a great discount on ink and stuff and it's great for me cause I always loose my quills or like I think I've lost them and then I find them stuff inside my Charms book or one time I found one inside my pillow at first I thought it was just like, one of the feathers in a feather pillow but no this was definitely a proper quill and everything one of my roommates joked that I'd been doing homework in my sleep which, wow, I wish I could do it in my sleep I'm no good doing it when I'm awake even though I've really been trying lately since I want to be a healer and stuff," Marnie rambled, happily, doing her best to stay in step with her patrol partner as the walked the corridor. She'd never been worried about filling a silence and she was sure there was the added benefit that any kids misbehaving might hear her coming and scatter so they didn't have to tell anyone off.

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